Samsung Convoy (U640) Picture issue

So last night my Convoy 1 finally gave out. The menu button to the upper right the OK button is now stuck in a permanent loop of being pressed. For example, if I open my messages menu it will constantly spam the pop up menu asking me if I want to erase messages. This happens anywhere else on the phone where that button could be used for something as well. This has made the phone almost entirely unusable without the greatest of patience (I'm getting a lot better at hitting buttons in between menu pop ups.)

As of this morning I've gone and replaced my phone. However, I still want to retrieve my pictures from the Convoy. Unfortunately I cannot send the messages out as emails, or anywhere else for that matter as the Convoy is no longer connecting to the network. So I'm left connecting the Convoy to my computer via the usb cable it comes with. Well, I have no drivers for the Convoy on my computer. I also cannot find a reputable place to get the drivers for the Convoy 1. I found the U660 and U680 (Convoy's 2 and 3) but I'm not sure if they'll work or not. Without the drivers connecting the Convoy to my computer just shows me that the phone is completely empty, which I very well know it isn't.

Where can I find the drivers I need, and will I be able to transfer my pictures without having to navigate the phone? At the moment I'm unable to get a microSD, and I don't know if using the SD method will be viable given how much effort I'll have to use just trying to navigate the menus in the Convoy's current state.

Thank you for any help.

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4 Replies
Customer Service Rep

I'm sorry to learn that your Samsung Convoy is no longer working properly, Rozonkomo. I know there are pictures that are important to hold on to. I have provided a link to Samsung's website for different steps to transfer pictures to your computer.

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This may not have been clear from my post but I have already seen and read

through this page.

I cannot use the phone menus on the convoy, and it is no longer connecting

to the network to send out any of the pictures. I do not have access to a

microSD card either, so that method is also not available. The only option

left is for me to try retrieving the photos using my computer, but to do

that I need the drivers which I have not been able to find. Without these

drivers my computer does not recognize the convoy and I cannot attempt to

recover my pictures.

Thank you.

On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 7:27 AM, Verizon Wireless Customer Support <

Customer Service Rep


Thanks for reaching back out to us. Let's make sure that we put the phone into USB Modem Mode. You can do that by following these steps: Please keep us posted.


Please follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport


It appears the issue here is the lack of a microSD card. The phone is not

able to enter USB Mass Storage. As I'm not able to acquire one of those at

this time it looks like I cannot recover anything from my old phone.

On Sat, Jun 7, 2014 at 11:20 AM, Verizon Wireless Customer Support <