Update for Icon?
Specialist - Level 1

<< Moved from a prior discussion for better exposure >>

"What makes you want to be done with us..."

Well, if Chefmiss is anything like me, it would be the EXTREMELY LONG AND PAINFULLY UNINFORMATIVE manner that Verizon chooses in updating our Windows Phones.  I've been waiting since JULY for the Cyan firmware update and now I'm still waiting for the Denim firmware update!  We were told "Early 2015" for the Icon, but Verizon has STILL not given a more definitive timeline.  You expect us customer to stay with Verizon, yet you treat us like mushrooms (keep us in the dark and feed us fertilizer)!

We deserve better treatment for the amount of money we are paying for our plans.  Please let  us know WHEN WILL THE LUMIA ICON BE GETTING THE LUMIA DENIM UPDATE!?

Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator

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5 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 2

Consider yourself one of the lucky ones........their CS just bald-faced lied to me about the update ("checked, passed, roll out started 10-13-14, will be finished rolling out by 11-13-14).  Just complete BS.

Contributor - Level 2

Management doesn't care and it shows all the way down the ladder. Ask about Windows Phone in a store and you get looked at as if you had two heads. And now every Lumia phone has disappeared from the VZW website.

Will the Icon see an update? Maybe; but I'd say the odds are no better than 50/50. There is clearly something up with this device and I'd settle for the truth about it at this point.

Contributor - Level 1

"Moved for better exposure" are you kidding! Should read "Moved for irrelevancy".

Verizon doesn't even sell the Icon anymore. I really don't think there will be an update. I bought my Icon back in July also with the "8.1 Ready" coming soon. Soon means nothing, I've heard 'soon' too many times.

Keep stringing us along & we will see who stays with Big Red.

Contributor - Level 2

Verizon needs to pull their heads out of their backsides.  This is beyond insane.  Denim should be out.  The Icon should still be sold.  It's an amazing phone!  When Windows 10 comes out and changes the landscape, do you stay ahead of the curve or keep falling behind?  Apple can't decide between MacOS and iOS.  Google still can't figure out if they want to use Android or Chrome OS.  Microsoft is simply going to a unified Windows.  How do you not jump aboard that train of progress?

Specialist - Level 1

I agree 100%.  When Windows 10 is released and new phones, tablets, etc. are released, if Verizon doesn't jump onboard with that, it will be the dumbest thing they have done since saying "no" to Apple on the original iPhone release.  Everyone dumped Verizon and flocked to AT&T for the iPhone.  The same will happen with the Windows 10 phones/phablets/tablets.

Beyond the updates and devices not being supported by Verizon, what really irritates the majority of us customers is Verizon's total lack of respect for us.  No explanation, no warning of devices going away, no information whatsoever regarding the Windows platform and when we inquire about it, we get NOTHING!  I even had Corporate persons make extremely rude comments to me over the phone when requesting information from them.  "You will get it when you get it.  We won't release an update until we are sure it works on our network."  Then when they release the update for the iPhone, it crashes phones, disrupts their network, etc.  Complete BS!

Am I wrong to believe that it is completely rude, arrogant, mean-spririted and completely bad business practive to treat your customers this way?  I would think that a company, especially one as big as Verizon, would want to treat their customers with respect, and do everything in their power to make their customers happy.  Perhaps they are just a little too big!  Perhaps all customers who are as disgusted and unsatisfied as I am with Verizon's service should just complain to Big Red and if things don't change, leave.  Go to AT&T.  Go to Sprint or T-Mobile.  Show Verizon that they need to change by hitting them in their pocket books.  I am extremely close to leaving Verizon for AT&T myself.  I'm just waiting to see if AT&T gets Denim for the 1520 before my Icon does.  If so, I'll be leaving Verizon for good!