Manual does not match phone. Nice false advertising, Verizon.

Page 54 of the manual for the LG Cosmos 3 phone says that I should be able to delete photos. The latter is not possible on the phone. I am disgusted that the manual does not even match the phone. Verizon, I was going to add internet service, but now I am reconsidering.

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24 Replies
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LG Cosmos 3 Manual / User Guide

Read this one.

Good Luck


This is the manual I already downloaded. Like I wrote, the manual says photos may be deleted. The photos that came with the phone cannot be deleted.

I am frustrated and disgusted. Because of the exchange policy to which I agreed, I am stuck. But a BBB complaint does seem in order. Customers pay a lot for Verizon. The manuals should be accurate.

Please do not make excuses for a shabby manual.

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Excuse me. The manual I gave a link for comes from the maker of the phone.

You are now blaming Verizon wireless for a manual from LG get the support number and calk and get mad at them.

You would be more credible in your complaint if you knew to whom you should complain to.

Good Luck


We will have to agree to disagree on who is responsible here. In my eyes, Verizon sold it. I paid Verizon for it. Verison has responsibility for the manuals for the product it sells and activates. With respect, I do not need to hear further from you. I know my options (pay $35 and exchange; upgrade at some point; complain to BBB). Take care.

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Verizon does not make devices. Verizon is a retailer like best buy or Walmart. You don't complain to Best Buy or Walmart for a manual provided by LG. Stop talking so foolish.

You buy a connection to the cellular and data network. Nothing else.

If you buy from Best Buy or Walmarts after 15 days they send you to the maker of the product.

Verizon does not make cell phones.

And when you post such tripe online I have every right to respond.

And I never mentioned you returning anything. You have been saying that.

Good Luck


I do not have any problem with your responding. What I meant before was you tried to find a solution to the technical problem. There is not a solution. You are not obliged to do more other than maybe concede the manual is wrong.

If Wal-Mart sold a product with its name on it, I think expressing any objection I might have to Wal-Mart is appropriate. I do not expect you to agree.

No hard feelings towards you. I feel the manual should reflect reality.

Take care.

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I am still looking for a solution. I use to have a LG VX3300 and it had five photos one was a smiley face, a rose, a psychedelic scene, and another one that would not come off the device.

I remember uploading them to Verizon's pix place, then I went back and deleted them. Like I said I am still out on the web.

Not a problem, I understand when frustrated events happen.


You'll be the coolest guy (gal?) on the net to me this week if you figure out a way to delete these photos. Thank you for your trouble. I will keep checking the forum and see if you or anyone finds a way to delete these photos. Thanks again for looking into this. Have a beautiful week.

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Ha ha guy. Hope that other suggestion worked?

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Verizon Mobile Support

Click the link.


I do not have a microsd card. I will try to get one in the next few days and try the steps at the link below. Though I tend to think this does not erase photos but instead only transmits a copy of them. I hope I am wrong. Thank you.

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I will bet it will transfer as it shows. I know years ago I removed them. The problem is the maker of the devices put this junk on and if an app it very is near impossible to get rid of.

The SD cards are cheap. And you could use it to store your own photos instead of taking up space on the device.

Just let me know if you are all set when you do get the SD card.

Have a nice week!


I don't remember any non smartphone or for that matter smartphone that you were able to remove the wallpapers that came on the Device but i might be wrong..


I just switched from Virgin Mobile because people on the other end of the phone connection could not hear me most of the time. But I loved the Virgin Mobile QWERTY phone (Kyocera Brio). It had a nice-sized display (bigger than a flip phone). One could delete the pictures that came with the Kyocera Brio in the "My Pictures" folder. The wallpaper staying is fine. But I do not like seeing all these generic Hallmark card pictures among the pictures I take with my phone's camera. Thank you for checking in.

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Wallpapers are different than photo samples. In the past with an LG flip I deleted the photos via sending them to another destination. Like an SD card one of the options was to pix place. They were totally removed.

In the step by step directions it shows the stock photos as being removed.

Even if photos don't remove an SD card will help since she can transfer them to the card and not the phone memory. Also easier to up load to a home computer.


Still have not bought a microSD card. Elector that's a good point that the demo you linked shows the stock photos being moved. But the last step shows on the display "Move to card and restore defaults?" I think this means the default photos stay. We shall see, at some point. Meanwhile there is enough I loathe about this QWERTY phone that I sought another solution. Specifially, I just chatted with a VZ rep about buying a ZTE Adamant QWERTY, non-slider, non-smartphone and switching my service to it. If the phone is compatible, there will be no charge for this switch (device addition?). So the chat rep said. Thanks for everyone's input. I have decided not to get internet service with Verizon. I felt customer service at both stores yesterday was poor. Trust is gone. 1.5 cents.

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It could also mean that your photos will go to the phones internal memory.

I use Road Runner much better support.

Good Luck


No, neither the manual's instructions on page 54 nor on page 58 will cause the photos that came with the phone to be deleted. I am wondering about what you wrote earlier. Like these photos are beamed down through the service from another source (if I am understanding what you wrote earlier).

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At the link it shows the pictures I was mentioning and they were selected and moved to the SD card. Try that.

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I just read if you transfer the photos from the device to the SD card they will be gone from the device.

From the SD card you can delete from there and presto.

I hope this helps?

Good Luck