Webmail up-down-up-down for last 2 years

Webmail drops in and out several times on most days. It last from seconds to hours. Verizon thinks my bowser settings or my router is the problem.  I don't see how that is possable with the messages I get (see below).  Anyone else having this problem?

CG Miller  - Virginia Beach, VA


We were unable to perform your request. Please try again.

We are currently experiencing technical difficulties. Please try again later. Server not responding...

Error while loading this page. Please try again or contact Verizon Customer Support. 

Your session has been timed out. Please Try Again ! (after 30 seconts)

HTTP Status 403 -


type Status report


description Access to the specified resource () has been forbidden.


HTTP Status 403 -;  type Status report;   message  ; description Access to the specified resource () has been forbidden.;
 Apache Tomcat/5.5.23  

7 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 3

I wonder how many others are in teh same boat... And I was told there was a problem only with my inbox because of another issue.  It would be nice if they could give us a straiught answer once in a while.  WHy cant they just tell us an email server is down or whatever the problem is instead of "our email team is working on the problem"   That tell sme they have nto a cluse a s to what teh problem is.

Contributor - Level 2

I have been having the same problem for months now. Mine happens just about every day between the hours of 11am and 3pm EST.  Happens on multiple computers (work, home, etc)

I have seen it reported by others also.

Enthusiast - Level 3

While I haven't had the problem for the past 2 years, for the past 2 months I have been unable to consistently log in using the netmail.verizon.net portal.  It accepts my login and password, occasionally will let me see the personal page and the emails.  Clicking on the emails throws me back to the login page.  This experience is reported by others in other threads, as well. 

 I've had somewhat better success with mail2web.com as a backup.  I'm puzzled as to why netmail.verizon.net is no longer a viable alternative.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Error code reported on bottom left of IEv7 is Line 54 Char 2 Error: Can't move focus to control because it is invisible, or of a type that does not accept the focus. Code 0.

Hope this helps.

Enthusiast - Level 3

I have also just found an option, on the first page, that will put you directly into email, rather than showing the first page with news and other information.  I still get timed out or forced back to the login page on occasion, but it's still alot better than before.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Yep, it drives me crazy.

Please see my version of this problem at:


I regularly lose composed mail when I hit send. I'm ALMOST in the habit of saving everytrhing first, or composing in a separate window. But whenever I forget: POW! "Sorry. The server is having diffiulty" or whatever the exact message is.


The Verizon UI is horrible.  I am constantly having issues with it.  I called for support once and they blamed it on my computer’s settings even though I have the same issue regularly from 3 computers in my house.  I have even had the same problems from other people’s computers.

For days now, I have been getting “We were unable to perform your request. Please try again.” After logging in and trying to view my email window.


Also, I often lose fully composed emails after clicking the send button.  I just get an error message and cannot send.  In this case, the only solution seems to be to create a new email from scratch.  I have gotten into the habit of copying an email text before sending in case it bombs out.


Today I had an issue where I was replying to an email and attaching a one page word document.  The attaching file icon was just spinning for several minutes.  I opened a new email via ‘compose email’ and attached the file and sent it while the other window was still spinning.

I’ll only put up with this for so long before I go back to Comcast.
