Disappointed in Lumia 928...

I was in United States a while ago and bought Lumia 928 (I was in a look-out for a new phone). What I didn't know that this phone was manufactored on request from Verizon... If only i would have known...

First surprise was the disabled radio function. The chip is there!!! You just had to say to Microsoft or Nokia to attach the pin to the audio jack! This I totally blame on you Verizon!

Second was the fading sound. Only few days in and the phone started to randomly fade sound, while playing music on inbuilt loudspeaker. This one I could bear, since I still mostly listen to music via headphones or bluetooth speakers. At least till I noticed that it infected every sound coming from them - ringers, alerts (alarm clock!!!!), music.

Third, but most important, the speaker, which is meant for usage during calls is dead! Now the phone is usable as a phone only in combination with another device (headphones or bluetooth device).

And this all in a matter of two weeks!

During the third week I accidentally dropped it together with any hopes to on return policy... Plus, I'm in Europe.

One thing for sure you tought me - never trust a phone that is built on request, stick to one that is without any dependencies of a carrier.

P.S. I marked this a question on purpose.

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