Lumia Cyan with Windows Phone 8.1 roll-out starts today (7/15/2015)

Master - Level 1

Microsoft has started rolling out Lumia Cyan with Windows Phone 8.1 to Lumia devices. With Windows Phone 8.1, Lumia Cyan owners will get several new features, including a third column in the launcher, Wi-Fi Sense, the new Notification and Action center, and — perhaps most importantly — Cortana.

On the Lumia-specific front, Lumia Cyan brings an updated camera experience with a newly simplified Nokia Camera interface "with one-tap access to edit and share" your photos. Creative Studio 6 is bringing new filters and image enhancement tools, but it's yet available from the Windows Phone Store.

The new Device Hub in Cyan makes it easier to track your connected accessories. By combining awareness of which devices are connected, when they're connected, and where they're connected (and when and where they loose that connection), Device Hub can tell you exactly where you last left that gadget. It will also offer app recommendations for use with said accessories.

Owners of the Nokia Lumia Icon and Nokia Lumia 1520 will see additional enhancements from Lumia Cyan. Already powerhouses when it comes to camera recording, the two phones are also getting enhanced audio recording with Nokia Rich Recording and Dolby Digital Plus 5.1 sound. Screen Share will be integrated with the two smartphones, so you can, well, share your screen. And the SensorCore SDK Beta will also be integrated, bringing additional motion and location data to apps and accessories.

Lumia Cyan is rolling out starting today around the world, though it may not be immediately available for your device. Microsoft states that it will be "available for all Windows Phone 8 Lumia devices in the coming weeks."

So check it out, give it a download, and let us know what you think of Lumia Cyan!

Source: Lumia Cyan with Windows Phone 8.1 roll-out starts today! | Windows Phone Central

Release by device by carrier as per Nokia, Availability in North America - Nokia <- Keep checking this page to see your device status.

Also check VZW software update page, Advanced Devices - Software Updates | Verizon Wireless

Now we wait for VZW to release it

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171 Replies
Master - Level 1

Tidbits wrote:

Sorry signs don't point to Verizon having it. I will say only thing and one thing only. If you really want to know if a carrier has an update. Find the FCC certification for the update. If there is none... Carriers don't have the update. I have yet to see anyone find the certification.

FYI it will never be under MS nor a carrier. They do not manufacturer the devices. Carriers don't touch code... No manufacturer let alone Microsoft give anyone on the outside proprietary code...

Out of curiosity, are there FCC certifications for AT&T?

Not applicable


Tidbits said:

Find the FCC certification for the update. If there is none... Carriers don't have the update. I have yet to see anyone find the certification.

[End Quote]

I guess only if you can find certifications from the FCC would be the real answer to your question Smiley Happy

Specialist - Level 1

Good point primortal! 

Contributor - Level 1

Can you provide a link to the FCC having record of any approved update? I don’t think the FCC is any way to confirm whether or not the update is in the carrier’s hands, because it is. Also it’s a known fact that carriers require their approval to release updates for WP and Android devices. They want to test and know what content is being sent over their networks.


iKnowPhones wrote:

Can you provide a link to the FCC having record of any approved update?  I don’t think the FCC is any way to confirm whether or not the update is in the carrier’s hands, because it is.  Also it’s a known fact that carriers require their approval to release updates for WP and Android devices.  They want to test and know what content is being sent over their networks.

I am not going to bother.  If people want to do their own legwork that's fine here's one of the places to find some certifications that all cell phones.  This is a requirement IF you want to roam in the US.  That includes cross cellular companies, including unlocking and using on another carrier.

The below is the the Z1S for T-Mobile(search C6916) and the amount of times it was submitted(means the RIL/HAL/Radio was changed a few times) If things like that happens it needs to get re certified by the FCC.  Verizon LTE devices should all be on here due to it having a GSM radio and LTE radio in service unless Verizon doesn't want these devices to roam or be used on other carriers(which then would violate Block C rules).  I don't know what internal numbers Nokia uses for the Lumina Icon (929), but it isn't listed as that on here.

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Contributor - Level 1

Are you sure this isn’t just for the phone itself and not an update alone?


The developers preview uses all the old stuff(drivers, RIL, and such). If there are any reported bugs from the preview about those things will more than likely change and the final result will be different. Don't base everything you see in preview as everything is working as if it was Microsoft wouldn't have called it a preview.

Contributor - Level 1

This isn’t entirely accurate. The dev preview should have the same drivers as non-Lumia devices. So for example, when the ATIV phones get 8.1 from Verizon, the version number of the OS should be the same as those in the dev preview program. Nokia just takes it a step further with driver optimization for specific hardware included in the firmware instead of the core OS. Basically drivers are included in both the OS update and firmware update. Those in the OS update should not be old, they should be as current as can be.


iKnowPhones wrote:

This isn’t entirely accurate.  The dev preview should have the same drivers as non-Lumia devices.  So for example, when the ATIV phones get 8.1 from Verizon, the version number of the OS should be the same as those in the dev preview program.  Nokia just takes it a step further with driver optimization for specific hardware included in the firmware instead of the core OS.  Basically drivers are included in both the OS update and firmware update.  Those in the OS update should not be old, they should be as current as can be.

Nope that is correct...  Notice you said "should", but should is not an absolute.  You said it yourself when you separated firmware, and OS update.  If they were in fact one and the same then it shouldn't matter, but the underlying thing is...  Since MS makes their code proprietary and so does manufacturers you can't say for 100% they are the same because you can't look at the code.


(Original Quote)

This isn’t entirely accurate.  The dev preview should have the same drivers as non-Lumia devices.  So for example, when the ATIV phones get 8.1 from Verizon, the version number of the OS should be the same as those in the dev preview program.  Nokia just takes it a step further with driver optimization for specific hardware included in the firmware instead of the core OS.  Basically drivers are included in both the OS update and firmware update.  Those in the OS update should not be old, they should be as current as can be.

(End Quote)

This is patently false and demonstrates you don't understand what drivers do and what they are for. Drivers are hardware-specific instructions for the OS to tell the software how the hardware is designed to run, which means that the only things that should use the same drivers are things that are virtually identical to one another (which non-Lumia and Lumia devices are clearly not). While some components are shared, that hardly applies across the board, just as it doesn't in tablets or notebooks (phones are just smaller versions of the exact same equipment). Firmware = the equivalent to BIOS for simple and SOC (system-on-a-chip) devices, and any errors can/will significantly disrupt functionality. The carriers operate their cellular networks differently from one another too (remember LTE versus non-LTE when 4G service came out? that's a simple example). Verizon does not run the same everything that other carriers do (in fact, aside from Sprint and T-Mobile to a lesser degree, almost everyone uses their own proprietary systems in/on their networks) which is why their cellular system is drastically faster than most of the other carriers (including ATT).

Verizon uses a much more complex system than the others do to a large degree, they have more to test and verify will operate properly, so their testing will naturally take longer. ATT is still using similar equipment to what they were using in 2010.. it's easy to test on a simple system, so of course they released the update first. All in all, the Firmware is almost certainly what is causing the holdup.. because Verizon has to make sure that the devices that receive the update to Firmware don't suddenly get terrible battery life, lousy cellular signal, spotty connection issues, or any number of things like that (phones are very complex for their size, hence how incredibly expensive they are to buy outright).

Could Verizon get it done sooner? Almost certainly they could, but they have to look at numbers and prioritize accordingly.. as long as WP users as a quantity are few in number, they will be prioritized after those that have a larger representation. There is not a single thing wrong with that at all, it's not somehow malicious.. it's simply Verizon doing what any business ought to do, which is prioritize taking care of the largest segments of their business first and working their way down the list. I have 2 Lumia Icons and got my Wife a Lumia 920 a year or so ago.. of course I want the update.. but I'm not going to pitch a fit because I can't get it from Verizon right now. =P I'm an IT pro, I understand the complexity involved in good testing.. it's not an overnight thing.. like, ever. The difference between ATT and Verizon? ATT probably did an awful test (very minimal, hardly comprehensive), didn't test at all, or flat out just pushed it out as soon as they got distribution set up (which from the time it took them, sounds like the most likely answer). Personally, I'll be happy to get the update period.. if I want the software update to 8.1, I'll go install it and get the Cyan update when it comes out.. it's not that big of a deal since we can do it for free anyhow. The only thing that would be nice, is if Nokia would offer the Cyan update directly instead of being forced to go through the carrier(s).

Contributor - Level 1

So if what I said was false, why did the OS number of the 930 match the same OS number I had on my Icon in the Dev preview? The firmware didn’t match because I’m still on Black while the 930 launched with Cyan. I know exactly what a driver is and what it does.

I also understand about how WP is a low priority for Verizon, I’ve been saying that all along. That still doesn’t mean I have to like it nor does it make it good customer support. WP would be a smaller market for other carriers too but they are at least releasing the Cyan update to their phones.

As for your claim that Verizon has a much more complex system than the others, sorry I can’t believe it unless you have some proof supporting this.


iKnowPhones wrote:

So if what I said was false, why did the OS number of the 930 match the same OS number I had on my Icon in the Dev preview?  The firmware didn’t match because I’m still on Black while the 930 launched with Cyan.  I know exactly what a driver is and what it does.

I also understand about how WP is a low priority for Verizon, I’ve been saying that all along.  That still doesn’t mean I have to like it nor does it make it good customer support.  WP would be a smaller market for other carriers too but they are at least releasing the Cyan update to their phones.

As for your claim that Verizon has a much more complex system than the others, sorry I can’t believe it unless you have some proof supporting this.

I said in another thread they were different.  You just said it yourself they are different. I said the DP uses the older firmware...  Just because that is working right doesn't mean they are finished because... Cyan portion is being worked on, and because of that it needs Qualcomm approval as well as FCC approval once completed to even move forward.

T-Mobile actually has the more up to date system(and complex system) than any other carrier.  The problem...  They just don't have to coverage.


I suppose in some ways you are technically correct about T-Mobile, although mostly just because they have the most hybridized network (using WiMax, CDMA, LTE, and other options all at once.. but that's also part of why their network isn't in the same realm as ATT and Verizon) ^.^. So I'll give ya that one Tidbit, touche!


Tthe 930 and Icon are the exact same device except that the 930 uses CDMA2000 instead of UTS, which means they are the exact same hardware, and naturally will use the exact same firmware and drivers. Literally the same phone(s), however the OS version number should always be the same anyway if it's the same OS.. the build number being the same should be expected because the OS is the same OS.. the device you load it on is irrelevant just like it is for computers. Don't forget that smartphones are nothing more or less than computers that we use as phones, just like tablets are just like notebooks and desktops, but in different shapes. A computer is a computer, and an OS is an OS (Windows 8.1 is the same build number no matter what device it loads on, because the OS doesn't care what hardware you load it on). Again, I'm not so sure you do know.. because the OS version has nothing to do with drivers at all...

As for Verizon having a more complex network.. ATT doesn't use exclusive tower-hopping like Verizon (which is part of why their network is slower) and opts instead to share fiber-optic backbones in some areas (which means more switching, which means more delays). Verizon bounces all cellular traffic tower-to-tower throughout their entire network, which means no transferring to different network mediums and all the overhead that builds up from each of those transfers back and forth (tower-to-tower is far more simple to negotiate, as the towers can pre-authenticate since they are always in range of one another which also makes them loads faster). Verizon is also running much more powerful hardware on their towers to maintain the substantially higher bandwidth needs of their substantially faster network. For instance, Verizon XLTE is as much as four times as fast as ATT 4G LTE in the exact same spots .

Verizon has more advanced/capable/powerful offerings because they don't have to share hands in the moneypot for upgrades like ATT either (Verizon FIOS has it's own separate everything except actual brand differentiation) does for instance between their Uverse, Fiber-backbones, and Cellular systems. Look at the 4G coverage from Verizon versus ATT.. Verizon beats them on coverage and speed. Verizon's network provides better service to the same devices as ATT (one example being the iPhone and Galaxy phones, since there are few others that are actually effectively identical across carriers). You can see some of that at, while you can also check each providers' coverage maps.

Contributor - Level 1

You really need to stop talking to people like they are clueless. I have been told by someone that works at MS that newer updates in the preview program, so newer OS versions contained improved drivers to improve performance and stability. You cannot directly compare our phones to PCs. I can install new drivers specifically for the GPU in a computer, you can’t do that for our phones.


Updated drivers only applies to the Lumia devices, as Microsoft manufactured the Lumia series via their subsidiary Nokia. If you don't compare a phone to PC's, you're doing it wrong.. they're just small computers (always have been). Windows 8 for instance, doesn't even bother much with more than generic  drivers unless there are special features involved (and yes, you can install drivers for the GPU on any device if the OS allows it, it just so happens that most phones and tablets don't because they are systems-on-a-chip that are manufactured for an individual phone/tablet only and are typically loaded with very user-control reduced Operating Systems). However, a snapdragon phone can typically use the same drivers/firmware as another one in the same series so long as the OS is the same. I'm not trying to hammer anyone in particular.. but I can't stand error that is purported as truth =\. Device driver | Define Device driver at Drivers are hardware and OS specific. Computer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As for the developer preview, there is indeed a newer version of WP 8.1 available (WP 8.1 update) but that doesn't mean you necessarily have it (or that either of your devices don't have it). =P Just like Windows 8 computers don't automatically have Windows 8.1 just because it's available, you either have only 8.1 with the update, or you don't have it at all if the versions are the same build. That said, as I mentioned in my last post - the OS version is always the same if we are talking the same OS version.. the drivers are only relevant so much as the OS actually uses them (which on integrated devices isn't much for most things, hence why firmware updates are so important). Drivers are a half-step between firmware functionality and OS functionality. They are largely efficiency routines anymore (which as your contact in MS mentioned, would make sense for improving performance.. not so much stability unless the old drivers were faulty though).

You can't install your own GPU drivers in Chromebooks that doesn't make them not computer does it >.<? The Motorola Razr I uses the same CPU/GPU as some netbooks, notebooks, and tablets.. does that make it not a computer because you can't install a driver? No.. it doesn't =P, it's a computer just like notebooks and tablets are computers. Tablet is a form factor, not a type of device just like Smartphone, Notebook, Ultrabook, Netbook, Desktop, Workstation, Server, Mainframe, and Supercomputers are. They're just different shapes and implementations of computers. What you are referencing is a limitation of the Operating System on your phone, not something that relates to what it is at all. If you really wanted, you could install Android on your phone (you can install the same Windows on the Razr I as you have on your desktop if you really wanted.. although it would run like garbage XD).

I do this for a living, servicing and supporting thousands of devices with all kinds of shapes, sizes, functions, and purposes with a wide variety of software betwixt them all. I'm not trying to be condescending.. I'm trying to provide useful, accurate information. Smartphones are the epitomy of a PC (Personal computer | Define Personal computer at as they fall exactly into the definition of what a PC is. Phones don't allow users to install drivers and such.. because carriers have closed networks, and allowing users to modify the OS on their device may jeopardize or compromise more than just their own device.. there's literally no good reason to allow users to do that with their devices as far as carriers are concerned. Phones are limited by the software placed on them and that's about it. The same hardware runs tablets (some of which also run the same Operating System your notebook or desktop computer uses). Companies that make hardware don't differentiate cell phones from other form factors. Their hardware is typically categorized for mobile/portable devices (smartphones, tablets, and notebooks/ultrabooks/netbooks), desktops/workstations, commercial grade, or industrial grade. All of the form factors I mentioned above use ARM, X86, or X64 architecture CPUs that all do the exact same thing in different ways. The only noteworthy difference is the level of capability each option has compared to the others. Smiley Happy

Contributor - Level 1

I'm done talking to you. All you care to do is miss the point and talk down to me as if I don't know what I'm talking about.

I know what a driver is. Your twisting my words when I mentioned PC earlier, as in Windows PC, not chromebook. Also when I mentioned updates to the OS in the preview program, I wasn't talking about Update 1, I was talking about a regular update to the 8.1 preview. You care too much to prove that you're right for you to even understand the points I'm making. It's fucking annoying.

Sent from my Windows Phone


I wasn't twisting your words.. I addressed exactly what you meant when I brought up the Motorola Razr I. It runs the *exact same hardware* as some tablets and computers running the same Windows your Windows PC does. Erego, it can and does run the exact same Windows as your Windows PC does (bringing up Chromebooks was just an example of why PCs in a more general term applies to phones, as the difference between many Chromebooks and Windows computers is just the software that is loaded and nothing more). It's the same thing, there is no difference otherwise besides the shape and size of the box they put it in. I care about dispelling error, whether it be yours or another persons, it's nothing personal. If you're wrong you're wrong, and if you're right you're right.. I really dont' care if someone finds it offensive to be called out on an error (even if it's not originally a huge deal.. it wouldn't ever become one if the other party didn't respond by escalating to the others' comment(s)). I care about accuracy and nothing more, because that's what causes rumors, causes trouble, and otherwise creates all kinds of totally unnecessary, wasteful, and otherwise squandered expenditures of time.

Yes, I care about proving I'm right.. but only if I'm actually right.. because it's not about me.. it's about eliminating error(s). Errors cause unnecessary problems, and while you may not take it that way I am actually trying to help via clarification. Sometimes, that means I'm going to have to correct some things.. don't take it personally because that is not the intent. The difference between doing it properly, and breaking very expensive things is very small in my line of work so I cannot tolerate much room for error. I explained myself fairly clearly (or so I thought) about firmware and drivers, the differences between them.. why a device would use one versus the other, and even what they would be used for. Your response was largely griping that I missed your point (when what I really did was refute your assertion with a more complete argument) and fussed that my correcting you while suggesting that you didn't seem to fully understand certain things was annoying. I apologize for being annoying, but frankly I'm not sorry.

If you moved from WP 8 to WP 8.1, there's no record on the Changelog that any performance or stability enhancements (or anything of the sort even) were made Windows Phone 8 update history | Windows Phone How-to (United States) . All performance and stability improvements actually show up in the Changelog for the Lumia Cyan update Firmware change logs for Nokia Lumia (Windows Phone) devices - Nokia Developer Wiki as I mentioned would be the case before. While the Cyan update is just Firmware, it comes bundled as a package download for distribution with the 8.1 OS update as well since Cyan is considered a pre-requisite update to the 8.1 update (though they are separate as you know, since you can get 8.1 directly from Microsoft without Cyan, but it is pretty much purely a feature upgrade with known issues that are resolved with the actual performance and stability update/fix that is the Cyan firmware update for Lumia devices). Basically, Verizon is taking a long time in part because Windows Phone is not a large market chunk.. but also because we're literally talking about a total overhaul of *all* the software on Lumia devices to push out that update.. that is a ton of changes and possibilities for things to go wrong, it takes a long time to test when you change everything all at once like that no matter how big a market segment is.

Contributor - Level 1

You’re purposely being obtuse to the points I’m making, that’s what I’m saying. I know that the term “PC” is a more general term, but when we’re talking about WP and Windows products, why the fuck would I include Chromebooks or any other device into the mix?

I know what I’m talking about, you’re just being anal for the sake of sounding like a know it all. I’m being very general with what I’m saying, but what I’m saying isn’t incorrect.

There were tweets from Joe Belfoire about the updates to 8.1 preview providing better performance and bug fixes. There were posts from members of the WP team on Neogaf about improved drivers in updates to the 8.1 preview. I understand that there are Nokia phone related drivers in Cyan, but I’m talking about the OS, not the firmware. I’m also not talking about 8.1 Update 1. Do you even have a WP? If you were in the preview for 8.1, you would know exactly what I’m talking about.

Contributor - Level 1

You’re impossible.  So you’re saying there are no drivers in WP8.1, the team was lying and blowing smoke by saying this, right?

Also I don’t understand why you’re hung up on change logs when I never said I got my information from any change logs.

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Contributor - Level 1


This isn’t entirely accurate.  The dev preview should have the same drivers as non-Lumia devices.  So for example, when the ATIV phones get 8.1 from Verizon, the version number of the OS should be the same as those in the dev preview program.  Nokia just takes it a step further with driver optimization for specific hardware included in the firmware instead of the core OS.  Basically drivers are included in both the OS update and firmware update.  Those in the OS update should not be old, they should be as current as can be.

(end quote).

The DP is the full "SOFTWARE" package up to final stats, your right. What needs to be addressed is fixed in firmware (hardware issues/features, battery life issues, heating issues, etc). This will make the phone better and run smoother with better battery life.

Not like my Nokia ICON....If I use it more than 5 min, it's hot to the touch, If I use it 7-10 min, it's very uncomfortable to hold, any longer, I cant hold it any more. This is a new thing with the DP.... It can only really be addressed by a firmware update (funny, not effecting people with the 930)...

I need this fix now but, personally I hope they do not release Cyan and just go to Denim.... 4K video recording and always listening Cortana (just say "Hey Cortana" and she will wake up with out touching your phone).

I guess I we have to wait another week or 2 and maybe get DENIM, I think all will be forgiven in my eyes, as long as we get it before the other carriers do....(AT&T mainly)