LG Cosmos 2 won't call/receive calls or text outgoing/incoming

I bought a new phone and used it for a couple of days and it had a couple things wrong with it so I sent it back. I reset that phone before I returned it and then I reactivated my old Cosmos 2 phone.  No problems with reactivating the phone...so I thought.  I did this first thing one morning and I thought it was weird that I wasn't receiving any texts from anyone.  Towards the end of the afternoon I tried to make a call and nothing happened, the phone told me the call failed and to try again.  So I went online to make sure that I reactivated the correct phone and I did.  I took out the batter a couple times to see if it would jog something...nothing again.  So I went all in and reset the phone...again nothing changed it still didn't send/receive texts or calls.  Final straw I tried deactivating and then reactivating the phone...again fail. 

Has anyone else ever had this problem?  Is there a solution that anyone might know of that could help?  Kind of out on an island without the use of the phone and I am not sure if the local Verizon corporate store will be able to help or not...or is that my best bet?  Any help or direction would be appreciated.

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2 Replies

I reset my phone 4 times this morning and it finally started working again...not sure what finally triggered it but thank god it did!

Customer Service Rep

Whew! I'm glad to hear it's up and running, wilk29. Please let us know if any additional questions or concerns arise.

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