My samsung reality won't charge. The bars are moving across the battery icon but when I unplug it after two hours it still only has one bar. I have tried my charger, my husband's charger, his car charger, my car charger. Sometimes it will work and other t

My Samsung Reality won't charge. I have used different cords. The bars will move across the battery icon but even after charging all night it still only has one bar.

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2 Replies
Verizon Employee

Sita, Let's get your phone working again. Have you tried a different battery? Is the phone covered under warranty/insurance? Click here to see what protection option you have:



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Enthusiast - Level 3

Have u tried taking the battery out to "release" the static build up between battery and charging ports? Just remove battery, hold in hand to "ground" it And no, u will not get shocked, nor will you see, feel or hear any signs of the static build up,  but 99% of the rime, it's there in "unsealed" phones.

Anyway - remove it, hold it in your hand for 30 seconds and put it back in. If that doesn't work, you can "test" the battery itself (Not 100% guaranteed to be accurate) but lay the battery on a flat service, and try to spin it. If it actually spins thru a rotation, that is a sign ur battery is warped which is common when batteries go bad. If it moves, but not into an actual rotation - that doesn't mean it's not a battery issue, it only means the battery isn't warped, but could still be bad - or your charging ports in phone could be.

Does that make sense?

If it spins - it's warped - definitely bad battery.

If it doesn't spin - not warped - but needs to be tested in store for being defective to determine if it's at fault. 

Good luck!!