The FCC and your 8.1 Cyan Update
Contributor - Level 2

"We welcome your complaints and concerns.  Please use the Website as this is the most expedient way to file a complaint.  After doing so, we will assign an FCC Agent to your complaint.  It is the goal of the FCC Agent to work with Verizon to establish some kind of resolution."

And so went my conversation with the FCC today regarding these "irregular", "illegal", "useless", "annoying" and other such-defined complaints that we have all been told "aren't worth filing". 

The FCC said that all complaints are considered "real" and that all are assigned to FCC Agents.  The FCC Agent then contacts Verizon to try to find a solution - then brings the customer into the loop to see that either (A) the problem is solved, or (B) the customer decides to escalate because they do not feel that the problem is solved.

"Escalate" was a fresh option so I asked my Rep to explain.  I was told that if you are not satisfied with what the Verizon Rep tells you during their call, that you can contact the FCC and ask for a Mediation Specialist to step in.  This request must be made in writing, must include your complaint number, and must be sent via mail or fax.  A request for mediation is an aggressive step, therefore the FCC can no longer receive electronic correspondence regarding the complaint.  This sounded extremely "official" - making the request in writing, etc. - but a legitimate option nonetheless as complaints in the past have gone nowhere with Verizon.

My FCC Rep was eager to know what my concerns with Verizon were and confirmed that they were legitimate complaints.  She also said that since the Verizon Customer Contract could come into play during mediation, that they always suggest that the consumer's State Attorney's Office receives communication about the complaint as well.  I was told that the State Attorney's Office would take a serious look at the complaint - especially after seeing that I took the time to go through the FCC complaint process and that I am asking for mediation.

I planned on going to the State Attorney's Office with a pile of paperwork after this round of complaints, but the whole idea about FCC mediation may accomplish the goal of getting someone to pay attention at Verizon.  It may accomplish something simple like a documented public update schedule for Windows Phones from Verizon (as has been discussed out here in the past), or it may be something big like a resolution that involves Microsoft working more closely with Verizon to participate in pre-release testing programs. 

Do you have your 8.1 Cyan Update yet?  Do you have a better plan to promote you getting your update (or future updates) faster?  If you answered "no" to both, then please join me by filing your complaint.  Feel free to ask for mediation when Verizon calls to ask how things are going and by all means, be sure to let your State Attorney's Office know as well.  No one is looking to sue anyone.  No one is looking for fees or fines.  There is nothing illegal happening here that we are the whistleblowers on.  Just looking for a change that benefits the paying customer when it comes to updating our Windows Phone devices.  Please join me.

FCC Consumer Line:  1-888-225-5322

Federal Communications Commission

Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau

Consumer Complaints

445 12th Street, SW

Washington, D.C. 20554

FAX:  1- 866-418-0232

FCC Complaints:  File Complaint |

State Attorney's Offices throughout the US:  NAAG | Current Attorneys General

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272 Replies
Contributor - Level 1

MadDog you are just a funny guy.


Well if we are going by this...

You are like the guy regardless of how many times something that has been done and people tell them it will not work and you need something better or do something different he chooses to keep doing it regardless of how many times he'll fail at doing the same thing.

6 years what you have been doing has FAILED.  ACLU had the problem fixed in a matter of weeks, and the privacy lawsuit was done in a matter of months.  I think  you need to start using your head...  Think more like Europe or change your approach.  IF anyone actually paid attention you'd see it isn't working.

Specialist - Level 1

Tidbits - there you go again, spewing lies!  As I have already told Elector, I contacted the person at the ACLU regarding the complaint to the FTC and it is still ONGOING!  There has not been a decision rendered on this complaint yet, so how can you say "it failed?" 

Enthusiast - Level 1

Why are you even posting on any of these windows phone forums. You are unhelpful and just breed controversy and malcontents . Its fine if you are an apple boy just leave people who enjoy another platform alone.

Not applicable

Yoo hoo

Tidbits owns multiple windows phones. Think before you post.


poagie wrote:

Why are you even posting on any of these windows phone forums. You are unhelpful and just breed controversy and malcontents . Its fine if you are an apple boy just leave people who enjoy another platform alone.

I pointed out how Apple does things.  I pointed out how Android is starting to do things.  I am far from an Apple Fanboy.  Yes I do have iPhones and they are in my drawer 99% of the time.  The only time they come out is to test apps and nothing more.  I use my Windows Phone devices as well as Android devices.  I have said yes I love the Windows Platform, but my most used apps DO NOT have a replacement is what keeps me from staying with my windows devices 100% of the time.  Sure I could write the apps myself, however they are proprietary apps in which I could get sued for.  I even asked the companies if I could write them on their behalf, but they declined(offered to do it for free).  So as of now I use windows phone mostly at home, but rarely at work.

I like Windows platform enough to buy the 1520, and M8.  I have had the 710, 810, 925, 520, 521 as well.  I even bought the Surface Pro, and Surface Pro 2.  Contemplating on selling the first one and picking up the 3.

Contributor - Level 2


Either you are lying, in debt, a trust fund baby, living off winnings from the lottery or from suing someone, or have a very lucrative job, because you have a lot of phones lol.


I live in Hawaii and I work for

That's all I can tell you.  I can't tell you my job, and my pay.  I will have to kill you if I do. Some of our jobs pay at least $200K a year.  I believe only our help desk makes less than 60K a year the rest is above that(I have to ask my boss for verification).  I won't count the cleaning crew because that's contracted from somewhere else and we do not directly hire those people.  It's been a while since I asked about pay.

You are more than welcome to apply.  FYI(not being rude or condescending) I said it more than a handful of times my boss buys me most of my devices.  My job requires me to test various devices against our personal networks and ensure our systems won't be compromised.  Also to make sure our apps scale correctly. 

Not applicable


Some of our jobs pay at least $200K a year.


That low huh


Yep that's low. I would have gotten paid more by now if I took the Google job offer years ago hindsight...


See them Dollar $$$ and go O my.. wished I'd done that

Contributor - Level 1

Why are you guys responding to trolls?  All you are doing is just encouraging them in their behavior!  One claims knowledge beyond all others, the other is an acknowledged cApple fanboy, and it appears a third is now joining in with them.


I have never claimed a thing. You actually made claims and never backed them up. You claimed a CEO told you something. Now you won't mention the CEO. You say you say Verizon owns what you said. You are also the only person who made the claim and you are not the only person to complain to the commission. Why is it you are the only person to get a completely different response? Sounds fishy to me.... Someone else has been giving specific play by plays on his experiences.

Not applicable

You see its always name calling and the like from your ilk.

You complain and complain and like a dog playing you just keep running after your tail.

Nothing you said you can back up, nothing you have responded to doesn't make any difference.

See that update the last 12 weeks or more? No.

See any if those high profile FCC figures take any issue with Verizon or any carrier to get any update? No.

Do you think your throwing around "trolls" or "fan boys" makes that update to your device? No.

It just shows you have a weak argument and have no real facts to prove what anyone on here says is the truth or not. You are just a low on the tottem pole and all the threatening and complaining is getting you zero.

And since I just looked and I did not see this forum change to the "jharris326" help forum. Any poster has a right to post their opinions for or against.

And the make of my device does not make me a cApple fan as you like to always say. I use androids also.

I just don't use your type of crappy device. Not the same!


poagie wrote:

Why are you even posting on any of these windows phone forums. You are unhelpful and just breed controversy and malcontents . Its fine if you are an apple boy just leave people who enjoy another platform alone.

Oh and Elector is the Apple Fanboy /tease

Not applicable

Yes I love those iOS devices! And Android devices. Windows devices? Who buys them

Not applicable

Trust me the second post you are alluding to was just a waste of time doing a reply.

You just don't get it do you.

"Be as disappointed as you like with the FCC, FTC, Verizon Wireless, FBI, CIA, MI6 or Homeland Security. You are your pest followers still don't see no update, now do you"?

Just keep adding those kook letters and faxes to the FCC. And you can call people trolls all you like but the main crux here is you and your kook followers still cannot show any proof or even any letter from the FCC or any law that says Verizon or any carrier is obligated to give you any device updates outside of your initial device purchase.

So you and jHarris326 can whine and call names all you like. But you both have weak arguments and you still post no proof. Because you don't have any!

And jHarris326 if I was a Verizon wireless employee or troll I would have closed this thread the first time any unsubstantiated claim of updates are required to be given by the carrier or within a certain time frame. So do this THINK!

Have a nice Wednesday

Specialist - Level 1

"Be as disappointed as you like with the FCC, FTC, Verzizon Wireless, FBI, CIA, MI6 or Homeland Security.  You are your pest followers still don't see no update, now do  you?"

That is correct.  Now you are finally getting what we are saying!  There is STILL NO UPDATE and still NO OFFICIAL WORD FROM VERIZON!

What do you and Tidbits think we are complaining about!?  Whether or not complaining will ultimately do any good is irrelevant!  We have the right to do it!  If we just listened to you and Tidbits and said nothing and took no action, there DEFINITELY would be no change.  At least we are attempting to make change.  At least we are standing up for what we believe in.

If our founding fathers just accepted the taxes of the British King, would we be the most powerful nation on earth that we are now?  Would we have the freedom to post on this forum that we have now?

Try all you want to get us to stop complaining, but it won't work.  We are well within our rights to complain about something that affects us personnally.  Regardless of who is at fault, regardless of whether or not you like it, and ESPECIALLY regardless of whether or not it ultimately results in change!  At least we are trying and not sitting on the sidelines taking up for a company whose policies, in our view, negatively affect us, whether that company be Verizon, Microsoft, Nokia or Peanut Palace Inc.!

Who are you and Tidbits to say that any of us should not attempt to make change to a policy that we believe isn't working for us?  Who are you to say "we are wrong" when you can't even grasp this simple fact.  We want change!  We want the software/firmware update policies of the carriers to change.  We want it better, we want it faster, we want more transparancy!  If we can demand that of our government, we sure as heck can demand it of carriers!

So, please stop trolling everyone and giving your stupid reasons for us to "stop complaining," because we won't.   We will remain firm in our resolve to affect these changes, even if we have to complain to the FCC, FTC, CIA, FBI, Congress, Senate, Vice-President, President or Ronald McDonald!

Have a good day!

Contributor - Level 1

I would love to know what other internet forums these two are haunting. I imagine electra is holding forth on some vintage campaign button collector's forum, having the last word on a heated argument about the forward-slash vs. the back-slash (e.g. Bush/Cheney vs. Bush\Cheney).

Tids is probably over on the Natural/Homeopathic Dog Treats forum telling everyone how futile it is to make your own dog treats and/or demanding proof of some change in nutritional content that another forum member was letting everyone know about.

Thanks for spending your valuable time here setting us straight!

Meanwhile, VZW, what's the holdup on Cyan/8.1?

Not applicable

I am not against you complaining. You have the right I never said you didn't.

I said your complaining will do no good. I base this on a few facts.

1- There is no law or regulation that states Verizon or any carrier has to update your device.

2- The FCC complaints are just being deflected to Verizon and Verizon states the truth that they have not violated anything.

3- All the complaining is still not getting that update. Early, late or otherwise. All these posts are proving that.

Its not just your rights to an opinion but mine and others who do not agree with you to post opposite opinions. It seems the rights you say our founding fathers fought for don't apply to me or others with that descending opinion.

Then notice how the people that disagree with your opinions and stance on the issue are called names.

Just look at some of the posts from your side of the issue. Read them.

So when logic or common sense cannot prevail some of your group resort to name calling. Tell me if you personally believe if that makes any posting or arguments from your group valid? They don't.

If this issue was on Android or iOS I would still be saying the same. So as windows phone owners/users I don't take offense in your device selections, I take offense that there is a way to complain and it should be based on facts.

Saying Verizon or any carrier has to update your device or my device or as you said "Ronald McDonald" is totally not true. Your complaint to Verizon and other groups would seem is not really working. (Your meaning all the complaining posters not just you)

My father use to say "You can't beat a dead horse to make it be alive" its dead.

Have a nice afternoon.

Specialist - Level 1

And again, I say, what difference does it make?  Whether the complaints are based on facts or not is relevant to your point of view.  For example, you and Tidbits keep saying that what has been persued in the past has done no good, when in fact, you can't say that because they are still ongoing.  How can you say "its a fact that these complaints have done no good" when no result has been determined yet?.

Also, whether the complaining will actually do any good or not is irrelevant to the cause.  As I've stated before trying to change is better than sitting idolly by doing nothing.

And, I have stated in the past, you have every right to make your comments as I do, so please don't put words in my mouth attempting to make me out to say otherwise.  Read my previous posts if you don't believe me.

We may not be able to "beat a dead horse", but how will you know its really dead if you don't beat it?