Deleted emails

Recently I started to notice that emails I read and delete from the phone are being deleted from my email service provider's server also by my Microsoft phone Lumia 928.  I could not even find the deleted emails under server's trash folder.  I do not want my emails deleted by the phone.

To the best of my knowledge this is not an issue created by Nokia.  Does that mean I need to delete POP email accounts from the phone just to keep my e-mail on the server??  If yes,  then the windows phone is not worth owning. 

Currently I found an inefficient  way to keep my emails on my email provider's server but then why do I need this phone if it is not going to function correctly????

Is this a Sync issue/bug???

It would be great if someone from Verizon and/or Microsoft could clarify this issue.

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3 Replies
Not applicable

You have to go into the email account settings and check the box that says " Leave Mail On Server"

After that you will retain the mail on your account to view on your computer.

Such a simple thing but it has to be set by you.

Good Luck


Thanks for the input. However, I was not able to locate the box says "Leave Mail On Server" under email account settings or under the the my POP email settings on the phone.

Please inform.

Customer Service Rep


I understand your concern, it's important to have access to all your email information the way you prefer. I see you've been pointed in the right direction; for more clarification, review #10 here . Let us know if you have any other questions.

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