Why exactly does the Marketplace App need access to ALL my data on my phone?

Windows & Verizon, you are already giving too much of my data to the NSA. Why do you need to have access to all my data including music, photos, microphone, GPS, etc. in order for me to load and use any apps?  I refuse to use any apps or update Marketplace until you change you policy on accessing my private data.

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Specialist - Level 2

First, this is now common practice with all carriers and all brands of phones. Apple does it and so does Android. I suppose you could avoid it by using a Nokia N9 with MeeGo.

Second, Verizon is not giving anything to the NSA that they don't already have. They pluck your data right out of the air when they want it. The Echelon program has been going strong for 20+ years. Asking Verizon for customer information gives the appearance of propriety for when the government actually uses it. But they have it. They have it from your computer too. The telcos and the pc industry have been in bed with the government since the 1950's. The revelations about spying might be recent, but it's been gong on for a looooong time. We're just waking up to it now.