My Samsung Brightside won't turn on?

So I have this Samsung Brightside (obviously) and I received a text from someone. So I slid up the phone to use the qwerty keyboard and the whole screen turned white. Naturally, since closing the qwerty keyboard didn't get rid of the white screen, I took the battery out and put it back in. But that didn't do anything since it didn't turn back on. I plugged it into the charger and it popped up saying that it was charging. I tried to turn it on and it did. I slid open the qwerty keyboard because that's how I like to use the phone and the whole screen turned white again. Now whenever I try to turn it on it won't even turn on with it plugged in. I looked up the problem and they said it was the "flex band" I've never heard of it and don't really know what it's for so what I'm wondering is, is that really what it is? And how much will it cost to fix it?

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2 Replies

I can say for certain now that it is NOT the battery since I checked it with my friend whom also has a brightside

Customer Service Rep

Oh dear! We definitely want to make sure that your phone is working correctly. Try removing the battery and holding the power key for about 15 seconds. Then re-insert the battery and power on. If still going all white, the phone may need to be replaced. Is it still under the 1 year warranty? Is there any physical or liquid damage?

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