Windows 8.1 - Why does Verizon ALWAYS punish their loyal customers in favor of new customers?
Enthusiast - Level 1

The Windows 8.1 update is available for the Nokia 928, it's available with all the other phone carriers and once again not only does Verizon not offer it to their clients but they also will not just admit that they don't want to provide it so you will have to buy a new phone or suffer with the old system. Every thread I've seen, all of the information on this indicates it is 100% Verizon. Numerous people, myself included, have called Nokia and as I said before, other service providers are able to provide it so it has to be a Verizon issue. And worst of all is Verizon's inability to just GIVE A DATE OF RELEASE! If they cared about their customers AT ALL they would want current, loyal customers to be just as satisfied as new customers and not constantly just try to screw customers who don't want to buy a new phone. And having their customer service people give such an irritating, canned "I'm sorry that information is not currently available to me" answer just tops it off. I would like to warn anyone considering switching to Verizon that this is a common theme with them and I would love to know WHY Verizon has so little regard for helping their current clients??

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3 Replies
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All the carriers did not release it. Check your facts.

Nokia is deflecting towards the cellular carriers.

Verizon does not have to give any time table.

When you purchased your device it did not come with a warranty of getting updates timely or not.

I don't buy devices to get phone updates. It worked when you purchased it, it will continue to work without any update.

If you do get one its a bonus.

Patience, if Verizon lets it out you will receive it.

Good Luck

Not applicable
Enthusiast - Level 2

Take a look around the interwebs. Verizon, from what I can find, has ethics codes covering a lot of things but customer satisfaction and service is not one of them. Which speaks for itself. As of right now there is no law against a company having their customers sign a contract that basically says you will pay us and there are consequences if you don't. Then in the same contract have you agree that they don't have to do or be held responsible for just about anything.

And really what you think this board is for? Sure it can sometimes help you with tech issues but you can usually find your answers quicker with a google search. Verizon provides what appears to be a venue of communication with them. Thus keeping a handle and lid on the general disgruntlement of their customers. People vent and complain, including myself, and generally get it out of their system. Therefore it never goes further. Now if it was somehow vented in a more public environment that brought public scrutiny to Verizon they might check themselves. But as of now they are perfectly happy to have people contain themselves here.

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