LG Cosmos 2 double and triple tapping when depressing any key


Has anyone had any problems with their Cosmos 2 doubling and tripling tapping entries when hitting keys while texting or trying to dial a number?  When I text, I have a very annoying problem with having to go back and deleting extra letters and numbers that I didn't type.  My phone adds them on its own constantly.  My phone started off doubling letters and numbers and was confined to texting only but now, after several weeks, I see and increase of up to 3 when texting and has advanced to scrolling through my pics also.  I have to backup when I want to view pics to see what I jumped over.

Any ideas that might help?  Per my contract, I can't upgrade my phone for another couple of months and I can only hope it last that long, but right now, very doubtful that it will and Verizon won't allow me to upgrade early without paying full price for any phone I choose.

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2 Replies
Customer Service Rep

You should definitely have an excellent working phone at all times levs4660! Please try powering phone off and removing battery for 30 seconds & restart. Also, please try deleting some text message threads. Let's see if this helps.

Please keep us posted.

Thank you,

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I have the same issue with my Cosmos 3. It started with just the "s" and "3" keys, but was to the point where almost 1/3 of the keys I tapped were double- and triple-tapping.

I followed the suggestion of VanessaS_VZW and most of the issue has cleared up. The "s" and the "3" key are still problematic, but it is better than it was before I found this thread. Thank you for your suggestion.