Battery life of a LG Revere-3
Enthusiast - Level 3

My LG revere-3 is 10 months old and I have had to charge the battery twice in 4 days, and the phone has only been in standby mode for those 4 days, No calls made or received.

Should i expect better life for the battery or is it due for replacement?

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1 Solution
Customer Service Rep

Joe935, that low signal can actually be the answer behind your battery life. When the phone is working hard to get a signal it will use the battery at a much faster rate of speed. For example, when in the basement of my home I lose signal or drop to one bar. When I was down there for some cleaning, my battery, that typically lasts about 16 hours, was completely dead in 5 hours with very little, if any use.
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12 Replies
Champion - Level 3

Bare with me, I haven't had any coffee yet, but based on my math you get 2 days of standby with each battery. I get 1 day of use with mine and it's very minimal - I think you're doing okay.

I'm not familiar with that phone, but you could look under settings at any battery power saving methods; dim the screen etc.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Thanks Mii.

There is no battery saver, but i did make some adjustments to screen lighting. But since the phone is usually in standby mode that wont help much. Phone is mainly for emergency use.

Champion - Level 3

How old is the phone?

2 days isn't bad. I know that manufactures have phone standby times that are always something crazy; 5 days etc. I've never known that to be true.

Enthusiast - Level 3

It's just 10 months old.

Customer Service Rep

Joe935, having your phone charged when you need it is crucial. Charging every other day is not uncommon for a more basic type of phone. The screen brightness that you adjusted certainly can assist in adding a bit of life. There are other items that also wear that battery down a bit faster. For example, any text messaging, having the phone on vibrate, or using the camera, can all have an impact on the battery draining at a faster rate of speed.

You indicated that you have had the phone a few months, was this the first that you had to charge twice within 4 days? Were you traveling or did you notice weaker than normal signal at that rime?
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Enthusiast - Level 3

At first I was not leaving the phome powered on all the time, It is just recently that the phone is being left on. Where I live i am lucky to get signal strength of 2 bars at times its just 1 bar.

Customer Service Rep

Joe935, that low signal can actually be the answer behind your battery life. When the phone is working hard to get a signal it will use the battery at a much faster rate of speed. For example, when in the basement of my home I lose signal or drop to one bar. When I was down there for some cleaning, my battery, that typically lasts about 16 hours, was completely dead in 5 hours with very little, if any use.
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Enthusiast - Level 3

So the phone searches for a signal even when the cover is closed?

Enthusiast - Level 3

So I guess I will have to go back to my old way of keeping phone powered off, till i need it for emergency.

Thanks Loren, for the info

Enthusiast - Level 3

Some good points made here, and indeed, the best way to insure the charge is there is to turn it ALLLL the way off.  As there is info going in and out all the time if not just to keep the apps like Email up to date in the event you DO use it. And even mundane things like the date and time or your location for the Emergency call feature, or push notifications for foul weather and amber alerts (they send readiness pings you don’t see notifications on).

That being said...the effort to maintain a cellular connection to a Verizon tower is the most draining influence on the battery life, period. And when I lived In Mobile, the service there was nonexistant - despite their pretty red coverage map (did they ever settle with the FCC for lying about that map? They’ve been in court forever). And like most of you I’d used their website to enter I. My zip to check before moving there and picking a provider. All lies.  Which was obvious, because physical proximity to a tower does not mean squat if the dish on top of the tower is facing the other way... but didn’t think about that till I was locked into a two year contract and couldn’t make a phone call. 

I mention that, because my phone was constantly warm/hot due to its undying effort to stay connected to the network. I had an LG premier that got so hot it warped the phone into a curved shape that cracked the screen, then an LG fortune that I bought two batteries for, then a K20 plus.... I’d had that 2 weeks before it quit charging. They refused to replace the battery cuz they “no longer sold such an outdated phone. That’s your problem”. So I called them back from inside the store when I stood in front of the phone in question on The shelf...for sale.

not saying these might be your issues.... but if you’re routinely in an area with cruddy signal, you battery will drain sooner and die altogether very quickly. 

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Customer Service Rep

You're correct, joe935. Phones will still search for signal while powered on. But we want to be sure your phone is available at a moment's notice if you should need it. As an alternative to keeping it powered off, you can instead plug it in when you go to bed each night or even every other night since you mentioned getting about 2 days of battery life. You have a great phone so let's make sure you use it.

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