Why doesnt Verizon Message show as a download option on 928 when it is on other WIndows 8.1 phones (HTC)??

I use this function quite often. I have recently changed from an S4 to a 928 (due to the S4 being replaced 3 times, twice for the EXACT same overheating issue, and it still does it. Tired of warranty replacing it and reloading it so I bought a 928 to put on my account, and change to Windows OS).

However, it doesnt seem to be available for the 928?? It doesnt show in the Store as a downloadable app. However at the Verizon (corporate, not a dealer) store they showed me Windows on on the HTC  (tried to sell me for full price!) and IT HAS Message+ capability. But I am NOT willing to spend over $400 to buy it full price just becuase the S4 keeps being bad units.... Plus I actually like the 928 more than the HTC....

The built in messaging on the 928 doesnt work with it (in fact it appears to be fighting it, I am  getting duplciated sends and odd /missed incoming on the phone if I leave the messaging subscribed so the other devices work).

I need the functionality so that the tablet also has access to my SMS, but at this point it doesnt seem to be possible...

Been a long time VZW user (around 13 years) with  phones and a tablet on the family plan, but between the constant insistence to replace the S4 with another S4 (instead of some sort of upgrade path to another model) when they next S4 does the same thing after a couple weeks, combined with the apparent selective availability of the message+ app... Making me start to consider comping carriers 😕

I can understand replacing the S4 with a same model once, MAYBE twice, but 3 and 4 times is getting ridiculous...Especially when I purchased the S4 as a BRAND NEW phone, and each of the

warranty' units is a rebuilt... I paid for a NEW....

And I know people who have iPhone on VZW that had 2 iPhone4S go bad and after the second they were upgraded to a 5S wihtout additional cost... Apparently that courtesy doesnt extend to users of non iPhones.....

If the Message+ truly is blocked from working on 928 for some reason, and they would do an upgrade path to change to an HTC (the unit FULL PRICE is exactly the SAME for the S5, which is  the logical replacement for S4, and the HTC), I'd be fine with it (even though its NOT my prefered phone). But this buying my own phone to put on the line, AND apparently blocked from the app is getting upsetting...

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1 Solution
Customer Service Rep

13 years as our customer is fantastic and we would never want to see you go. Verizon Messages is a great application and I can totally understand your interest in it.  I use it myself so I definitely appreciate it. Three phones is too many to go through.  The warranty process is set by the manufacturer to replace it with the same make and model to ensure you have a working phone at all times.
We want you to have access to the apps you need.  At this time, the only Windows Mobile device comatible with Verizon Messages is the HTC One (M8) http://vz.to/107tuQu .
Are you still within the 14 day guarantee http://bit.ly/IeiJI ?

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1 Reply
Customer Service Rep

13 years as our customer is fantastic and we would never want to see you go. Verizon Messages is a great application and I can totally understand your interest in it.  I use it myself so I definitely appreciate it. Three phones is too many to go through.  The warranty process is set by the manufacturer to replace it with the same make and model to ensure you have a working phone at all times.
We want you to have access to the apps you need.  At this time, the only Windows Mobile device comatible with Verizon Messages is the HTC One (M8) http://vz.to/107tuQu .
Are you still within the 14 day guarantee http://bit.ly/IeiJI ?

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If my response answered your question please click the �Correct Answer� button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!
