Nokia Lumia 822 hot and battery runs down quickly

I have a Lumia 822 which had been working fine until yesterday.  Now it is hot or warm and the battery runs down rapidly.  I have not made any changes to the apps or to the way I use the phone.  What has happened and how do i fix it?  I did do a power down and restart and that did not fix the problem.

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12 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Having a phone that gets warm can be a concern for all of us. You safety is important to us so let's review this together. Has the device been exposed to water or does it have any physical damage?


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It has not been exposed to water and it does not have any damage.  It also gets hot when charging, but maybe this is normal.

Master - Level 1

Getting hot while charging is normal.

What version of Windows Phone/Mobile do you have installed on the 822?

Updates to applications get installed all the time and it's possible that one of those apps is causing the problem.  You can uninstall the apps you don't use or just uninstall any 3rd party apps to see if that clears up the issue.  If not, you might have to do a factor reset; Settings > System > About > Reset your phone to see if that resolves the issue.  Sometimes doing this works; sometimes it doesn't.

Customer Service Rep

That’s an excellent place to start with the software, primortal. And you’re right. It’s completely normal for a phone to get warmer while it’s in use or during charging. I think we can hold off on the reset for a little bit, although it is a good idea to provide the phone a clean slate once in a while. The 822 hasn’t had an update in quite a while but when you have a chance WCF10DPN, you can find the version information by following the steps at . Can you tell me a bit more about the battery though? How long does a fully charged battery last? Are you still using the original Nokia wall charger that came with the device? Do you possibly have an email stuck in your outgoing mail on the phone?


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I have Windows Phone 8.1 Update.

OS version:  8.10.14203.306

Firmware revision number:  3051.50009.1446.007

Hardware revision number:

Radio software version:  2.0.0920783

Anything else you need?

There is variation in how long the battery lasts.  After I asked the question I discovered that Internet Explorer was set to run in the background and at that time it was using 26%.  I set it to not run in the background and that helped.  I had not changed the setting so I don't know if it had always been set to run in the background or if it somehow got changed.

The battery will typically run down to about half power in 4-5 hours.  I usually charge it at that point.  When the phone is warm to hot it will run down to below 10% in 3-4 hours.

I am still using the original Nokia charger and I also use a Motorola wall charger that I got with a battery pack at about the time I got the phone.  I use them interchangeably depending on where I am when I want to charge the phone.

I don't have a stuck email.

I am not a heavy user of the phone.  I use it part of the time to look at my email and to send and receive text message and some phone use.  I occasionally look up something on the internet.  Much of the time it is sitting idle in my pocket.

Customer Service Rep

We certainly appreciate that information, WCF10DPN. Do you happen to travel a distance on a daily basis? The device could be draining due to the constant switching/searching of towers. Have you tried to keep your device in 3G while you do not plan to use data or Wi-Fi and no Data connection when it is available?


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I usually do not travel any great distance and not on a daily basis.  The getting hot and fast battery drain is not related to travel.  I do not have the bet reception at home, where I spend most of my time.  The phone is usually or always on 3G at home.  I do have good Wi-Fi at home.  The phone actions do not seem to correlate with any activity.  Sometimes it gets hot and rapidly drains the battery for no apparent reason.  The battery, even when it does not get hot drains much more rapidly than it used to.  This has started recently and I have not changed my activities or how I use the phone..

Customer Service Rep

WCF10DPN having a device with a good battery is a must. Let's keep working on this. It looks like you are using the latest and greatest software for your device. Are you using the standard charger that came with your phone? Does this happen when you other chargers? You can find more tips on batter life here


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I have two chargers that I use interchangeably.  I have had both since getting the phone and have used them interchangeably all the time.  There is no difference that I can detect depending on which charger that I use.  I have occasionally charged with the charger USB cable connected to my computer, but have not done that for quite a while.


One of the chargers is the one that came with the phone and the other came with a Motorola battery that I can use to charge the phone.  I do use the battery to charge the phone occasionally, but not very often and have not done it while having this problem.

Customer Service Rep

All of the information you've provided is extremely helpful Don. How much internal storage do you have on your phone? From the Start screen, swipe left to display the Apps list > tap Settings > tap Storage sense > from the phone section, tap the Usage Bar > View Free Space. Keep us posted.


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Customer Service Rep

I appreciate those details WCF10DPN. You indicated the Internet Explorer was causing some drain due to running in the background. Is there any other apps or system services reflecting high for the battery use? Also, when getting that 3G signal are your bars stable or fluctuating continuously?


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