Voicemail, and Prepaid Card Didn't Last 90 Days

Up until recently I have never really had a cell phone, somebody who felt bad about how socially dead I was, gave me one. As of now, I've run into two problems. First, I can't access the voicemail. The person who gave it to me can't remember the 4 digit code used to access it and there doesn't seem to be any real way for me to change that.

Secondly, I had bought this $35 prepaid card from Walmart that was 500 minutes, with unlimited texting and web, which according them, was supposed to last 90 days. As a matter of fact, the phone does say that it's next payment is due in July, but it only lasted for a month. I can't call or text, yet for some odd reason, can still browse the Internet on it.

So, does anybody have any insight? It's a basic phone as far as I know, a Samsung SCH-U380 I think. Um, any help?

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8 Replies
Contributor - Level 2

For the voicemail password, sometimes the last 4 digits of your phone number will work. However, if the person who gave you the phone reset the default password, you (or the person who gave you the phone) would need to go to vzw.com/myverizon and login to the account as the account owner. Once you have accessed My Verizon, click on "More Actions" and under Device click on "Reset Voicemail Password".

The $35 refill card only adds money to an existing plan. The 90 day limit means you have 90 days from the time you activate the card to use the talk minutes, texts or data, but if you use them before 90 days, you need to add money sooner.

The Samsung SCH-U380 ("Brightside") is a not a basic phone. If you can browse the Internet on it, it is a smart phone. That is where your $35 got used up....browsing the web quickly uses up data on your plan.

Contributor - Level 2


My mistake, the Brightside is not a smart phone. It is a "feature" phone.

It's odd that you can still apparently browse the Internet, but not talk or text. The plan should require another $35 payment to continue doing anything, each month. You need to figure out exactly which plan you are on!

Try calling *611 and talk to a live person. The menu option is option 5 -- "having trouble using the phone." This should get you to live help.


I'm severely confused. The Internet on it still works perfectly fine. According to Walmart it was a card that gave 500 minutes, and UNLIMITED texting+web. Which I thought was for 90 days. The phone even says so:

$35 500MIN/UNL TXT&WEB straight from the phone

When I first redeemed it, the Verizon robot person (yes very sophisticated language there )  said that I had a balance of $0 even though everything worked like it was supposed to. The description from Walmart explicitly says:

"This Verizon $35 Refill Card features 500 minutes of talk with unlimited text and web."

  • Redeemable for talk time, text messaging and games. Includes domestic long distance
  • Expires 90 days after redemption

What I'm getting hung up on (no pun intended) is that the Internet on it still works perfectly. Also I apologize for my inability to distinguish a smartphone from a basic phone. I did say that I've never had a cellphone before.

As per the voicemail issue. Is there absolutely nothing else I can do? I was aware of the last 4 digits of the number thing, I tried that and to no surprise it didn't work. They don't remember the login stuff for it. And if I can't get that working, I suppose I might as well find something that's only texting+web because it's just a waste. I have messages that I can't even access. I mean this is plenty of reason for me to never touch a cellphone again, I just want to figure out what's going on, what I can do, and be done with it.

Not applicable

As CatBird said above, "Try calling *611 (Vzn customer care)  and talk to a live person. ~ This should get you to live help."  Another option is Forgot Password link at verizonwireless.com login may also work for you - possible option to text a temporary pwd to your device allowing you to log into Vzn website and reset your VM pwd online.

Customer Service Rep

Congrats on your new cell phone spirrwell. I know how important it is to ensure that your device is working correctly. Unfortunatley, we do not have access to Pre-Paid account. For further assistance, please contact our Pre-Pay Department at 877-777-5759.

Thank You,
VZW Support
Follow us on Twitter @VZWSUPPORT

Contributor - Level 2

If it makes any difference, 877-777-5759 is for prepaid Activations.

The number for prepaid Customer Service is 888-294-6804.


I purchased a $35 prepaid card and applied it to my account. It went through just fine, also was applied before my last card expired, and then a week later it said "You have insufficient funds to send message"...... But the refill card states that I'll have UNLIMITED texting? And 500 min of airtime for phone calls? I've certainly not used all of those minutes in 1 week, and you can't exceed unlimited texting. I used the 646 number and was told that my current balance is $0.05. How does that even happen? If I purchase ANOTHER $35 prepaid card will I have a full 90 days or will it forever more be $35 every single week?

Customer Service Rep

It's very important to be able to use your phone PrepaidProblems, and get to the bottom of this issue with Prepay service. Please call 888-294-6804 to contact a Prepay customer representative for assistance, as we don't have access to the Prepaid system.

Follow us on Twitter at @VZWSupport