I paid my phone bill but my data hasnt reset

Enthusiast - Level 1

I got the text on the 18th saying that I needed to pay my phone bill ($45 prepaid payment) and I did on the 19th and my phone should've reset on the 21st (today) but my data has not reset. I can call/text though. I have turned my phone off and back on multiple times now because I thought that would help it, but my data still isn't working, what do I do?

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4 Replies
Customer Service Rep

No doubt we want you to have the service you pay for.Our Prepaid department will definitely take care of you right away. Please give them a call at 888.294.6804, thank you.
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Enthusiast - Level 1

After several hours on the phone with customer service, (who didn't help me by the way) I figured it out in pure frustration and button clicking. I have an LG G VISTA, I hope these settings are the same all the way around.

Go to settings, then click Mobile Data, there's going to be a little drop box about 3 or 4 options down, right above the data usage graph. Click on those dates and make sure the starting date is the renewal date of your plan. It will give you the option of 'Change Cycle...' click and choose when your renewal date begins.

Waaaaaalaaaaa, data again!!!

Enthusiast - Level 1

IT WORKED!!!  Thank you !!!!!!

45 minute phone call with Verizon and they still couldn’t fix the problem... thank you so much for posting the solution!!!!!! 

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