My Thoughts on Nokia Lumia 928
Enthusiast - Level 1

So, I have had this phone for about 3 weeks.I just spent the last hour trying to find a solution to a problem I was experiencing, and stumbled on the answer in this forum. Thought I would restate my problem and solution, and also review this phone.

My Problem:

My battery life indicator was showing about 10%, and had been for several days. I have been charging - as instructed over and over again - using the in-box charger through a wall outlet. Went to bed last night with it plugged in, had 10% battery life this morning. Spent the last hour browsing the troubleshooting section on Verizon support site (Anyone else think this site is useless? Guess that is another review.). Anyway, came to this forum and someone suggested a soft reboot - press and hold both the power and volume buttons for a few seconds to restart the phone. It worked. As soon as the phone started my battery life indicator showed 100%. I have unplugged it, as I have been told to do over and over on every Nokia and Verizon site I visited this morning. (sense a theme). Neither of them mentioned a soft reboot however. Sigh.

My Review:

My last phone was an android, and I must say there are some apps I really miss - for example, Garmin has a myCast weather service app for droids that was the best I have ever used; Windows 8 phone - not very good, but available. BUT, on the droids I could never uninstall the junk (and it was junk to me) that came pre-installed on the phone - irritated the heck out of me.

What I like:

And that is what I find most valuable on the new Nokia 928. YES - the first thing I did on my phone was remove all the useless crap ware. Don't use it, uninstall! If you want to know that you control the "free" phone you just paid two days worth of your paycheck to buy, and sold yourself into two years of bondage to keep, you might take another look at the Nokia, or maybe it is just Windows 8 - I don't know which, but I like controlling the apps that are installed on my phone, and with this one I can. I haven't played with the camera much yet, but there are some really cool features. My favorite is the panorama feature. It "helps" you position the camera for each of picture taken (about 4 in a panoramic shot), and then stitches them up quick! Cool; just saying. Other features: lens apps. Oh I can't wait to play with them.

Other things I like about the phone: easy to pick up and start using if you are a newbie. Use the Verizon "get to know your phone" and you are golden. I fussed with the main screen where all the apps are pinned for a couple of days, and now I know right where to go to find what I need. It connects easily to Sky Drive, and is easy to setup so that all pictures are backed up automatically! Oh, and if you have a corporate Exchange Email - works like a dream. Easy to setup and the email app is feature rich. Windows knows how to do some things right.

What I don't like:

If you are looking for a phone rich with apps, pass this phone by. You will not be happy. Are you a Facebook addict? Pass this phone by. You will hate the app. Do you use Amazon Cloud Player? You can eventually MOVE your music from cloud to Windows Media Player to your phone (yes it is that big of a pain). And you have to plug your phone into your computer to do it - at least to retrieve the Amazon music I had already paid for. Dinged Amazon on this one - they were Johnny on the spot providing me with a Windows 8 compatible app for an Amazon shopping cart, but not one so I could stream my music from their player to my phone. Droid has one, iPhone has one, but not Windows 8.

In Summary:

Great phone; battery life is no better or worse than any other; apps provided by Nokia are pretty nice, but if you don't like them you don't have to keep them - which is what I want everyone to take from this review. With Nokia I feel like I finally "own" the phone. I have invested some time with issues due to the OS used, but overall this phone works as well or better than my last three Droids, so I am happy.

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2 Replies
Community Leader
Community Leader

Nice review and summary - compared to the Android OS and app selection, Android wins in my book.  Still, the Windows OS and apps do have some nice features, and the phone itself is very usable.  The camera is awesome; battery life, as you said, is no better or worse than other phones.

Glad you like your Nokia 928!

Enthusiast - Level 2

I've had mine for a year now.  Still a great phone, just wish VZW would release WP 8.1 & Cyan.