
How the heck do I stop all the spam I get. I keep sending them to the spam folder on my verizon account, computer, phone, and iPad, but they keep coming in. I'm talking 15 to 20 a day...from the same companies! This is getting annoying as all get out!

2 Replies
Master - Level 3

@Schmeis wrote:

How the heck do I stop all the spam I get. I keep sending them to the spam folder on my verizon account, computer, phone, and iPad, but they keep coming in. I'm talking 15 to 20 a day...from the same companies! This is getting annoying as all get out!

You're getting the spam from the same companies because they have your (valid) address and are using it.  Are they from "legitimate" companies that you've provided your email address to?  If so, you should likely be able to unsubscribe to them on the companie's web site.  If they're from spammers trying to sell something for another company or scam you, make sure you've enable spam detection for you account using MyVerizon. There's no real way to stop all spam short of using something like Outlook and putting the sender on the block list, or just getting a new email address (not the thing we really want to do).  And never try to unsubscribe to real spam using an "unsubscribe" link in the message. If you do, you're just validating your email addess as being a working address -- which will then be used again and again and sold to other spammers.  There's a premium for spammer-validated email addresses.

Spam is a pain, just like those robo calls with no valid caller ID that we get from telemarketers who like to break the law.

Enthusiast - Level 2

The sad reality, as other will report on this site, is that Verizon's own spam filter is terrible, terrible, terrible.  Forget paying any heed to the web Verizon spam filter.  As the previous responder said, get Outlook, or use the Mac email if it's available, and mark things as junk.  Don't bother with the web-based product if you can avoid it.  The others work pretty well.  I have both Outlook on a Windows machine and Apple's generic email on a Macbook, and both do a decent job of putting stuff into junk mail regularly.
