Surface 2 AT&T , not in Verizon database?


I have a Surface 2 AT&T. Pulled out the SIM and placed a Verizon. DL'd Connection manager from Win Store. It sees the SIM fine, gives pertinent info. Click connect and obtuse error "Could not activate". Can this device be added to database for activation? (DB thing is VZ's own customer service on phone.)


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7 Replies
Contributor - Level 1

Unless Verizon wants it on their database, and considering how they are supporting Windows phones, I seriously doubt it.  They have proven incapable of getting the Cyan and Windows 8.1 updates out!  I would consider it an AT&T device only.


Tried again - I was so hopeful as AT&T has horrible coverage in my area.

I guess Verizon and new technology do not mix. My wife has a Lumia 935 and has been waiting for the 8.1 update also. My kids already received it on their T-Mobile Win 8 phones.

Simply adding a device (IMEI) to their database is too confusing for them - or they do not support MS products by design.

Specialist - Level 2

Verizon uses CDMA, AT&T uses GSM.  Two different technologies, so it is not compatible. If the Surface 2 had a CDMA radio, it would work, but as far as I know it does not.


It has been a while since you posted but I decided to respond none the less...  Although VZW and ATT do use different technologies the LTE standard is the same.  You can take a Verizon 4G device and put an ATT sim in it.  You cannot use an ATT / Tmobil phone at VZW because voice and text run on CDMA not LTE.  However...There is a way to enter non-vzw devices into the VZW data base..... For unlocked CDMA devices,( ie from china) ...If you call VZW tech support you can have the Tech rep fill out an ESN data base placement Form.  Once the ESN is entered into the data base you should be able to activate that device... Now the question is...does it work on an ATT device?  Since your tablet is a data only devices it might ???  I had a chance to enter an ATT Ipad and did not follow through on it.  I have yet to have someone actually try this and give me the results.  Most people will say no like the responder before... but the truth is..nobody seems to actually know. I mean KNOW for an absolute fact it will not work.  It would be easy to find out if you had an existing VZW account.  You would call in the ESN to Tech support.  Have them put the ESN in the data base. Wait a few business days.  Then attempt to add a line of service using you device and a VZW Sim card.   I would dearly like to know the result...   As a side note.. I would LOVE to see the MS Tablet on VZW.  Microsoft bought Nokia.  Nokia is European and primarily TDMS/GSM.  Europe is TDMA/GSM.  Therefore it is not surprising that they are on ATT.   From a purely business standpoint is is stupid not to have the Tablet on VZW.  But hey.. we're talking MicoSoft here..


I will give it a shot - why not? Nothing to lose..I'm dropping the AT&T data connection on my commute quite frequently....

I can always put the AT&T SIM card back in....

I'll let you know the results.


Not applicable

phibbs wrote:

Although VZW and ATT do use different technologies the LTE standard is the same.

But not the same frequencies. From what I read it supports LTE band 4, 7 and 17. Of those Verizon only uses Band 4 and not every area or every tower has band 4 yet. None of the towers in my county has anything other than band 13. In the county north of me only some of the towers have band 4 capabilities.


I am trying to wait patiently as Verizon figures out that they are neglecting some of us that have the Surface devices that are LTE compatible. But I'm not seeing any more chatter on this thread. My wife has a Surface 2 RT with a Verizon SIM Card. It recognizes the network and has strong connectivity here in El Paso. After I connect the machine requests a username and password to go further. I spoke with a service tech in December from the Technical Service Representatives in Albuquerque. She expressed that the problem is with Microsoft Windows 8 RT OS. Has anyone reengaged this topic on mother thread recently?