What the Flip Is Up With Sign In
Enthusiast - Level 3

I enter user name and pw and absolutely not a bloody thing happens. I can't get my flippin e-mail. Same conditions exist on each of three computers so the computer is not the issue. Every fricken few weeks Verizon pulls some kind of stupid blip. I am getting so sick and tired of your company. No body gives a bleep. The entire management team should get axed!

3 Replies
Specialist - Level 1

I am amazed at reading the problems noted in this sub-forum.  Most are based upon the use of Webmail and subscribers are NOT using an email client.

You don't even state how you access your email but you are enraged and ready to have the "...entire management team should get axed!".

Maybe if you used an email client you won't need that blood pressure lowering medicine.  For example, you don't even have to enter an Account Name and Account Password because the email client stores them and passes them onto the email server for you everytime you send or receive email.

Enthusiast - Level 1

I have the same issue.  But I will state it in a nicer way.  For the past two days, I have been unable to access my emails via the web.  Using my verizon/email & More/email.

I get in a loop that my session has time out and I am unable to do anything with my emails.  I can see them but I can not open them.  I do not have this problem with the setup on my Android phone or on my home computer using Thunderbird.

Specialist - Level 1


Vz is aware of the problem which has existed for *some* customers since 10/1/12.  Based upon various feedback sources, they are working the issue.  This problem, and for other reasons, just prove the point that the BEST email experience is to use a POP3/SMTP email client.  T-Bird is an excellent choice for an email client.
