How do you make Verizon take back their 8X HTC phone?
Enthusiast - Level 1

I have had Verizon since being forced to give up my Alltel account. It was not too bad a trade until the last three years, and now it is deplorable. I have paid for phone and data usages and not received much in return. I purchased the network extender(kinda redundant, ain't it?) and it made no difference whatsoever. Except cost more money. It sends and receives the same texts twenty-five times in a row; won't ring most of the time no matter what setting you chose; won't notify when texts do arrive; has issues with connecting to Wi-Fi; etc. When you pay for services not rendered, that becomes theft by taking and should not be allowed to happen. I have no choice but to TRY and use Verizon, but it is not voluntary. At the amount of money they overcharge for everything as it is, you would think that stealing customers' money would be almost overkill. I have complained, explained, argued, yelled, cussed and fussed to as many in this flea bitten company as I can, and no one does any thing! Except charge more money for nothing but slack to no service. They don't have an email that you can use, but you sure can talk to computer until they put you with a live one. If you DO talk to their "TIER" numbered techs, you will either think you are a complete fool, or they are. I am seriously thinking of taking the money they keep getting for nothing, and using it to hire a lawyer until I am truly broke! I figure by now, they owe ME at least  $4500.00 in back charges for services I never received and they would do nothing about. If there are enough of people like me who have had enough, then maybe these sorry greedy ones will find out that this is not acceptable nor legal.

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