Lumia Cyan with Windows Phone 8.1 roll-out starts today (7/15/2015)
Master - Level 1

Microsoft has started rolling out Lumia Cyan with Windows Phone 8.1 to Lumia devices. With Windows Phone 8.1, Lumia Cyan owners will get several new features, including a third column in the launcher, Wi-Fi Sense, the new Notification and Action center, and โ€” perhaps most importantly โ€” Cortana.

On the Lumia-specific front, Lumia Cyan brings an updated camera experience with a newly simplified Nokia Camera interface "with one-tap access to edit and share" your photos. Creative Studio 6 is bringing new filters and image enhancement tools, but it's yet available from the Windows Phone Store.

The new Device Hub in Cyan makes it easier to track your connected accessories. By combining awareness of which devices are connected, when they're connected, and where they're connected (and when and where they loose that connection), Device Hub can tell you exactly where you last left that gadget. It will also offer app recommendations for use with said accessories.

Owners of the Nokia Lumia Icon and Nokia Lumia 1520 will see additional enhancements from Lumia Cyan. Already powerhouses when it comes to camera recording, the two phones are also getting enhanced audio recording with Nokia Rich Recording and Dolby Digital Plus 5.1 sound. Screen Share will be integrated with the two smartphones, so you can, well, share your screen. And the SensorCore SDK Beta will also be integrated, bringing additional motion and location data to apps and accessories.

Lumia Cyan is rolling out starting today around the world, though it may not be immediately available for your device. Microsoft states that it will be "available for all Windows Phone 8 Lumia devices in the coming weeks."

So check it out, give it a download, and let us know what you think of Lumia Cyan!

Source: Lumia Cyan with Windows Phone 8.1 roll-out starts today! | Windows Phone Central

Release by device by carrier as per Nokia, Availability in North America - Nokia <- Keep checking this page to see your device status.

Also check VZW software update page, Advanced Devices - Software Updates | Verizon Wireless

Now we wait for VZW to release it

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171 Replies
Master - Level 1

Elector wrote:

Holding the bag? Not likely

Its like telling your girlfriends/boyfriends that someday I may marry you. Not enforceable.

So you give girlfriends/boyfriends TOS to sign before dating???

See you're stuck on the given part...  They can clearly state we are going to/not going to provide updates.  If it "going to" then provide an ETA (emphasis on Estimate).

we may change your wireless device's software, applications or programming remotely, without notice

This leaves the door open for interpretation.

Specialist - Level 1

I'm inclinded to agree with you primortal.   Elector wrote:  "But I still believe opening their mouths makes them liable to actually give them."   That is dependent upon their actual statement.  If VZW announces they "will not" provide the update, how then are they liable to provide the update?  If they declare "we will provide the update" then yes, they would then be liable to provide the update.  By leaving the line as "we may change your wireless device's software, applications or programming, remotely, without notice..." that is an "interpretive" statement as it is unclear as to what "software, applications or programming" they are referring to.  "We may change..." implies that any changes would be provided at their discression.  Discression implies "choice."  And we, as paying customers, deserve to know what Verizon's "choice" of providing the update is.  Because, we, as paying customers, also have a choice that is dependent upon Verizon's choice of providing the update.  Give us the update, we continue to be customers.  Don't and we go elsewhere.  Simple as that.


You do understand. Manufacturers have the same clause on their devices right? You do understand carriers are the middlemen for warranties on behalf of the manufacturers. That was put in specifically for manufacturers if they push out an update for warranty purposes. Even if it did say they weren't delivering updates people would blame them anyways. If they did we'd be more like Europe if we had that mindset but we don't.

Specialist - Level 1

Thank you.  You just gave credit to the point I've been making all along.  The manufacturers are the ones who are updating the devices.  They provide the updates to enhance our devices as well as repair newly discovered security issues and device problems.  Yet, Verizon demands intervention on these updates to ensure they don't disrupt our service.  So, why does Verizon have to take 3 months to test an update that is coming from the manufacturer?  They should only be testing for connectivity issues, nothing else.  The manufacturer has already tested the update on their devices, so they know whether or not there are any issues with apps and hardware working with the update, so Verizon doesn't need to test that.  They might need to ensure Verizon's apps work ok, but even that shouldn't take that long.  And, they should be doing that when Microsoft releases the developer preview, not when Microsoft is ready to release the update.  So what, EXACTLY is Verizon testing that is taking 3 months to test?  Also, you stated that they are the "middlemen for warranties on behalf of the manufacturer.  So, if the manufacturer is releasing an update as part of a warranty fix for known phone issues and enhancements, why does Verizon get to hold that up?  In other words, if the manufacturer is pushing an update for warranty purposes, why does Verizon have any input into that? 

Contributor - Level 1

They have input because they like to know what's being pushed through their service.

I understand why carriers would like to be involved, I just don't understand how a certification process can take so long.

Sent from my Windows Phone

Not applicable

He did not mean updates are for warranty fixes.

He stated which is true "Verizon acts as a middleman in providing warranty services" IE: bad device issues covered under the manufacturers one year warranty against defects and not damage.

Again not for updates to devices. Verizon did not put them on the device (updates) or make the devices.

And if you should mess up your device after any update its your responsibility and not the carriers.

And if it takes three months or three hundred years, Verizon can do that. They are not even obligated to give updates.

Never ending string of I want I want I want, and like a wheel going nowhere spinning. Unbelievable!

Contributor - Level 1

The same never ending string can be said about people like you. We know they aren't obligated to release any update, but we also know they will...eventually. What would be nice is if we knew ANYTHING about the update. All we're asking for is some acknowledgement. We all know they can continue to ignore their customers but I'm sure poor customer service is not one of their goals.

I think you're missing what we're hoping for here.

Sent from my Windows Phone

Not applicable

Poor customer service is not the issue here.

Everyday there are companies that do not disclose or will not disclose information "the company" feels is quite frankly none of our business.

The carriers are not going to acknowledge what updates if any they will or will not release.

Question: if you were told today that no updates will be given to windows phones. What would all the people complaining here do? Now be honest. Still complain? Leave the carrier? Buy another brand of device? Take the carrier to court? ( that won't work since they don't have to update your devices) Will the posts then change to disgust in not getting the updates, when you and others claim all you want is some sort of word from the carrier.

You get that word and its not what you all wanted. Now are you getting any of my words to these posts?

Its just strange.

Master - Level 1

There will always be the other side of the coin.  Of course there will be those who will complain on why there will be no update. It's just life.... No one is ever happy.

You trying to beat everyone into submission the way you want them to think is just not going to happen.  It fruitless.

Contributor - Level 2

It could be "post count" or it could be some sort of medical disorder.  I'm merely pointing it out as it amuses me.  If you go to pretty much any of the Cyan posts, you can see Elector and Tidbits always with a comeback or something when it seems people either merely want to take an opportunity to vent or see if Verizon pays attention.  The unwanted attention of these two and the creation of "arguments" seems to defeat the purpose or intention of the initial poster.  Maybe there is something that they need in the conflict that they don't get in their personal lives.  Maybe it's a need for attention.  Maybe it's an appreciation for the anonymity that gives them the freedom to bully others.  I'm not sure.  It amuses me and it's fun to point out the "spinning wheel" comments and turn that around to their myriad of posts online doing exactly the same thing that they "shake their heads in amazement" that others do.  BUT that's what the boards create.  BTW, if my post disappears, as one of my previous ones did in pointing this sort of behavior out, please understand that it isn't me, but Verizon that is doing so.

Not applicable

Your posts get taken down by the moderators. It will never be by me since many of mine get taken down.

However they send a notification and it tell you why it was removed.

They also suspend or ban for posts that continue to attack another.

Your posts to me are harmless. So you just keep up your frivolities.

Good Afternoon!

Contributor - Level 2 the pointless responding to those who need to vent or complain...  See how it works?  It's an endless circle.  To stop the circle, being a grown adult who is trying to help, it might be best to ignore the Cyan complaining posts?  Just a suggestion since nobody is being helped, it has led to arguments, and it has been redundant.  I think just the venting helps the complainers a bit...  But again, merely a suggestion.  Gotta love psychology, right?


I am merely showing them it is not working. Try a new approach. Europe is working. They blame manufacturers and yes they have the same carrier testing. They don't have the FCC testing like we do(theirs is shorter). They do sign contracts for their phones.

I mean look you can see they have what you want. They generally always get it weeks to months before we do. At this moment I would rather do what they are doing because the last 6 years of data shows they must be doing something right while we are not.

Contributor - Level 2

Is it truly "showing them it's not working" or merely breaking down into useless banter for both parties?  If you read "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus", you can use an analogy from there as to relating to women.  While men want to solve the problems a woman brings up, she is fully capable of solving them herself (in most cases) but just needs to vent and someone to merely listen.  The same can be said with those complaining here.  It's not that they are looking for a "peer" to provide an answer or engage them, but either a direct response from Verizon that helps or merely to vent.  Telling them their complaining isn't "working" invalidates their feelings (more psychology) and doesn't assist the person doing the complaining.  Don't ya love psychology?


I am going to avoid a psychology debate. It would be fun and all but it would detract me more so at work than I would really like.

Not applicable

I know that statement to be accurate. But on that other side of the coin I will not be swayed the other way

Mutual respect works with me. I am not taking your right to complain away, I also don't want my right to voice my opinion to be taken away in the opposition.

Contributor - Level 1

As a paying customer, I disagree. Their customer service is absolutely horrible. Iโ€™m not asking for anything that is impossible, so Iโ€™m not sure how you think you can speak for all of us customers who believe they have poor service.

Also I know that companies do not disclose information all of the time, that doesnโ€™t mean itโ€™s the right thing to do. You guys seem hung up on what they are obligated to do and not do when Iโ€™m well aware of what they obligated to provide. Companies do not always follow what they are obligated to do, they do what is best for their company.

As Iโ€™ve mentioned before, other carriers have already acknowledged the update exists, Verizon (and Sprint maybe) are the only carriers that have not acknowledged the update exists. So what youโ€™re saying about carriers acknowledging updates is bullshit. We all know they are going to release Cyan eventually, so there is absolutely no point in keeping it a secret. It can only benefit them to be more transparent with their customers, at least with matters like this. Iโ€™m not really sure why you refuse to see that communicating to the customers would only benefit the company in the end. Youโ€™re so focused on pushing the fact that they โ€œdonโ€™t have toโ€ do anything that youโ€™re missing the point weโ€™re all trying to make.

As for your question, I think itโ€™s odd (and sad) that youโ€™re basically fabricating our reactions and the outcome before even receiving an answer. I would be happier if they just came out and said they werenโ€™t sending out any updates, I honestly would be. I would also express how fucking stupid of a move that would be. However after expressing my opinion on their plans, I would wait out my two years and go to a different carrier. I wouldnโ€™t try to push or fight a company, thatโ€™s just stupid. Instead I would speak with my wallet and just drop them entirely. At least if I knew they werenโ€™t supporting our phones, I would have a better idea of how to go forward.

I have gotten and understood every word of every one of your posts. Itโ€™s YOU who has clung onto your repetitive point on how they arenโ€™t obligated to do anything. I understand that, most of us understands that. We are just asking for some kind of update. Not a confirmed date, not a theoretical date, not even a date at all, just some kind of update. What part of that do YOU not understand? Itโ€™s pretty fucking disgusting that you would side with the company when you donโ€™t even understand the points your arguing against.


Theres already information the update exists... What is the point in regurgation. Nokia points to the update existing.

AT&T didn't say a word about the update either regardless If their devices were first to be updated. So to be fair here. If the updated were not out for them They would be on the same boat. Their reps would say go here for more information.

I am going to follow Europe's model and push it. There's more than enough evidence they are doing something right.

Not applicable

iKnowPhones wrote:

I have gotten and understood every word of every one of your posts.  Itโ€™s YOU who has clung onto your repetitive point on how they arenโ€™t obligated to do anything.  I understand that, most of us understands that.  We are just asking for some kind of update.  Not a confirmed date, not a theoretical date, not even a date at all, just some kind of update.  What part of that do YOU not understand?  Itโ€™s pretty ******* disgusting that you would side with the company when you donโ€™t even understand the points your arguing against.

Just read the last paragraph you wrote. Start at "We are just asking....."

Verizon is not giving any information on the update, not giving any confirmed date, not any theoretical date, They are however "giving not even a date at all" (You are actually getting what you and others are complaining about).

The "some kind of update" is not even viable. If they are not giving you the updates you are even now still complaining about.

It is the initial complainers that do not know what they are complaining about. Think a moment here. The complaint is and still is " Where is our updates to the Cyan 8.x" "Why hasn't Verizon released the update yet"? Then when I pointed out updates are not guaranteed nor is the carriers obligated to do them or allow them etc. Going to the FCC is useless etc. I get the attack postures from the complainers.

Yes I can understand the stance you are all taking. However my not agreeing that this is the proper course of action and in many cases proving my statements where and when asked falls on angry blind eyes.

Others have pointed this situation out to the posters. And even Verizon in the few replies I have viewed are simply deflecting as sign up for the news letter, or saying they don't have it. (This is if you know or believe they have the updates or not) That is Verizon's official word. If you and I and the lamp post believe it or not. That is their official statement and stance. I don't tell the carrier what to say. I am thinking that the below poster made a good point.



Just a suggestion since nobody is being helped, it has led to arguments, and it has been redundant.  I think just the venting helps the complainers a bit...  But again, merely a suggestion.  Gotta love psychology, right?


I am thinking no amount of posting either the continuous "where are the updates" and "Verizon does not have to give them" is doing no good. From either view point.

I just wait for any updates and when they come or if they don't arrive I will not have to be all upset about it.

I don't live my life for cellular device updates which in many cases do more harm than good.

Have a nice evening all

Enthusiast - Level 3

So you don't live your life for cellular device updates, yet you can't seem to get through your head that we don't all feel or think the way you do and feel the incessant need to keep responding to nearly every comment relating to the Lumia Cyan update?

Also, thanks for the insight into your perspective of "which in many cases do more harm than good."  Yet again we do not agree with you in the context of this discussion, and you either have NO clue about what is included in this update or what it means to the users that will be impacted by it, or you're just troll that gets a high out of this nonsensical arguing your high and mighty perspective on this topic.

You can tell us all day that posting on these forums does nothing, filing FCC complaints does nothing, calling and complaining does nothing, that silence is golden, companies don't communicate things to protect themselves from being held liable, etc. etc. etc.  Do you feel the same way about people voicing their complaints and opinions in all other areas of life?

My gosh.

Not applicable

  Do you feel the same way about people voicing their complaints and opinions in all other areas of life?

My gosh.

Let me answer you first. No I don't care about any complaining. I do however know that if you do complain you do it the right way. First tell me what has all the complaints done up to now. Zilch

Secondly, it would seem because you have exercised your rights to post and complain my posts don't matter and the ones who keep saying just go away etc. Are hypocrites. You have rights and I don't.

Just by the posts back to me prove that nothing any of you say is going to get you anything. But post away.