Why is windows 10 not available for my HTC Windows Phone 8x

I have contacted Verizon in Novi, MI on Fri Oct 23 and heard that there is an unfriendly relationship between Verizon and Microsoft. Thus, I might be sitting on my HTC windows phone forever without the benefit of Windows 10 and a better phone than the 8x piece of ....It is still on Windows 8.1, had it replaced 3 times during the last 2 years and getting tired of it. I inquired about the Lumia 950 and 950XL and heard, that because AT&T has exclusive rights to these two phones coming up soon, they will not be available at Verizon.

With this discussion I want Verizon to realize, that after about 15 years I am seriously considering changing to AT&T. I have contacted AT&T yesterday (spoke with Michael Rhodes) and I was impressed. I will make the change as soon as the Lumia Phone will hit the market, unless Verizon will jump through several hoops trying to keep me. According to Stephan at the Novi store, they are not willing to do that.

Good Luck, Verizon, I noticed that there were a lot of customers at the store in Novi, so you must have been doing something right in the past, I hope you will be able to keep this up.

Horst  C a r l, CPA

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