Voicemail greeting & saved messages deleted but not by me.


I have an LG Revere 3 Flip. My voice mailbox message was recently deleted. I did not delete it and nobody else uses this phone. I re-set the greeting and left a message to test it. It works again, but prior messages are gone. How did the voice mailbox greeting and prior messages get deleted? I presume this happened on Verizon's end because I changed nothing on my phone and I've had the same phone and number for many years. The only reason I knew about is that a caller told me they couldn't leave a message. This was within the last week, as far as I know.

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Customer Service Rep



Our apologies for the trouble this issue has caused you. We have made some changes to our Voicemail system in certain areas. We are glad you are up and running again. How long ago did this happen? Did you receive any email or text notification regarding a change to your Voicemail?



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