Where do you get your WP7 OS and Device News???
Contributor - Level 2

It seems that there are several phone manufacturers (ahem, RIM) who rely on data leaked to the media for their pre-release advertising.  Leaving your "soon to be released" phone in a bar is also an lame way to advertise.  There are a handful of somewhat reliable sites that I like to hit to research the latest on both Windows Phone and Windows 8 - soon to be both in the same!    A few useful sites for my phone, as well.

The Verge / Microsoft Hub:  http://www.theverge.com/microsoft

WP Central:  http://www.wpcentral.com/

CNET (as Engadget have become MS haters):  http://www.cnet.com/

Windows 8 Blog:  http://blogs.msdn.com/b/b8/

Windows Phone Blog:   http://windowsteamblog.com/windows_phone/b/windowsphone/

Windows Phone YouTube:  http://www.youtube.com/windowsphone

Windows 8 Blog:  http://blogs.msdn.com/b/b8/

Mary Jo Foley Blogs on ZD:  http://www.zdnet.com/search?q=mary+jo+foley&tag=content;siu-container 

Microsoft Windows Phone:  http://www.microsoft.com/windowsphone/en-us/default.aspx

Smoked by Windows Phone:  http://www.microsoft.com/windowsphone/en-us/cmpn/smoked-by-windows-phone.aspx?WT.rss_f=At%20Work%20R...

Microsoft Windows Phone Partner Site:  https://partner.microsoft.com/US/40014671

My Windows Phone:  https://www.windowsphone.com/

Xbox:  http://live.xbox.com/

SkyDrive: https://skydrive.live.com/

I'm a WP7:  http://imawp7.com/ImAWP7/

Nokia Windows Phone:  http://www.nokia.com/us-en/

Samsung Windows Phone:  http://www.samsung.com/us/topic/super-social-with-windows

HTC Windows Phone:  http://www.htc.com/us/products#/?view=1-1&sort=0&filters=0-11-0

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2 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 3

Here are another few that are good:

WMPowerUser:  www.wmpoweruser.com

WindowsPhoneDaily  www.windowsphonedaily.com

Contributor - Level 2

Good links, i'll add a few more:

1-800-PocketPC: http://www.1800pocketpc.com

WP7 Connect: http://www.wp7connect.com

PocketNow: http://www.pocketnow.com

Twitter is a great resource for up-to-the-minute news stories too. If you're interested in who to follow there, just take a gander at the "following" list for @bc3tech Smiley Happy