Is Verizon finally going to release the Cyan update?

Enthusiast - Level 2

A guy I know who works there said it should be out before the end of next week!

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Enthusiast - Level 2

I spoke with my contact at Verizon again over the holidays and asked why the update wasn't released when he previously indicated. He called me back after talking to his friend in management and he was embarrassed to admit there is actually an anti-MS strategy due to their partnership with Google and not to expect it.

This makes me really angry. Verizon is not supporting the flagship Windows phone I bought from them. I can't even load the functionality it was advertised as having such as Cortana. Thousands of Verizon customers are being disrespected and they know it.

My question: When is Verizon going to grow up and stop acting like children fighting in a sandbox?

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15 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 3

Haven't heard the freeze warnings down below yet!!!

And, they probably won't.  They don't want to do anything that would keep Windows on their network, really seem to just want those users to step back to the android/apple world.

Enthusiast - Level 3

don't want android or anything"i". will change carriers first!

Specialist - Level 1

I've made the decision to wait until Denim is released.  If the Lumia 1520 on AT&T gets Denim before Verizon releases it for my Icon, I will definitely be leaving Verizon and getting a 1520 on AT&T!  Do yourself a favor and make the same plan!  I doubt very serioiusly that Verizon will beat AT&T to the Denim release.  They can't even release Cyan yet!  PITIFUL!

Enthusiast - Level 3

Microsoft still has it marked as "Under development".  When that phase is completed it will then be back "Under testing".

Given Verizon's business model (squeeze your customers dry) it will likely only be available on new phones on new contracts.


Someone from Microsoft said:

"Nokia confirmed with me that the reason Verizon is holding up the Cyan firmware update for the Lumia Icon is because Verizon is demanding that their phone apps (VZ Navigator, My Verizon, Voicemail, etc.) work "perfectly" on the device before they will approve the Cyan firmware update. They sent the Cyan firmware update back to Microsoft for "development changes" to ensure this happens."

Who is using those trash VZ apps...

Enthusiast - Level 3

OK -- I realize you cannot identify the person from Microsoft that gave you the Nokia information.  Can you at least identify the Microsoft division and approximate level of the person?  It would make a significant difference if the individual was a senior officer in a division that actually deals with this verses a janitor in the Windows Office division.


"MS/Verizon are working on some bug fixes-- VZW taking the quality seriously. We aren't sure how long it will take, but work is underway." - Joe Belfiore 10/30/2014

Enthusiast - Level 3

That is not same statement.  Nowhere does Belfiore blame the Verizon apps not working as the problem.


You can browse all the news in Windows Central | News, Forums, Reviews, Help for Windows Phone.

They have more than enough information.

Contributor - Level 2

You are nothing but a few digits to Verizon. It is not in Verizon's best interest to release the Cyan update now or ever. Verizon Wireless's mission is to increase profits for share holders and increase their own income/bonuses by providing the minimum amount of services for new and changing technology, not supporting year old technology. Verizon Wireless's executives, regional presidents, and employees wake up with this in mind everyday. If you would like you will get the most bang for your buck by contacting your regional president "kindly" asking them to make sure they are doing two things. One, training their employees on how to positively sell and promote windows phones. Second, make sure they are making every effort to expedite/streamline the update process. Anything other than that, such as fussing at them and making demands, will not get you too far. To contact them, use the address: Region Leadership | Verizon Wireless , then click "View Profile" on your regional president, and then at the bottom of the profile click their name beside "Contact:". Don't forget, do your research by reading about them before contacting them and as always be polite.

Furthermore, use twitter, reddit, facebook, google+, and other social networks to post about the cyan update on Verizon Lumia phones. Also, post questions on Microsoft's employees social platforms such as Joe Belfiore on twitter asking: "where is the Cyan or Denim firmware updates for Verizon Lumia users?.

Even more, email/snail mail your senator to start legislation making it were all device and OS providers will have the ability to update their phones at their own leisure such as how Apple is allowed to update their devices and OSs.

Enthusiast - Level 3

they will miss this "deadline" too. Maybe 2016? (but I won't be here).

Enthusiast - Level 2

I spoke with my contact at Verizon again over the holidays and asked why the update wasn't released when he previously indicated. He called me back after talking to his friend in management and he was embarrassed to admit there is actually an anti-MS strategy due to their partnership with Google and not to expect it.

This makes me really angry. Verizon is not supporting the flagship Windows phone I bought from them. I can't even load the functionality it was advertised as having such as Cortana. Thousands of Verizon customers are being disrespected and they know it.

My question: When is Verizon going to grow up and stop acting like children fighting in a sandbox?


Find that BS. Verizon would NEVER say what their business strategies are especially something that would be considered anticompetitive.

Contributor - Level 2

BS! If there were any truth to that there's no way the 928 and 822 would have gotten updates. I'm not holding my breath waiting since nobody seems anxious to tell us what "Early 2015" means.


generally early 2015 in most cases is within the first 6 months of 2015.  after that would be late 2015.