Lumia ICON and bad marketing decisions
Enthusiast - Level 3

Okay I get it; announcements and plans for releases are determined by a number of factors. And, Nokia, Microsoft, and Verizon have never said anything about releasing any kind of new Windows phone on Verizon. The ICON remains a "rumor", so no projected release date should be considered "valid" at this point.

That being said, the "rumors" have been backed by solid evidence including pictures of the device, covers made and sold for it, and the fact that it is available in China as I write this. Yet, still no word from any of the companies involved in producing this about a product that has been expected by many people since October of last year as to when it will be available for purchase by U.S. citizens - if ever. Silence isn't good communication, and if the marketing departments of any or all of these companies think they are somehow going to improve sales of it by building up anticipation, they are dead wrong. Most of us are long passed "anticipation" and well into "frustration" at this point.

I've already come within a hair of buying a 1520 from ATT, and the only reason I haven't is because I'm holding out for a Verizon Windows phone that is at least as good as it is. I'm not an ATT fan, I'm a Verizon fan, and I would rather give my money to Verizon than ATT. However, I want my phone, and I don't want to wait for it an unknown length of time.

I'm going to try to hold out another couple of weeks and see if it is released or announced on Feb 5, but if it isn't, Verizon will have just turned me into an ATT wireless customer.

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6 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 3

This is exactly what they did for the Lumia 928 remember?  Leaks were no longer leaks.  Info was just pouring out.  An interviewer asked Steven Elop directly about it and he completely ignored the question.  That evleaks guy kept putting out photo after photo.  Cases starting showing up on Amazon.  Month after month of this passed without a peep from Verizon. Basically what it all came down to was the 6 month exclusivity clause for the 920 of ATT.  At least that's what most people were assuming.  If there is a 6 month exclusivity clause for the 1520 and that came out in...October?...then April/May 5 is the logical date for the ICON if that rule even applies.  This may not be applicable to this situation since the phones are completely different sizes.  The only thing that gives me hope that the Icon will be released soon is the test runs Verizon has been doing on their webpage.  That must mean they are close

Enthusiast - Level 3

Yeah I didn't follow the 928 that closely because I wasn't as interested in it. Windows phones weren't quite where I want them to be. The 1520 and ICON though are a match for any other phone out there - even better in some ways, like the camera - and the devices finally come with the capabilities what I want.

Really I've been waiting more than a few months for this phone, so am doubly frustrated that I can't buy one.

As far as "exclusivity agreements" - they are the bane of the mobile world. They leave a bad taste in everyone's mouth, and no customer, and I mean NO customer, likes exclusive phones and service; it hurts the image of the whole American mobile industry. We see it as yet another way that the country that should be leading the world in quality of goods and services is second-class at best.

Another thing about Verizon waiting for months - here's a clue, Verizon: the high-end smart phone world updates every 6 months. The 1520 and ICON might have reached the quality of the top Android devices out there, but it comes months behind them, which means these phones will be behind the curve in another few months. On top of that rumors have started about new Windows phones based on the next-gen processor; the ICON could be out of date as soon as it hits Verizon.

It looks to me like Microsoft+Nokia have got the message and are working hard to catch up, and if the rumors are true might even surpass the next-gen Androids, but Verizon hasn't. Every new, exciting smart phone released gets a ton of comments "I wish these were available on Verizon" on the hardware sites I read. Word is Verizon is hard to do business with (for smart phone makers) and that's the main reason ATT gets the exclusive deals in North America first. Whatever the cause - people are waiting to give you their money, Verizon, and you are literally turning them away by your own actions (or failure to act).

The worst part is not knowing. The computer hardware industry understands that customers want to know what's coming down the road and release projections about what they are going to do in the near future - near meaning in the next year or two - but the smart phone industry just doesn't get it yet, and Verizon is the worst offender. The way I see it I'm standing here saying "Verizon, please take my money, the $230 a month I send you for TV, home phone, and internet service isn't enough, I want to give you more!" and Verizon's response is dead silence.

Enthusiast - Level 3
Enthusiast - Level 3

No offense intended muneo, but I've seen all the rumor hype I need to. None of it means anything beyond there is a new Verizon Windows phone - but for all we know it could be just for the Chinese market and will never be introduced here.

We've had release projections for months from these sites. They have all proven to be wrong, so going by their track record I'd say it is unlikely it will be released Feb 5 or March 5. (Why would someone know the day but not the month?)

My whole point for my post was to try to wake up someone at Verizon; get them to tell us something, anything at all that we can take to be real information and not just rumor. I want a solid reason to wait, I've already wasted too much time having any kind of trust of the rumormongers. I should have bought the 1520 when it came out.

Enthusiast - Level 3

No offense taken.  I followed the Lumia 928 minute by minute last year.  Basically when things like this started appearing for the 928, the release was a few weeks off.  Just trying to ease your pain a little and help you loosen your grip on the ICON rollercoaster.  Also, the 928 release was extremely anticlimactic.  No major press event.  No major Nokia announcement. They just put it out there and had a little $25 microsoft store gift card as a bonus.  I was actually very disappointed at the lack of marketing when it first came out.  Even Nokia didn't really make big fuss about it since it was so carrier specific.  Afterwards, I stopped believing Verizon gave a **** about Windows Phones. Dont expect fireworks for the release.  One day, it'll just appear on the website...that's it. 

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Enthusiast - Level 3

Well I was almost right.  I was a week off before it went up for presale.  See what I mean by anti-climatic though? The iPhone4S is given more attention than the ICON on its debut!