Why Do I Get A Notification About An Authorization Error?


Every day the inner screen says "Authorization Error, We're sorry - we are unable to authorize your account. Please try again later".

I bought a Droid Mini from your online Verizon store so they turned off my flip phone.

I could not get a signal on the Droid Mini so I returned it to the closest Verizon store per your offices request and received a refund and the manager at the Verizon store reactivated my LG Revere 3 flip phone (which does work where we live)

Every day since then the Authorization Error message appears.  I was hoping I could solve it on my own, but it doesn't appear that I can do so.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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1 Solution
Enthusiast - Level 1

Resolved for me:  I too have been having this daily error (overnight, idle phone) for months - since changing phones.

Resolution:On my flip phone, this error was resolved by "resetting the phone" and then downloading Backup Assistant (part of the process of reset).

The appearance of the error screen with the red bar at both top and bottom is identical to the backup assistant screen - informing 3rd-level tech support of this appearance lead to an immediate resolution.

It seems that the error is caused by the access code/pin (whatever) for Backup Assistant was not properly reset when changing devices.  Resetting the phone included the step to input the access code (last 4 of phone number) and download from backup assistant.

Many thanks to Jack as VZW Tech Support

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2 Replies
Customer Service Rep

That is a bit of a puzzle that will require some close investigation. You should reach out to us on Twitter, @vzwsupport, on Facebook at www.facebook.com/verizon or by calling 888-294-6804.
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If my response answered your question please click the "Correct Answer" button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!

Enthusiast - Level 1

Resolved for me:  I too have been having this daily error (overnight, idle phone) for months - since changing phones.

Resolution:On my flip phone, this error was resolved by "resetting the phone" and then downloading Backup Assistant (part of the process of reset).

The appearance of the error screen with the red bar at both top and bottom is identical to the backup assistant screen - informing 3rd-level tech support of this appearance lead to an immediate resolution.

It seems that the error is caused by the access code/pin (whatever) for Backup Assistant was not properly reset when changing devices.  Resetting the phone included the step to input the access code (last 4 of phone number) and download from backup assistant.

Many thanks to Jack as VZW Tech Support
