Windows 10 availability
Enthusiast - Level 2

Windows 10: 12 things you need to know | PCWorld

Are the wireless carriers, especially Verizon going to be a roadblock to the single platform, many devices model Microsoft is trying to implement?   Windows 10 will be released in less than a year.  Will Verizon still be the company that insists that your smartphone be out of synch with the rest of your Windows experience?  Do we just need to accept that the USA is no longer a cutting edge nation when it comes to technology, all in the name of "security"?  Imagine if Windows 8.1 is just being pushed to "smart phones" as Windows 10 is released.  It defeats the purpose of a smartphone.  We may as well get the cheapest phone that functions as a wireless hotspot and carry around a second device such as a tablet. Thanks Verizon for making having a smartphone be impractical.

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Verizon makes money by avoiding development costs of supporting new software and gaining revenue by limiting any new software to newer, more expensive phones and related contracts. Further, the companies actions so far suggest that Verizon views the lack of ability to influence the software hurts other areas of business. Imagine if VZW could no longer dictate what programs your phone comes with or is capable of running. In short, they will sell the customers just less than what the competition offers and rely on the strength of their infrastructure and high transition costs to keep customers from giving them the boot.  The solution, I think, maybe to get a phone off contract and unneutered and keep it for longer. The more cellular capable devices can take the place of traditional computing equipment, the more defensible this cost will be.