Nokia 822 ERROR: Unable to find bootable option.
Enthusiast - Level 2

My 822 now says, "ERROR: Unable to find bootable option. Press any key to shut down."

This occurred earlier today immediately upon installing a Verizon update. The phone worked perfectly before the update.

What is going on? I certainly am not going to accept responsibility for this failure, or replacing this phone.

Before you ask, the phone is in perfect condition otherwise. Never dropped. Never seen even a drop of water (or any other liquid).

One thing peculiar I did notice was that the update took over an hour to download, which seems like quite a long time considering data transfer rates.

So, what can be done?

To recap:

1) My phone worked perfectly. It was in perfect condition.

2) An update was installed (which Verizon recommended (and I'd go as far as to say forced))

3) Now the phone is completely inoperable, only giving the error message listed above.

Help please?

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1 Solution
Enthusiast - Level 2

Just want to let everyone know the situation was remedied by Verizon. There is no way to fix or reflash the phone so they sent me a new phone.

When I first contacted Verizon I was told that my phone was out of warranty and there was nothing they could do, but since my phone fried while in the midst of an update I was not keen on taking responsibility. After almost a week, Verizon agreed that since it was an issue with an update I was not at fault, and they decided to send me a replacement phone at no cost. Thank you Verizon.

The bottom line folks: If your 822 gets the "unable to find bootable" error your phone is toast, and there is nothing that can be done but replacement. They could make nice paperweights, though.

One thing I did learn in my research: Do not ever remove the battery from an 822 in the event of a phone freeze up. Do a soft reset instead. Quite a few people online report getting the "unable to find bootable" error immediately after pulling the battery.

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11 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 2

I tried the alternate hard reset and it did nothing.

Customer Service Rep

Hello Audialcatalyst

I'm sorry your having issues. Let's see what's causing this. Please power down the device remove and reinsert the Sim card and retest. Was the device using our software prior to the update?

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Enthusiast - Level 2

Hi Joel, the sim card has been removed and reinstalled multiple times with no effect. And yes, only the the original Verizon software was on the device. To be clear, the phone was attempting to install a Verizon-forced update when it died. I would rather have not had the update because the phone was working perfectly, but Verizon does not give the option to decline updates, only delay them. It should be noted that with the help of Verizon associate (Lovesa) the Nokia Software Recovery Tool was attempted, but even that did nothing. 


I have now done at least 8 hours of research on this and it is obvious this is a widespread and known issue with the 822. There appears to be absolutely nothing that can be done to revive the phone at this point. After viewing literally hundreds of posts on the "unable to find bootable option" error no one has found a fix. This issue is well documented. 


Why Verizon would force an update that ruins users phones is beyond me. And to take no responsibility is, in my view (and most likely the law's view), criminal. To be completely honest and forthright, I am so upset about this situation Verizon is now losing a 15 year loyal customer. 

Customer Service Rep

Hello Audalcatalyst!

I'm so sorry you're having problems with your device! I'd love to take a closer look into this for you. I've followed you in the forums. Please follow me back and then send me a Direct Message. I'd love to check this out and find a resolution.

Thank you,

VZW Support
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Enthusiast - Level 1

I had my 822 go dead with the same issue two days ago.  Is there a way to reimage the ROM so that it can boot again?  Are there any fixes for this?  My wife has the same phone and I just waiting for hers to die also?  I also require a phone for work so I had to use an upgrade from another phone on my account to get a new phone.


Customer Service Rep


We definitely want to make sure this error message is removed for you! Were you able to master reset your device? Here's how to process this:

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Enthusiast - Level 1

I did try master reset with no luck as well as the recovery tool twice without success.


Sent from my Windows Phone

Customer Service Rep

Thank you for trying these steps Wyv! I've followed you in the forums. Please follow me back and then send me a Direct Message. I'd love to check this out and find a resolution.

Thank you,

Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

Enthusiast - Level 1

I have messaged you directly and have received no Response.  I see that with the Error message Verizon is replacing the phone.  Can you please start that process or direct me on how to start the process ?


Enthusiast - Level 2

I responded on the discussion. 


After a lot of looking it appears nothing can be done about the error. The phone is gone. No way to flash because the phone does not even turn on far enough to flash it. 


As far as the process, I simply spoke with Verizon a few times. They did not want to replace my phone. But since my phone gave up during an update, after about a week of my insisting and preparing to move to another carrier they gave in and replaced it. 

Did your 822 fail during update? If so, they may replace it. If not, I doubt it. 


Good luck. 

Enthusiast - Level 2

Just want to let everyone know the situation was remedied by Verizon. There is no way to fix or reflash the phone so they sent me a new phone.

When I first contacted Verizon I was told that my phone was out of warranty and there was nothing they could do, but since my phone fried while in the midst of an update I was not keen on taking responsibility. After almost a week, Verizon agreed that since it was an issue with an update I was not at fault, and they decided to send me a replacement phone at no cost. Thank you Verizon.

The bottom line folks: If your 822 gets the "unable to find bootable" error your phone is toast, and there is nothing that can be done but replacement. They could make nice paperweights, though.

One thing I did learn in my research: Do not ever remove the battery from an 822 in the event of a phone freeze up. Do a soft reset instead. Quite a few people online report getting the "unable to find bootable" error immediately after pulling the battery.