When will the windows phone 8.1 update be released?!
Enthusiast - Level 2

From what Microsoft told me, it is completely ready and VZW is one of the few that has yet to release it (probably because they are loading the adware, correct?) Please ship out the update!

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16 Replies
Master - Level 1

MS is talking smack...

No carrier has rolled out WP 8.1 to any devices yet; at least in the US.  A good place to check for if WP 8.1/Cyan will be available for their devices here, Availability in North America - Nokia

The Nokia 930 isn't supposed to be released till next month so I would guess anytime next month through August is when will see it rolled out.

In the past with Nokia devices, the track record was the newest model that received that update first.  So for VZW the Icon will most likely get WP 8.1/Cyan first then the rest will follow suite.

Lastly MS prohibits adware from being installed.  VZW may load up some of their crappy apps but they are easily removed/uninstalled.

Enthusiast - Level 3

well that isn't helpful, the nokia site you have listed does not show anything about windows phone 8.1 availability. So basically, 8.1 is taking a very long time to get out there. I hope we get a real answer about this someday.

Master - Level 1

ammoblammo wrote:

well that isn't helpful, the nokia site you have listed does not show anything about windows phone 8.1 availability. So basically, 8.1 is taking a very long time to get out there. I hope we get a real answer about this someday.

Exactly because Windows Phone 8.1 hasn't been released in the US yet so the site won't reflect it yet.  There is news that European countries are starting to get it now so it's just a matter of time.

You're best bet it to keep an eye on WPCentral for news on when Windows Phone 8.1 will be released.

Specialist - Level 2

According to Windows Phone Central today, SFR in France is releasing 8.1 on July 8th. The entire rollout of WP8.1 seems to be very Europe-centric so I would expect Verizon in the U.S. to roll out 8.1 some time after that. I'm sick of checking my Lumia Icon every day in vain hope of seeing "update available" pop up.

The bottom line is that carriers like Verizon are being held to Microsoft's schedule. And you cannot really blame Microsoft for updating first in markets where they enjoy a larger market share than in North America. So we're back to "we get it when we get it." I'm not thrilled with that, but it is what it is.

Enthusiast - Level 3

I don't think that is correct.  Microsoft says that the carrier determines availability, and the way I understand it is that it was made available to all carriers at the same time.  Maybe since the Windows Phone users are a definite minority on Verizon (whether or not that is what they want is another subject...), they aren't in any big hurry to give us the update.  I have asked them to give a date multiple times, but they won't commit.  Maybe the fact that they can't permanently install bloatware on WP has something to do with it.

Master - Level 1

Yes, carriers determine availability and that's after Microsoft releases the OS to the OEMSs and not the carriers.

HTC, Samsung, Nokia (now Microsoft) have to test and make changes to firmware, drivers and such.  Then once that is done VZW needs to test to make sure the phone works within spec.

From the Nokia side they just started releasing the update in Europe.

Also please stop with the installation of bloatware comment, it's a false information you're spreading.

Enthusiast - Level 2

MS created "anxiety" on their WP site by previewing 8.1 and Cortana... It worked.  I got all juiced up.

We should not respond to our anxiety with victim centric whining and conspiracy theories.  The WP update may not at the top of Verizon's priorities.  We will get it when they can successfully manage it.

Considering the issues they had with the Verizonwireless site recently, I suggest we do not rush them.  Rather have it right the first time.  It's easy to forget that it is a phone, not a PC.  A bit more mission-critical.

Enthusiast - Level 1

I get an email from Microsoft saying to contact your carrier and ask when the update will be released. So I call Verizon and no information is available at this time. Remember the update is only supported by Microsoft until 2017. The developer release has been out for several months. How long will Verizon continue to drag on this update? A comment I read in another forum. "iPhone users do not have to wait long for their updates." I thought this was a valid point. Although iPhone hardware is all the same. So the big question. "When will Verizon decide to release this update or will they?"

Master - Level 1

I know it's a hard pill to swallow.  Microsoft does control the release of the update first then the carrier.  Ask yourself this; why is that only the carriers in Europe are the only country that is getting the update now and no carriers in the US?  Do all the carriers in the world talk together and draw straws who releases the update first?

When Windows Phone Update 3 was released it was controlled by Nokia.  They granted the carrier permission to release the updates one device model at a time again it wasn't the US first that got the update.

Enthusiast - Level 2

     Primortal, you really are uninformed it seems. I had Verizon themselves tell me that it's based on carrier release. By the way, anyone who believes that Microsoft still hasn't released the update is naรฏve. It was officially released to carriers and the distributors June 24. First the distributors (Samsung, Nokia, HTC, etc.) have to update firmware etc. which should have been almost complete by the time the rollout started, and then it sits at carriers, waiting for carriers to add their bloatware apps like NFL Mobile etc.

     That's the stage we are waiting on, for VZW to release the update. If you disagree, then you should stop commenting or trying to act like you know what you are talking about. This came from Microsoft and VZW directly, well except for the bloatware, but c'mon we know that's what is happening. I had called VZW, they say they are rolling out about 1,000 phones at a time in the US because they don't want the server bogged down/ a bad update to ruin all the phones at once. They couldn't give me any more info than that, but they assured me it is being rolled out slowly

Master - Level 1

So if it's at the carriers discretion.  Why is it only Europe countries the only ones releasing the update and only Nokia/Microsoft Lumia devices; where are the updates for Samsung or HTC devices if it carrier discretion for the same carriers and why?

Updating the firmware and testing doesn't take a few days to do a good burn through.  So if 6/24 is the official release date and the OEM's got the final bits even though they most likely had 8.1 earlier; its' only been a week since release.  Not enough time to test and release the update and firmware to the the carriers for them to test or even re-test.

There hasn't been any news what so ever that VZW (or any other US carrier) has been releasing 8.1 to a 1000 phones at a time.  WPCenter and a few diehard windows phone sites are not reporting this.  WPCenter has a large user base and no one is reporting they received 8.1.

My uninformed information is based in how the past software updates released and how they were done.  And right now this is no different than how it was done in the past.  Specially with Nokia.  Nokia released 8.0 Update 3 in Europe first and then it came to the US.  Same as it's happening now so again who is controlling the roll out?

Master - Level 1

Please read, from 6/29

Today, Microsoft India has made an interesting announcement that offers us more details on the release timeframe for the Windows Phone 8.1 update.

According to Microsoft India, existing Windows Phone 8 users should expect to receive the long-awaited update in the first two weeks of July.

The exact rollout for each smartphone is likely to depend on country and carrier. Also, we're not sure if the above statement only applies to Windows Phone 8 users in India or to anyone owning an eligible smartphone.

Microsoft has already started to deploy the Windows Phone 8.1 update in Finland and Argentina, but only as pilot. There are no details on Microsoft starting to offer the update in any other country as of yet.

However, there are only a few days left until the beginning of July, so we expect the mass rollout of Windows Phone 8.1 to finally kick off next week.

We will keep an eye out for any additional details on the matter, so stay tuned for more updates on Windows Phone 8.1โ€™s worldwide rollout.

Microsoft Confirms Windows Phone 8.1 Update Rolls Out in Early July

So again, who is controlling the roll out?

Windows Phone 8.1: Release date

First of all, itโ€™s important to note that the update will be free and will begin rolling out in the UK on 24 June. The exact date youโ€™ll be able to get it will depend on your smartphone manufacturer.

"The distribution of these incremental updates may be controlled by the mobile operator or the phone manufacturer from which you purchased your phone, and installation will require that your phone have any prior updates. Update availability will also vary by country, region, and hardware capabilities," warns Microsoft.


So again, who is controlling the roll out?

Master - Level 1

Track record with Windows Phone 8.0 Update 3 (GRD3) and VZW release schedule:

Microsoft Released Windows Phone 8.01 Update 3 (GR3) on 10/14/2013

  •      HTC received the update on 11/22; a month later.
  •      Lumia 928 received the update on 2/14; 4 months later
  •      Lumia 822 received the update on 2/18; 4 months and 4 days later.

I'm hoping the release schedule for Windows Phone 8.1 isn't anywhere near as the schedule for Update 3 was.

Contributor - Level 1

You sure about that?  I got Black for my 928 in Dec 13.  As far as WP 8.1; Verizon will release it when they are ready.  Meaning it's been tested on the network and won't cause network issues for any of its users.  They also have to ensure the CDMA side works as well.  Eventually, as CDMA is phased out, this step will eventually be eliminated.


Its been a month... lets go Verizon! 8.1 should have been weeks ago.

Master - Level 1

You need to talk to Microsoft.  As of yet they haven't released it in the US.

Keep on eye on this post, http://forums.wpcentral.com/windows-phone-8-1/293096-track-windows-phone-8-1-lumia-cyan-rollout-here... or http://www.wpcentral.com/windows-phone-81-tracker