Phone won't navigate away from home and shuts down

Just over the last hour or two have I had this issue. The phone - my LG Extravert - will turn on. If it is off the charger, it will shut off almost instantly. When it stays on, if I try to open anything - my messages, my contacts, anything - it instantly shuts it and goes back to the main screen. After a few attempts to open things, the phone will shut off whether on the charger or off. I've pulled the battery for a few minutes at a time and tried all I could think of short of a master reset (which I'd love to avoid, but I realize how bad the issues are, so that's looking like my best hope).

I'm going to leave the battery pulled overnight, but if anyone has had anything like this happen, I'd really appreciate input.

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2 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Hey there frose327,

I'm sorry for the issues you are having with your LG Extravert.  It is an excellent phone and I want to make sure that you continue to have an excellent experience with it.

At this point you have already completed a lot of the basic troubleshooting and your best option would be a master reset.  Please complete the master reset and update us with results,

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Well, from messing around with it a little more, we have figured out

vaguely what the issue is, but still no sense of how to fix it or the

finest details. But we have concluded that it is an issue of the cancel/end

call/power button being in a near-constant activated state, because

operations that are not affected by that button have been unaffected by

this recent issue, and it accounts for menus closing, calls being

canceled/rejected, and the phone turning off and on, as well as the detail

that now that the phone is no longer turning itself off immediately, I've

noticed the screen is staying on at all times instead of dimming and

turning off the display after so many minutes of inactivity.

The turning off and on aspect has existed, to a much lesser degree of

turning itself off maybe once or twice a month if that, for most of the

time I have had the phone. I had a similar issue with my previous phone, so

I was not concerned enough to seek help at that point. The night that these

major issues occurred, there was no warning. I was out at dinner with some

friends and using my phone fine at the table, we drove home and when I

pulled my phone out of my pocket to check a text message I had received

during the drive, I found that it was off. So, I tried to turn it on and it

shut off immediately. I charged it for a couple hours, tried again, and it

turned off again. I pulled the battery for a few minutes at a time and saw

little change - it got to a point that it would stay on for a minute or so

before turning off on its own, but no other improvements. So I pulled the

battery and left it out overnight. The next day, it had made more progress

in so much that it would stay on pretty much indefinitely, but the issues

with closing menus remained. That is the state in which I has remained

since then.

If you still feel a master reset is my only option, explain how to go about

it and I will give it a shot (it does complicated matters that I can not

access any menus) but if you have any other ideas, knowing more now about

what the issue is, I would be glad to hear them.

On Aug 26, 2013 12:26 PM, "Verizon Wireless Customer Support" <