Where can I find out how many minutes I have used?

I have tried going through the phone, I have called #MIN, I have checked online, all it says is I have $10. I don't want my $ balance, I want to know how many minutes I have used, so I don't go over. I have the Gusto. Any help would be appreciated; the FAQ on here is useless.

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4 Replies
Champion - Level 3

It sounds like you are on a prepay service. #MIN will only give you a dollar amount.

On prepay service the number of minutes used does not matter. What matters is how much money you have left on your account and how much your per minute rate is.

In either case you won't be able to go over because when you run out of money you will not be able to use the phone until you put more money on it.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Not that it solves the problem, or will necessarily make you feel any better, but I have the same phone, and had the same problem while I was on the $35/month plan, but I'm on the $45 one now, so the minutes don't matter. When I was on the other one, there was a short period of time it gave me the total amount of minutes I had (including after allowance minutes), with every outgoing call (except 911 or other free calls), but they suddenly stopped that. I really don't think it's fair, it's just a way for those who use over 500 minutes (I don't, but that's not the point) to get fleeced with the 25c after allowance unknowingly, since they have no idea how many minutes they've used in the 30 day period...NOT A FAIR POLICY, VERIZON!

Enthusiast - Level 2

That's still unfair for people like me that NEED to have an active phone for job hunting, and have no other phone to use and can't afford a smartphone and don't want a contract phone...that's the point I'm trying to make!!!

Champion - Level 3

I don't understand your point? Exactly which prepay plan are you on?