Windows Phone Updates from Verizon - ON TIME. (Meet Joe B.)
Contributor - Level 2

Another Windows Phone Update - another release delay from Verizon. 

Anyone else with a Verizon Windows Phone tired of waiting for Verizon to provide us with our Microsoft updates on a timely basis?  Yes.  I have heard.  They need time to test.  Blah, blah, blah.

Well, Verizon - meet Joe Belfiore.

You may have seen Joe today 4/4 rolling out Cortana - the new "Siri" for Windows Phone. (See link below.)  Joe runs the show for Windows Phones.

I have extended the challenge to Verizon a number of times to contact Joe to find out how they can get engaged in a Beta program for Windows Phone updates.  There are a number of companies who review Windows Phone updates prior to release so they can be prepared WHEN THE RELEASE IS AVAILABLE.  Just like the iPhone.  What a concept. 

I am tired of asking the Verizon Lip Service Representatives to research this.  I am tired of filing complaints with the FCC.

So here's my challenge Verizon.  Now public.  Now in writing.  Send an email to Joe Belfiore and jump into the program that allows you to test Windows Phone updates prior to release (since this is what you claim takes so long to get your updates out).  OR, allow your Windows Phone customers to go directly to Microsoft to download the updates just as you do with your iPhone customers.  That would be an acceptable alternative if this whole story about testing releases is just more nonsense.

Meet Cortana, Microsoft's Answer To Siri And Google Now

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38 Replies
Contributor - Level 2

...and while you have Joe's ear - how about working something out to get GLANCE added to the Icon.

Enthusiast - Level 3

The fact that Icon doesn't have Glance is keeping me from upgrading my 822, but it's more Nokia's fault than Verizon. You can read more here: The Nokia Lumia 930 does not have Glance, here’s why | Windows Phone Central

Hopefully they'll get it worked out.

Specialist - Level 1

Please don't divert the conversation.  The topic is about updating our Windows Phones faster, not Glance.  This is a legitimate complaint and Verizon needs to address this situation.  They allow pre-testing with the iPhone, and now that Microsoft owns Nokia and will be building their own phones (like Apple) Windows Phone updates for Lumia devices deserves the same respect that iPhones get.  And yes, I know all about the Developer Preview program, but that DOES NOT provide us with the firmware updates (Cyan).  That comes from Verizon after they do their "testing bit", which if they would "pre-test" as recommended above, we wouldn't be waiting on testing like we are now!  We'd be receiving the updates.  AT&T is about to release the update for their flagship Windows Phone because they DID do pre-testing for the 1520, why can't Verizon do the same thing!?  I agree with MadDog!  Either Verizon should PRE-TEST the updates or allow us to get the updates (including the firmware like Apple iPhone) directly from Microsoft and push all trouble-shooting off onto Microsoft (just like they do with the iPhone to Apple).

Contributor - Level 2

This Spring, thousands of Windows Phone users experiences just what is made available to Verizon when they participated in the Windows Phone Developer Program and received a number of pre-release downloads of the 8.1 beta of Cyan 8.1.

Joe Belfiore is a personal friend and clearly the go-to person at Microsoft for Verizon.

Considering that Verizon can't, won't, didn't and haven't sent Joe an email or engaged with Microsoft on a pre-release program is pathetic.

What Verizon has done is make a clear statement about their dedication to the Windows Phone Platform and their customers who use those devices. They could care less about both.

"Yes, we can hear you now Verizon!"  Your apathy speaks volumes.  And just to make sure you hear us - we are partnering with the FCC who can help adjust your attitude.  File your complaint today at  Demand your Cyan 8.1 update and demand that Verizon pre-test these releases.

Specialist - Level 1

If the FCC complaint thing doesn't work, perhaps a class action lawsuit against Verizon for discrimination for not providing Windows Phone users the same service that iPhone users get might shake them up.  Win or not, the bad publicity via news media might get them to listen to us PAYING customers.  If not for us PAYING customers, they would ALL be out of a job! 

Enthusiast - Level 3

Follow the articles and forums on and you should be able to figure out how to install WP8.1 when it's released through the developer channel. I had Black and GDR3 long before Verizon released it. And once it was officially released, it updated without any problem. And I believe Verizon actually updated my their 2 Windows phones long before ATT did any of theirs.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Can you please explain what part of the FCC laws and regulations Verizon is in violation of?

Contributor - Level 2

I discussed my update concerns with the FCC several WP versions ago.  I was specifically told by the FCC that if you purchased your phone from a carrier and if that carrier controls the software upgrades to your hardware - then that carrier is responsible to see that you get your upgrades on a timely basis.  Especially if that software upgrade improves device performance, corrects defects (fixes bugs), or includes new features.

Since that conversation, I have filed 3 complaints against Verizon.  And after all 3 complaints were filed, I received a call back from Verizon looking to confirm that I received my upgrade.  I do not know if Verizon received any fees or fines, but it was clear that the FCC contacted them.  In addition, during all 3 calls with Verizon, I explained to them just what is written in this post.  They were asked to participate in pre-release programs and they were given Microsoft Executives to contact to get into these programs.

So it's "Shame on Verizon" again.  Another WP Update - and - nothing.  My complaint was filed 3 days ago.  If you want improved WP phone performance, bug fixes, better Wi-Fi, and the new 8.1 features you have been reading about - join me in filing a complaint.  Because complaining out here does no good.


Alright I file the complaint, approximately how long after you submitted did you receive response back from Verizon.  Also did you receive the upgrade before the general public?  MadDogFL62

Contributor - Level 2

winnamon84:  I did not receive any kind of special "priority update" from Verizon.  From what I could read on this form and on sites like WPCentral and WMPoweruser, I got my update the same time as all other Verizon customers.

However, what I did get was a call from a Verizon "Damage Control" Rep within a week after the update was released.  They reviewed my complaint as it was specifically filed with the FCC and wanted to insure that every issue was addressed.

This go-around, I added the issue of Verizon not pre-testing the release to my complaint form.  I have asked on this forum and I have asked these Damage Control Reps to forward our concerns yet there are no improvements to the process.

So once again we sit on the sideline as Verizon customers; watching AT&T and T-Mobile customers enjoy their new software on their Windows Phone.


Just out of curiosity...what phone are you sporting????

Contributor - Level 2

ICON.  I was between contracts and had to have it.  Of course, I also had the HTC Trophy way back when and waited months after my contract for Verizon to release something worthwhile.  That was the Nokia 822.

I would love to see Verizon come out with the next generation of the 1520 that is rumored.  Then again, if they shove that on their shelves during the holidays, it will become obsolete in 6 months because that will be about the time that Microsoft releases Windows Phones sporting the same OS as Windows.  And I don't expect much compatibility with the older model phones when that happens.

So...  I may have to learn to love my ICON for another 12 months, or grab a new phone with my expired contract and beg work for a new phone when the next gen of Windows Phone OS comes out.

Specialist - Level 2

Just get an iPhone and be happy! Put down your burden, all the worrying and complaining about WP updates. Step into the warm embrace that is iOS and feel the love!

Contributor - Level 2

(Post removed as required by the Verizon Wireless Terms of Service.)

Specialist - Level 2

>> Comments removed to comply with the Verizon Wireless Terms of Service <<

Edited by:  Verizon Moderator

Contributor - Level 2

I've got nothing but love for you 47seijar .  I know you've got the same ICON that I have and the only reason you are out here is to see when you, too, are going to get your 8.1 Cyan update.  Don't be scared that a big bad Windows Phone Customer stalked your profile and found that you are also a Windows Phone owner.  We are one big happy family out here!  Support the Windows Phone cause rather than sugar-coating it with Apple Pride.  It's like trying to block those annoying anonymous calls on your ICON. (Yea, I read about that too.)   All we are looking for here is some love and an update for our ICONS - just like you!  Join us in getting some free pressure from the FCC.  After all, once you get 8.1, we all know you are going to like Cortana way more than Siri. 

Specialist - Level 1

Not even immediate updates would convince me to trade my Windows Phone for a boring, outdated, overpriced Crapple iPhlunk!  Go troll somewhere else bud.  Our beef is not with Apple or trolls like you, it's with Verizion and their lack of support for updates for ALL devices.  It may be that we non-iPhone users will need to file a class action lawsuit against Verizion for discrimination based on user support of our devices.  Why should Apple get preferential treatment?  We pay the same amount for our phones and plans as iPhone users do, so where is our "immediate updates?" 

Enthusiast - Level 2

I agree!  T-Mobile made progress and now AT&T.  Not a peep from Verizon on WP 8.1!

Enthusiast - Level 2

Complaint filed.

Glad to see I am not the only one irritated with the way Verizon runs business. As long as we pay them, we are treated like second class citizens. Don't even get me started on their support representatives. The perception of these people seems to be that they have an IQ of < 55.

Guess all we can do is wait - we are at their mercy, which is balls. I really wish people would stop sucking Apples pole, Their products are dumb'ed down for the average user to use. Really, they are far behind when it comes to productivity - ie. real job usefulness. I mean if all I wanted to do was listen to music - play retarded games, or watch videos - sure I'd go Apple.

Contributor - Level 1

I think there is a lot of confusion around how these updates are handled by the respective carriers.  Once the update is out of the Beta phase (which is essentially what we are using in the Dev Preview Program) it is then passed on to Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, etc.  Once they have the finished version of the update, they perform their own testing and certification before approving it for public release.  This is the step that Verizon is in now.  Right now they should be testing the 8.1/Cyan update to see how well it works on their various phones to make sure nothing is broken in the process.

This cannot be compared to how Apple rolls out updates because they bypass the carrier testing and certification process entirely.  It's a benefit they are able to enjoy because they were the first major smartphone to make it big, so they had the power to call those kinds of shots.  This is different from how both Google and MS have to handle their updates with the various carriers. 

The real question is, how hard is Verizon working to get the update rolled out to their phones?  I may not question the roll out process, but I do question how hard they are working to test and release this update.  Making complaints to the FCC is pointless, Verizon has every right to handle the process as they are, and that's a shame since I do believe they put a higher priority on Android updates than they do for WP updates.  Regardless, there are some here who seem confused on the whys of the process and I hope my post helped them out.