Lumia Cyan with Windows Phone 8.1 roll-out starts today (7/15/2015)
Master - Level 1

Microsoft has started rolling out Lumia Cyan with Windows Phone 8.1 to Lumia devices. With Windows Phone 8.1, Lumia Cyan owners will get several new features, including a third column in the launcher, Wi-Fi Sense, the new Notification and Action center, and โ€” perhaps most importantly โ€” Cortana.

On the Lumia-specific front, Lumia Cyan brings an updated camera experience with a newly simplified Nokia Camera interface "with one-tap access to edit and share" your photos. Creative Studio 6 is bringing new filters and image enhancement tools, but it's yet available from the Windows Phone Store.

The new Device Hub in Cyan makes it easier to track your connected accessories. By combining awareness of which devices are connected, when they're connected, and where they're connected (and when and where they loose that connection), Device Hub can tell you exactly where you last left that gadget. It will also offer app recommendations for use with said accessories.

Owners of the Nokia Lumia Icon and Nokia Lumia 1520 will see additional enhancements from Lumia Cyan. Already powerhouses when it comes to camera recording, the two phones are also getting enhanced audio recording with Nokia Rich Recording and Dolby Digital Plus 5.1 sound. Screen Share will be integrated with the two smartphones, so you can, well, share your screen. And the SensorCore SDK Beta will also be integrated, bringing additional motion and location data to apps and accessories.

Lumia Cyan is rolling out starting today around the world, though it may not be immediately available for your device. Microsoft states that it will be "available for all Windows Phone 8 Lumia devices in the coming weeks."

So check it out, give it a download, and let us know what you think of Lumia Cyan!

Source: Lumia Cyan with Windows Phone 8.1 roll-out starts today! | Windows Phone Central

Release by device by carrier as per Nokia, Availability in North America - Nokia <- Keep checking this page to see your device status.

Also check VZW software update page, Advanced Devices - Software Updates | Verizon Wireless

Now we wait for VZW to release it

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171 Replies
Specialist - Level 1

"Overall I like Windows Phone, but sorry I don't drink the koolaid that Nokia is finished with their update and Verizon passed it and is ready to be pushed out."

Well, you are welcomed to your OPINION, however, I know for a fact that Nokia and Microsoft have finished coding the Cyan firmware update and have passed it on to Verizon for testing back on July 15, 2014.  I have CONFIRMED this with Verizon, Nokia, Microsoft and the FCC.  My FCC complaint is still ongoing, and is actually getting somewhat heated, but I digress.

Verizon currently has control of the Cyan firmware update and is refusing to approve it and refusing to provide a reason to anyone for not releasing it.  This information was provided to me in my phone conversation with the FCC yesterday.  The FCC is currently investigating this situation and working with Microsoft and Nokia.  That's about all I can say at this point.

But, to return to my original point, Verizon is the holdup on the Cyan update and the investigation continues...  


There's still the fact what they didn't tell you AFTER the fact. Did it pass testing and was it sent back. From the point they told you that a lot CAN happen. Nokia isn't being transparent so you don't know. You still haven't given the reps name who told you that information. I hope it was from someone in a position to know. Like I said before. There's 6 years of history of FCC complaints and the same canned responses.

So far from the companies that are being transparent seem to update their devices pretty quickly on Verizon which can't be denied. How can two companies push out updates quicker than Nokia if they are finished with their update? They even promise updates in a timely manner.

Quite possibly because some manufacturers went transparent with their updating carriers can't hide behind testing? However these same manufacturers took it on themselves that the previous devices not being updated by themselves worldwide and pledged to do a better job and have been.

Specialist - Level 1

Might I remind you that my complaint is STILL ONGOING!  I can't provide specific details on a public forum because it is STILL ONGOING!  What don't you understand about that?

Also, did you ever stop to think that just because one manufacturer is able to get their device updated quicker than another, doesn't mean that Verizon is completely innocent in the holdup of the other manufacturer?  Apple can get their iPhone updated before anyone, but does that mean HTC, Samsung or Microsoft doesn't have to abide by the "mandatory testing" phase?  Anwer = no!  Perhaps HTC's exclusivity contract with Verizon for the HTM One M8 for Windows Phone granted HTC temporary authority to bypass or get quicker results in the testing phase for their updates.  Meanwhile, Verizon is taking their time with Nokia/Microsoft because there is no "binding contract" that forces them to put out the update in a timely manner (as you and Elector have so many times declared).

As far as Nokia/Microsoft being transparent, they have been as transparent as they possible can.  They have a dedicated website to provide the status of the update.  Does Verizon!? NO!  They have provided chat capabilities for customer service where by the chats can easily be printed for our records.  Does Verizon!?  NO!  Everytime I have contacted Microsoft/Nokia regarding this update, I have received the same response; it is awaiting carrier approval."   Everytime I have called Verizon, I receive a totally different response ranging from "we approved it already and Nokia needs to push it out" to "we are still testing it" to "we haven't received it from Nokia yet."  With that in mind, which company appears NOT to be being transparent!?

Have a good day!


I already showed you the fallacy of the testing.

They all go through it HTC, Sony, Motorola, and Google admitted this process on average takes 1 month.  Any other reason why there is a delay...  Manufacturers ability to complete the update.  They are actual documentation and testing done by these companies.  The Sony ASOP made Google change their process on how they deliver their updates.

So you are saying MS, and Nokia are left out because Apple, and Android can have a totally different process from ANYWHERE around the world?  What makes them so special they have to do more than any other manufacturer?

MS and Nokia being transparent?  Please look at Motorola and HTC.  They explained their process and show EXACTLY where the process they are at when doing the update. How can HTC and Motorola give detailed information yet all other manufacturers can't? Nokia can be more transparent.

I know blame Verizon because it's easier, but looking at other manufacturers doing things that said can't be done...  Something is wrong with that.

Specialist - Level 1

Apparently, you keep missing the point.  You keep pointing the finger at all the different manufacturers, but fail to see it from the point of view of Verizon.  Verizon controls ALL firmware updates that are delivered OTA on their network, PERIOD!.  They have the ultimate say so as to what firmware is "approved" or "needs adjustments."   It doesn't matter what the manufacturers are doing to be transparent or not, it is still Verizon's call on when an update is "approved for OTA distribution" as you yourself have so boldly stated in previous posts. 

You can claim that Microsoft Mobile OY is the one not being transparent (and BTW, Microsoft purchased Nokia mobile so it is now Microsoft Mobile OY), but I put a LOT more trust in MS than I do VZW, given the multitude of responses I've received from Verizon vs Microsoft's one single, consistent response.

As for Motorola and HTC being more transparent than Microsoft, I can't speak for them, but might I turn it around and ask  you the exact same thing.  Why can't Verizon be more transparent with the update  process.  After all, they are the one who currently holds the Cyan firmware update and have not yet "approved" it for release.  So why aren't they being "more transparent" and tell us why?


Go to their websites. They are upfront and we've linked them. That's transparency. Something no other manufacturer has done and pointed fingers away from themselves.

HTC and Motorola history were terrible for updates. They fessed up and changed their tune. Motorola was sold off and broken up and sold off again. HTC is for sale(looking for an offer shareholders are happy with).

So how is it with a rational explanation that HTC and Motorola can push updates faster than any other manufacturer. Make promises to deliver updates in a timely manner and do it on Verizon? Like I said multiple times. It all depends on the manufacturer ability to deliver the update. How much resources they are willing to spend. We all know no manufacturer isn't going to promise a thing unless they had majority control if not all the control.

I am going to follow Europe's model. They forced 2 companies to change their ways and we benefited from it. I want the process to go faster.


Verizon can't be transparent... They don't touch code or even know when manufacturers are finished. Why do you think Motorola and HTC fessed up and released the schedules with step by step process(which also shows no carrier touches any code).

The USM knows nothing about what I do for them. They only see the end result. The only people that know is the company I work for. So if I don't say anything the USM won't know and how do you expect them to say anything?

Enthusiast - Level 3

OMG I could just pull my hair out.  Do you know something we do not?  Do you work for Verizon?  Where is the emoticon banging his head against a brick wall?

How can you say Verizon can't be transparent in the context of this discussion?  Microsoft OFFICIALLY released Lumia Cyan on 7/15/2014 to carriers.  News of this release was being communicated of the coming release WELL prior to that date.  Why can't Verizon be transparent about WHY they are not releasing the update?  If the real reason is the manufacturer (Nokia/Microsoft), then they CAN be transparent and say exactly that.

Unbelievable!  By the way, I also file an FCC Complaint and received a stupid letter saying that the information is PROPRIETARY to VERIZON, and they WILL NOT SHARE.  So I concede, Verizon is being extremely transparent to NOT BEING TRANSPARENT AT ALL.  Also, over a month ago, the representative at Verizon handling the case CONFIRMED that they DO have the update, and that it is "Under Testing", and that at the highest level he could go which he stated as "executives of the company" do not know when the testing will be complete or Cyan will be released.

I am baffled by anyone who says Verizon cannot be transparent due to the manufacturer in this case.  If Verizon is having problems during their testing, who should communicate those issues to Verizon's customers?  Oh, that would be the manufacturers, right?  That makes total sense errr, nonsense.

Not applicable

You and others are missing the point.

Verizon does not have to even update your device from the day you purchased it. In addition to them not putting out the updates; is Sprint, T-Mobile with AT&T being the only carrier to do the updates.

The FCC is telling you a fact they will also tell you that there are NO LAWS or REGULATIONS that compel Verizon Wireless to either give the updates to any device or OS let alone tell you if they want to or not.

Complaints are doing ZERO, Nada and Zilch, all it is doing is letting the posts go up.

Contributor - Level 1

You're not telling us anything we don't already know. They can do the same for Android phones. Question is, why would they not release the updates eventually? Why bother grabbing the last three flagship phones (Icon, Ativ SE, and M8 for Windows) and not support them?

Your point is Verizon doesn't have to do anything if they don't want to. However we all know they will update these phones, so why can't we at least get a status update from them on the progress?

Sent from my Windows Phone

Not applicable

I am going to go out on a limb here and say the reason no official words have come from Verizon Wireless Corporate is "if they were to say either way this or that will be delivered or sent out, that would make them legally culpable". Or legally obligated to get the updates out.

No company will open up their business decisions to such a situation. I know I would not. Would You?

Contributor - Level 1

You can give a status update, or even acknowledge the update exists, without committing to a specific release date.

Sent from my Windows Phone

Michael F. Skiles, Help Desk Analyst | Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP | 41 S High St Suites 2800-3200 | Columbus, OH 43215

Direct: 614-227-1905 | Fax: 614-227-2100 | Toll Free: 800-533-2794 |


Not applicable


You can give a status update, or even acknowledge the update exists, without committing to a specific release date.


You are missing my meaning Smiley Happy

A corporation can not even give anything like you are saying.

It places a company under fire say if the updates never get sent out.

Its always best to stay absolutely silent.

Silence is golden. Very good rule.

Master - Level 1

Microsoft (a corporation) has no problems stating Windows 10 will be released late next year, and that a large scale OS

A simple, Windows Phone 8.1 with Cyan will be released tentatively in the 4th Quarter 2014 is good enough and if it's missed an simple statement with the new ETA would suffice.

In this day in age, staying absolutely silent is a death sentence.

Not applicable

My friend Microsoft is sending out the information to produce interest and sales. Windows 10 is like the other hyped up fan fare Microsoft is famous for.

Big difference in a cell provider.

If you note cell carriers make a big hoop de doo about new coverages and or services VoLTE and WiFi Calling in 2015 etc.

Saying an update to the device from any OS developer/maker is not ground breaking news worthy of even a rumor.

You can see all those commercials about the new device coming in November and the new device is December. It generates interest in the devices themselves not any OS updates.

They don't care that should be obvious to all by now.

Master - Level 1

They can easily put the update status in the newsletter they keep peddling around here.  We're not asking for a commercial, jeesh.

It's is pretty clear they don't care.  But the people who make them their wonderful quarterly profits do care and a very simple thing of communicating goes a long way with customers.

Not applicable

The newsletter is what Verizon peddles in their replies and the same complainers are saying that is not enough. You cannot have it both ways.

Windows Phone like Blackberry devices make no huge profits to Verizon's bottom line. Just read the web for the percentage is in contrast to Android and iOS devices.

Like I said earlier, I personally would say nothing on any updates. Unless they were actually being pushed out, right then and there.

Verizon sells a service of connectivity to the cellular and data network. That does not include updates.

Master - Level 1

Ok being you only see in black & white.  Let me spell it out for you; enhance the newsletter to have a section that lists update schedules.

Ahh, so you're injecting your option as VZW fact, make sense now....

If VZW sells service of connectivity to cellular and data why do they bother selling devices (which include re-sellers) then?

Please point out in the TOS (Customer Agreement | Verizon Wireless) that updates are not included with service.  If it's not spelled out clearly it's implied that updates are included/provided for devices they support on their network.

Not applicable


Please point out in the TOS (Customer Agreement | Verizon Wireless) that updates are not included with service.  If it's not spelled out clearly it's implied that updates are included/provided for devices they support on their network.


What is implied does not say " We are required to give you updates"


Your wireless device must comply with Federal Communications Commission regulations, be certified for use on our network, and be compatible with your Service. Please be aware that we may change your wireless device's software, applications or programming remotely, without notice. This could affect your stored data, or how you've programmed or use your wireless device.


And the words "we may change" is not the same as "we are required to change"

Verizon Wireless as a retailer sells devices that function on their networks. You don't see them selling "all devices" for use on any cellular network. ( AT&T, Sprint or T-Mobile) The devices you purchase from Verizon are made to work on Verizon.

Other retailers like Best Buy and Walmarts sell all carrier devices to generate profits.

Verizon makes profits both as a retail outlet and a cellular provider. Nothing wrong with that.

Master - Level 1

Granted the "we may change" doesn't say "we are required to change" but it leaves VZW open to the fact they could at anytime which leads us here complaining.  If VZW announced that they are or are not providing the update it would put a lot of these threads to sleep.  So remaining quite and having an incline of "may change your wireless device's software" leaves VZW holding the bag.

Not applicable

Holding the bag? Not likely

Its like telling your girlfriends/boyfriends that someday I may marry you. Not enforceable.


If VZW announced that they are or are not providing the update it would put a lot of these threads to sleep.


On this I don't necessarily disagree.

But I still believe opening their mouths makes them liable to actually give them.  Not good.