spam email

I get anywhere from 50-100 spam emails every day.  I called tech support and they told me to log into the account directly (as opposed as going through outlook or iphone etc.) and marking emails as spam.  They said the spam filter would "learn" as I marked more and start to eliminate the spam.

It's not working.  I've been marking for about a week now, and no change.  Even variations of an email I already marked are still showing up.

What next?

3 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 3

I wish I knew.  I have the same problem.  I access email directly from Verizon.  Marking emails as SPAM has zero effect.  I've created several SPAM filters and made them active to block the most common SPAM emails I get, and even then the same emails get through to my in box.  Verizon's SPAM detector is absolutely useless.  It appears to block nothing and learns nothing from the emails I mark as SPAM.  It drives me nuts to see the same thirty or fourty SPAM emails every day with no apparent way to stop the onslaught.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Same thing here 50-100 spam messages a day, gave up marking them with the web client. No excuse when it's the same headers and content everyday! It's obvious Verizon is doing nothing to stop spam. I am beginning to get suspicious, starting to think Verizon is responsible for much of the spam?

Enthusiast - Level 1
I'm having the same problem. The fan filter used to work very well, however recently it seems as if there is no filter at all. I am so frustrated by this, and I am spending an extraordinary amount of time dealing with the relentless SPAM. Verizon needs to get its act together and deal with this.