My Lumia Icon goes dark during calls and I cannot access the phone pad to unless I hit the power button.

My Lumia Icon goes dark during calls and I cannot access the phone pad to unless I hit the power button.  Because of this it makes it tough to put my phone on speaker or type in my v-mail password.

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20 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Hello Mabee100! I can certainly help you today! My apologies for the trouble you're experiencing with the calls and the screen not displaying. Can you give me additional info as to when this problem began? Do you have a case and or screen protector on the phone? Thanks in advance for this information!


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Enthusiast - Level 3

I Have The Same Issue? It began after updating to Windows Phone 8.1 with Denim.

Customer Service Rep

Oh no Pavlovscow! We don't want your screen to go dark. I want you to be able to see what's on your screen. Where does it go dark at? Do you have a case on your phone? Please share details.

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Enthusiast - Level 3

I had this same issue show up after the Denim update. My phone would go dark when making a call or stay dark after I brought it down from my ear. I finally turned the phone off and back on. That seemed to help, but it would still happen randomly. I do have a case so I took it off to see if that made a difference. After removing the case, making calls, putting the case back on, making calls, the issue seems to have gone away. I have no clue why or what made the difference.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Spoke too soon! My Icon is back to doing this with a vengeance. And I can't often get the screen back. This is a real problem since I can't get to the keypad or turn on speakerphone. Hope someone comes up with the answer!

Customer Service Rep


Let's take another look here! Do you still have the case off of the phone? Have you restarted your device and tested again recently?  Have you added anything new to the device since the Denim update? Please share some further details. Thanks


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Enthusiast - Level 3

I've been trying to find a common denominator. It happens inconsistently. It never happened before the Denim update. When it does occur, the screen goes black immediately upon answering the call and doesn't come back until the call is ended by the calling party.

I thought it might be the proximity sensor, but when it's working normally I can see the screen go dark when it's at my ear and comes back when I take it away (tried it multiple times). I had Gestures Beta installed. I wondered if that could have an affect so I uninstalled it, but that didn't make any difference. I'm still stumped by the inconsistency. I haven't reset my phone as I didn't really want to go through that...

Customer Service Rep

cgsheen, We'll try to figure this out, together. When you tested the phone during calls and recognized the proximity sensor, was the Gestures Beta application still installed? Can you please confirm the software that is currently loaded in your phone for us?

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Enthusiast - Level 3

Well, here's what I've done and the results haven't changed:

- RESET the phone using the "reset your phone" button in the Settings | About menu

-- Restored all my settings and Apps from backup.

- Used the Lumia Software Recovery Tool to reset the phone

-- Restored all my settings and Apps from backup.

- Used the Lumia Software Recovery Tool to reset the phone

-- skipped backup, setup my phone manually

OS version: 8.10.14219.341

Firmware revision number: 02540.00019.15024.38022

While using the Lumia Software Recovery Tool, version 02540.00019.15024.38022 was the only version available for installation.

Key points I discovered:

- Happens in the "core build" -

-- When I reset my phone and did not restore from backup - essentially "starting fresh" - without installing any additional Apps or modifying settings, the screen problem exhibited.  Customizing settings and Installing Applications had no effect.

- Happens randomly

-- Some calls behave normally and in this case the proximity sensor works as it should.

- When it does happen:

-- Screen goes dark immediately upon initiating the call

-- Screen will stay dark until the call has ended by the other party

-- Screen will not come back with a single press of the Power/Lock Key

-- Screen will come back for approximately 4 seconds if the Power/Lock Key is pressed twice

-- Proximity Sensor is not active or has no effect

-- Behaves the same with or without my case being on the phone.

-- Behaves normally about 25% of the time, blacks out about 75% of the time.

-- Not completely debilitating, but definitely very annoying when trying to call voicemail or on any other call that requires use of the keypad, speakerphone toggle button and etc.

I'll look to see if this ever gets fixed in an update, or someone else stumbles upon a fix, but I'm never resetting my phone again...  I don't actually do much calling - I feel sorry for the people that do if their Icon exhibits this problem.

additional phone info:

Hardware revision number:

Radio software version: 201c110.00039.00001

Chip SOC version: 8974

Customer Service Rep

We appreciate all of your efforts, cgsheen. The one thing I did not see in any of your posts is if you have a screen protector on your phone too. If you are using a screen protector and dust accumulates under the top right area, it may interfere with the device function and cause some screen/display issues. If that is no longer the case and you have tried without a screen protector, I have sent you a private message. Please check your inbox here in the forums and reply with the information I'll need to report this to Nokia.

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Enthusiast - Level 3

I do not use a screen protector. I also used a bright light to find the exact location of the proximity sensor and cleaned the screen there very well.

When the phone is behaving correctly, I can move my hand or fingers within a couple of inches of the sensor and the screen goes dark, when I move away, it comes back. I can repeat that indefinitely. When it stays dark, nothing will light the screen but pressing the power button twice. Then it will always go dark again in about 4 seconds.

I wonder if the phone can be put in a test or self diagnostic mode like the old iPods where you could check inputs and button presses... I'd really like to be able to test the proximity sensor.


This appears to me to be a software issue.  It never happened to my phone until the new 8.1 update.  Can you please contact Microsoft technical support to see if they are looking into the problem

Enthusiast - Level 3

Ok... Discovered something else kinda weird: If I plug in headphones, or have them plugged in before I make or receive a call, the screen stays lit. I can remove them during the call and the screen stays lit. It doesn't respond to the proximity sensor, but it stays lit.

Enthusiast - Level 3

My wife had camera jitter problems with her Icon back in November, so we went to the Microsoft store (where we purchased it originally) to have it replaced.  The first handset they replaced it with did this exact same thing.  When you made or received a call, the screen would go dark and never wake back up.  You could complete your call, but do nothing else until you power cycled the device.  We walked back into the Microsoft store and they replaced it for a second time that day and the new device didn't have the problem.

Not sure that helps, but just FYI that it doesn't seem to affect a range of the devices and may just be a hardware defect.


Has there been any resolution to this issue?  I have had this problem with my Icon for many months and I have tried all items in this thread with no better results.  This seems to me to be a hardware issue that a lot of Icon's are having,  Is there a way to test the proximity sensor or are we able to exchange these devices for non faulty ones?

Enthusiast - Level 3

I haven't heard a word since Verizon Customer Service asked for my specific phone information so that could forward all that info to Microsoft for testing.


I know this is an old topic but I was here looking for something else and saw this thread. I'm kind of scratching my head with this one.

Your answer : The screen is supposed to do that. It is the normal behavior of the phone. It uses the gyro sensor to detect you've lifted the phone to your head and turn the screen off. This prevents your cheek from pressing the screen and inadvertently hanging up or pressing buttons.

Enthusiast - Level 3


You obviously didn't read this thread. The problem is well described, and it's NOT: "Oh darn, the screen goes dark when I put the phone up to my ear! Whatever will I do!".

Please read the entire thread.


You're being rude. My screen stayed on while on speaker, which is the only way I use the phone. Since the latest update, my screen goes dark and I,too, have to press the power button to disconnect. We're not stupid, I think it has to do with an update.


Forgot to ask, where is this entire thread you mentioned?