So what in the world is up with the Windows Phone 8.1 update for the Icon?
Enthusiast - Level 2

Seriously...what is going on?  I mean, from Verizon's mouth - where is the update for my Icon?  I just saw they allowed info out regarding the HTC 8x update (expected late October - yay at least we have a date), but still SILENCE on the update for the Icon?

I see a bunch of people have asked and are arguing about the validity of the question...ridiculous.  It is beyond a valid question and reason for repeated and vocal complaint at this point.  Verizon's delay and shameless silence on this update, the most major customer concern surrounding an expensive product they've happily sold for months now as a "flagship", is beyond insulting to its customers, and is unacceptably abhorrent behavior for a company of its size.  What special kind of asses are they?  Where is Verizon's answer to this question?

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5 Replies
Contributor - Level 1

Welcome to the club. Many of us were sold the lie about the "flagship" phone.

Many on this forum will tell you to be patient or "where in the contract does VZW owe you an update." I am of the opinion if enough people complain, VZW may fear losing market share & work harder at making customers happy. Sadly, I don't think there is enough people on the Windows Phone platform that VZW cares to lose. They want to sell HTC & Apple.


MrGecko wrote:

I am of the opinion if enough people complain, VZW may fear losing market share & work harder at making customers happy. Sadly, I don't think there is enough people on the Windows Phone platform that VZW cares to lose. They want to sell HTC & Apple.

That's possible, but people have been complaining for the last 5-6 years over Verizon's slow OS updates(android AND windows phones) and nothing has changed except their market share has increased.

Enthusiast - Level 1

I don't think the issue is that they have not released the Windows 8.1 update. The real issue is that they don't appear to care about their customer's questions.  A simple post stating that they are currently having issue with the update or that the update will be released within the time period would stop most of the complaining.

Contributor - Level 1

They don't want you to know they are timing things for the advantage of their sales.

Enthusiast - Level 2

I think that is about the most plausible answer I've heard so far...especially since we haven't heard anything from the supposed customer service kings at Verizon.  Their lack of ANY direct response to the question is pretty telling.