How do you escalate an issue to someone that can actually solve the problem?

I am so exhausted with calling the call center and getting absolutely no where. I have regurgitated the same story so many times it’s starting to morph. How do you get in touch with someone who first, speaks English… and second can help?!? We had major issues with our kids gizmo watches… the customer service crew completely messed up the watch that was NOT broken. We had to get 3 new watches for the kids instead of one replacement watch. They tied the wrong phone line to the new watch and it killed a perfectly good watch. We did as told sent all of the dead watches back with shipping labels provided by VZW… 


now I have a charge for one of those watches. They have “confirmed” they have it. But these mysterious people that work in the warehouse or whatever haven’t been able to process the return. It was received in December 2023!!!


I have called monthly to try and get this resolved. No dice. I have asked for a supervisor. I was told no. I have been told each time they have created a ticket. Etc etc. NOTHING EVER HAPPENS


NOW I AM GETTING LATE NOTICES!!!  I refuse to pay for a watch broken by VZW themselves and now they are threatening to shut my service down.

this is nuts. I have been a VZW customer since I was a teen and I’m in my 40s


where is the loyalty?

Someone please helps me.

2 Replies
Champion - Level 1

Stories like yours are the reason why so many of us customers wish Verizon hadn't farmed out the majority of their customer service to an overseas call center, but US call centers sadly can't compete with the cheapie ones elsewhere.  I don't know if the CS reps who hang out at these forums are US based or not, but if you still can't get any resolution, you're going to have to take your case with whatever evidence you can bring to an outside agency (BBB or FTC).  That's sad that you couldn't just get reimbursed for the broken watches if it was a Verizon employee's fault they got messed up.

I'm not a Verizon employee, just another customer trying to help.
Customer Service Rep

Hello, Tortyeager. My apologies to hear of this experience as you deserve some answers and a resolution. Please tell me more. I see you stated you sent in the devices. Do you have the tracking numbers?

