Windows Upgrade for Samsung ATIV SE
Enthusiast - Level 3

Wondering when Windows 8.1 will be available for the Samsung ATIV SE?

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43 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 2

The false statement by the sales rep is an act of consumer fraud.  You should file a complaint with your state's Attorney General's office.  Focus on false statements made by the sales rep as the basis for your complaint.  I read the arbitration agreement and it DOESN'T exclude you from filing a small claims lawsuit.  If you're really fighting angry you can picket the Verizon store where you bought the phone.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Windows Updates are a central part of the Operating System.  Your device is NOT safe from malware attacks without the updates.  I am still in the 14 day return period.  I was told the update will be available THIS WEEK by a regional director and if it isn't, they will waive the $35 restocking fee to return the phone.  Your phone is vulnerable to malware and thus is defective if you can't update it.  Samsung and Microsoft says its Verizon's responsibility to support the phone including updates.  It's in Microsoft's TOS that OEM software must be supported by the OEM vendor.  Verizon is the OEM licensee in this case.

Not applicable

The OEM vendor is Samsung.

Verizon wireless does not make the device.

OEM=Original Equipment Manufacturer

Verizon sells the devices, as does Walmarts, Best Buy, Costco, Radio Shack or Target or any other retailer.

However they do not have to carry the device let alone update it.

Samsung and Microsoft are lying to deflect their own short comings.

Good Luck

Enthusiast - Level 3

I just talked with Samsung.  They do not know when Windows 8.1 will be available and they do not want to speculate.  They said to check periodically for updates.  I guess we will all know better in two years.

Enthusiast - Level 2

I just received a similar email from Samsung.  This is what they had to say (cut and paste):

Thank you for contacting Samsung Telecommunications America.

After reviewing your e-mail, we understand that you are inquiring regarding the windows 8.1 update for your device.

We certainly understand your concern. We will provide you with the appropriate information.

We have received the exact model number inforamtion.

We have checked for the information and see that, as of know the windows devices are running on Windows 8 operating system.

We are unable to speculate when or if the update will be release to your device. Any inappropriate information would lead to confusion. Please visit our website periodically as the information of update will be reflected on the website once it is released.

In addition, we would like to inform that, updates are pushed to device through the carrier that is collaborated with Samsung. They are pushed randomly in a form of packets. You will receive a push notification once the update is released and pushed to your device.

Please feel free to get back to us if you have any further concerns. We would be glad to assist you.

If you are looking for more details on the functionality of a product or would like to find answers to some of the questions, visit us for an interactive review of some of our Samsung products.

Link :

If you have more questions regarding your Samsung Mobile Phone, you can also reach out to our chat support team by accessing the following link. Live Chat is available 24 hours a day. 7 days a week.


Thank you for your continued interest in Samsung products.

Good to know that nobody has any information.  It might be time to let the "Uncarrier" have my ATIV SE and let them buy out my contract: Switch Carriers without Early Termination Fees | No ETF's | T-Mobile

Not applicable

You did read what you posted from Samsung? This is the device maker telling you the information.

However you feel switching carriers is the answer. This puzzles me?

What is the difference if T-Mobile doesn't get updates out any faster versus Verizon Wireless?

I have read right now AT&T is updating. Have heard nothing about T-Mobile maybe I will google it and see.

Windows Phone 8.1 and Lumia Cyan update tracker | Windows Phone Central

Don't see it at T-Mobile or even for your device yet.

Enthusiast - Level 2

The bottom line is that Verizon has no business offering this phone.  I'm losing trust in "smartphones". The temptation is to use two devices:  A basic "non-smart" phone for calls and a mini tablet with a USB 4G modem when I need data.  I'm going to try a Galaxy 5 assuming the ATIV SE Windows 8.1 update isn't available by Saturday.  If that is a "problem child", I will learn the lesson that "smartphones" are more trouble than they are worth.  I have several apps on my ATIV SE that won't connect, however I can surf the web, so it's not a connection problem.  I have 20+ years as a programmer using Microsoft IDEs and languages and can tell you no customer should be required to endure the headaches that Verizon is serving up here.  It takes a lot to frustrate someone with my know-how, but Verizon has managed to do so.  The ATIV SE should be pulled from the shelves until this is resolved.


Why in the world aren't you pressuring Samsung for the updates?

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Enthusiast - Level 2

My desire to switch carriers isn't based on the information I received from Samsung, but rather an expression of my frustration with Verizon Wireless.  I'm not upset with Samsung.  I just wanted to see if/how they were tracking the progress of the 8.1 update on the ATIV SE and share my information.  I was hoping to identify the delay (Microsoft, Samsung, or Verizon) with the update and figure out where it was in the process.  The phone itself is a great piece of hardware and I'm impressed with it.

I'm considering switching carriers because I think that I was intentionally mislead to purchase the phone, meaning: if they didn't have any idea when the update would roll out, they should have told me when I specifically asked before purchasing the phone (more than once in person and over the phone - mind you, it was the same Verizon storefront).  Regardless of whether it was a marketing ploy of an overzealous sales staff at the end of the day it's still Big Red.

You are spot on with the ATIV SE update.  At this point I'll be amazed if it gets here before Christmas.  Luckily, T-Mobile has the Lumia 635 with 8.1.  Mind you, it's not an amazing piece of hardware but would do for my purposes if that is the decision I make.  Granted, Verizon's coverage is better and I'm fully aware of some of T-Mobile's network issues but sometimes you just want to stick it to the man, know what I mean?

Nokia Lumia 635 | New Lumia 635 Smartphone w/ Windows 8.1 | T-Mobile

Not applicable

I totally agree with your reasons.

Being lied to is not a way to start with any carrier.

Hope it all works out for you.

Enthusiast - Level 2

i have found in general verizon is great at deflecting you to links which are useless and annoying. the sales rep misrepresnted the phone's software instead of saying we don't know. for a company the size of verizon you would think they could persuade samsung or microsoft to issue updates with meaningful data

Enthusiast - Level 3

Checked the Windows Phones on Microsoft: The smartphone reinvented around you | Windows Phone (United States)  - did a comparison and they all seem to be running Windows 8.0

Enthusiast - Level 2

I predict these upgrade failures will be the death knell for Windows Phone.  I bought mine expressly to author apps for Windows Phone.  This mess has convinced me to abandon that effort.  I predict other software engineers will follow my footsteps.  This will have a chilling effect on writing new apps.


Verizon has not issued an official upgrade to Windows 8.1 for the Samsung ATIV SE because of bugs in the system which has caused the phone to lock at inappropriate times.  There are upgrades available to developers, and those using the upgrades have advised owners of the ATIV SE --- NOT TO UPGRADE- at the present time.  Nor has Verizon shipped any of this phone with Windows 8.1.  This link explains the problem.

I doubt if Microsoft is much interested in fixing the problem for Samsung as they are more interested in selling their own brand, the Nokia Lumina Icon, which is probably a better phone which Verizon ships with Windows 8.1.  The reason I have been holding out for the AVIV SE is that it has a removable battery and removable mini SD card which will hold up to 64 gigabytes of storage.

Enthusiast - Level 2

I gave up and exchanged my ATIV SE for an Android within the 14 day return period.  My advice:  Buy your smart phone in the store and don't make the purchase if they can't show you a demo with the proper software/os in store.

Enthusiast - Level 1

This is a issue with the developer preview on the this phone NOT Windows 8.1 update for the Samsung ATIV SE. The Dev Preview is vanilla with no firmware specific files hence the announcement on WP Central about this phone. There are major issues with the Icon and the Dev Preview as well. Honestly, I miss the update however it does make this phone unusable. The features are fantastic and I cannot wait for the update but this does not automatically make this phone a bad phone or mean it does not work etc..... Patience...... just wait it will arrive.


I will continue to use my Samsung Rogue until I can buy a Samsung ATIV SE in a

Verizon Store or from Verizon Wireless on-line loaded with a foolproof Windows


On Mon, 18 Aug 2014 15:41:36 -0700


How about now Verizon? any info yet?


How about now Verizon? any info yet?

8.1 is needed to use Fitbit with this phone.

Enthusiast - Level 1

FWIW, my son received, just the other day, the 8.1 update on his Nokia 928. I'm not sure whether this speaks to how long it is taking Verizon in general to roll out 8.1 on already-deployed phones--meaning that the ATIV 8.1 update will be quite a while longer yet--or whether to expect the 8.1 update for several different WP devices from Verizon in the same general timeframe. Or neither! Ugh.


Read the last sentence in the statement from Microsoft. Verizon announces Windows Phone 8.1 upgrades for Lumia 822 and Lumia 928

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.