LG Cosmos 2 - Remove Backup Assistant?
Enthusiast - Level 3

I'm trying to remove Backup Assistant from my LG Cosmos 2. I don't need to have my contacts list updated on a daily basis. I've deleted it twice, and it keeps coming back. There's no longer an option to delete it like there was the previous two times. I also don't have a data package, so as far as I can tell, this is costing me an additional charge. How do I get rid of this program?

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34 Replies

I can't get to "options" 

I changed my number and now it says your mobile # has changed press ok

I press ok and it says the account already exists. Call customer service.

Customer services says Duh, I don't know. You have to factory reset the phone.

Can someone please help me? 

Enthusiast - Level 3

Hi Denise

What happens when you go to a PC and Sync?

What happens when you go to menu  apps

and start backup assistant from there?

Enthusiast - Level 3

Also, becareful.

If you read the VZW contract,

if you do a factory reset and have re download the App, and

or if you have to re upload your contacts, the Cosmos incurs Data charges.

I fought customer service and eventually got a credit on my bill.

Also, if you do some reading...

even if you but a data block on your line,

that does not necessarily stop Backup Assistant.

Enthusiast - Level 3

1. Start Backup Assistant

2. Select "Options"

3. Select "About"

4. Enter *73738#  *reset#

(note: it won't appear anywhere on the phone's screen when you type it)

5. Exit Backup Assistant

You will have to re  enter pin and setup  backup assistant again for it to work.

Contributor - Level 1

On my ENV3 I use the free version of back up assistant and I am never charged data, don't have a data plan.  Have had it on here about 8 months now and it works fine.  Mary

Enthusiast - Level 3

I hate this phone.

(how about a thumbs up if you agree)  ;-)Smiley Happy

I got it for my mom,

and she wanted to keep her old  brick phone.

I had an LG  vx8300,

better camera, video, audio messages...

the list goes on.  It was an awesome phone.

If it had not gone over the 14 days,

I would have sent it back.

The keys constantly stick, send blank messages,

or the wrong letter... or or or.....

I live in the Mountains.

Even if I wanted to, I have no use for a data plan.

I wish they made better basic phones.

Thank you for the heads up up on the Env.

Most of us Cosmos users probably wish we had one.


Enthusiast - Level 1

I just got my Cosmos 2 and I don't like it either  Smiley Sad  There aren't many basic phones to choose from anymore. I definately don't want or need a data plan but i think they(VZ) are trying to Phase out those of us that don't . The big money is to made from people that have their social life in their phone.  I don't like that I have to press the ok button twice to get to the menu,the camera edit options are crappy and I HATE all of the ads that run all of the time:(


This does work 73738# (reset#) but you need a code to reactivate it that you will be given.

Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2012 13:26:33 -0600

From: community@verizonwireless.com

To: rafjr13@hotmail.com

Subject: - Re: LG Cosmos 2 - Remove Backup Assistant?

Re: LG Cosmos 2 - Remove Backup Assistant?

created by dustfairy in Basic Phones - View the full discussion

I just got my Cosmos 2 and I don't like it either Smiley Sad There aren't many basic phones to choose from anymore. I definately don't want or need a data plan but i think they(VZ) are trying to Phase out those of us that don't . The big money is to made from people that have their social life in their phone. I don't like that I have to press the ok button twice to get to the menu,the camera edit options are crappy and I HATE all of the ads that run all of the time:(

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Enthusiast - Level 1

Jazzy0213, just like you I had an LG VX8300 that had more features than this Cosmos 2. I used it for at least 4 years. Funny thing is the Backup Assistant worked great. Mine ran every morning at about 0515 for just a couple of seconds. I didn't have to wake the phone up, wait on it to finish, press end, then have the phone ready to make the call I picked it up to use. And the battery lasted a lot longer. We're definitely taking multiple steps backward.


I, too, wish to get rid of it.  I simply have no idea how to use it and have no desire to learn how.

I don't know that it has caused any problems or not.  I have had Contact problems.


I also have the Cosmos 2 horrors, with Back Up assistant and the Spawn of Satan Scoop. After two weeks of phone calls and customer service telling me that "that should take care of it" more time than I wanted to hear, I "think" I have removed Back Up Assistant through a reset, then saying no to the app's (Back Up and Scoop) during the phone initialization. My problem now is the battery runs down within 24 hours without any usage except being on. I have two icons that randomly and persistantly come on ( The Phone - In State Call and the Opposing Arrows, Data Transmission) I am sure that is what is causing the battery to discharge within 24 hours, I called customer service several times and they have blocked Scoop, and now have put a block on the other apps on the phone (supposedly...) They also said my problem was the battery and replaced it. New Battery, fully charged and I still have the same problem with battery life and the mysterious icons from nowhere...

If you use a memory card in your phone, use the contacts Option, Manage Contacts, Copy to Card.....(every thing but Emergency Contacts/Info) You now have your contacts backed up....you can then go to the memeory card and tell it to transfer to phone and they will be restored....You control the when, and you don't have to worry about the App hanging up and draining your battery. 

Enthusiast - Level 2
"Spawn of Satan Scoop" really cracked me up     I got rid of that by complaining very loudly to  "support", who, I must say, were quite polite, but I'm old and rich and sue         posted the cure for Backup Assistant, *73738# (*reset#)  And you can restart it as needed.  I think I'll stick to a USB link.  Clearly all these cellphone providers profit most by satisfying the kiddies and their text crap.   I wonder what they'll do after the depression
Enthusiast - Level 3

There are over 20 Post on this subject.  I hope you continued reading and have found it.


When you are in back up assistant, this works with most phones.

go to options

type that in

okay or exit

exit out of backup assistant

give it 24 hours see if it pops up.

if not

it worked.

to reactivate when you want to use it,

just reinstall it or go to apps and boot it up.

Enthusiast - Level 3


then reset