Convoy 3 "Entering/Leaving service area" alerts

I can't figure out how to turn service area alerts off. I live in an area with poor reception, and since I can't reliably make phone calls on the network I pay for, I've always sent text messages from home. Service regularly fluctuates while standing in the same spot, so when I'm ready to send my text message, I hold the phone over my head or put it on a shelf. As of three days ago, I purchased a Samsung Convoy 3, and find it almost impossible to type. Every ten seconds or so, I get two full screen alerts that halt all activity: one letting me know I've left a service area, one letting me know I've entered one. I spent 45 minutes at a Verizon store yesterday and was assured a tech would call me last night, but I assume it was a joke because they knew full well what terrible service I have, and no one has left me any messages. If anyone has any solutions, I'd love to hear them.

ERI, Minute Beep, Call Connect, and Software Update alerts are all off (software was recently updated though). ERI banner is off. Global Data Roaming Access and System Select don't make a difference. I might add that changing all these settings is time consuming because the service alerts stop you from scrolling through menus.

Oh, and if anyone knows how to upgrade from XT9 text to T9 text, I'd be grateful. Thanks.

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3 Replies
Customer Service Rep


Thank you for reaching out to us. I am sorry to hear of your troubles with service. We definitely want you to have great service wherever you are at. What zip are you having trouble in. In regards to entering and leaving the service area, that should stop with the ERI alerts being turned off. Since this is issue seems to be rather serious for a while, we would want to review your account to check the area and everything else. Please follow me at TonyG_VZW and send me a DM with your mobile number and billing password and we can check on everything. This includes what happened with the tech call.

Thank you,

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Just to followup for anyone who finds this via search engine looking up the service alert issues...

The non-functionality of your phone is a feature. The same issue may be found in the Convoy 2. There is no way to fix poor design. In the store and online, they'll tell you they can resolve the issue, and they'll tell you a tech will call you. The tech will not call you, your DM on this website will go unanswered, and if you call Verizon, your call will mysteriously disconnect after an hour and a half. As a profitable business, Verizon must cut corners. If a customer is left without a usable product because corners were cut, an extra-profitable business must jerk the customer around until it's too late to return the phone. You have 14 days to return the phone, but after 3, they try to charge a restocking fee. If you alerted Verizon to the problem within 3 days but did not return it, you must get the restocking credited to your account by a Verizon phone jockey. There is no person you can request by name or position who has any authority to help. May thanks to the patient salespeople at the store.

You have 3 days to return the phone without hassle.