Yes, I will be switching to AT
Enthusiast - Level 3

I've been a Verizon customer since the early 90's, but I'm really tired of battling sales people to buy what I want. I don't need to be laughed at when asking an in-store sales person for a Windows phone. I ended up buying an Icon on eBay.

Even if Vz does end up carrying a new flagship Windows phone, I give it 6 months of life buried on a back shelf in the stores.

From what I hear in my area, AT&T's service is faster and cheaper and roll-over data sounds great.

Bye bye, Verizon.... it really has been a love/hate relationship.

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7 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Let's keep this relationship on the loving side Scott. We never want you to even consider a move from our wireless family. I understad your desire for Windows phones, please visit this link for the Windows Phone operating sysmet device available in our network. Is there a particular feature that you are looking for in a phone? You have the best USA network, don't change that for a device.

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If my response answered your question please click the "Correct Answer" button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Specialist - Level 1

VZW - Would you please address the root complain instead of ignoring it?


They can't address it  the guys at the botom will never know until  near release of any device.

Specialist - Level 1

I'm talking about the constant complaint about how VZW treats people who want Windows devices for the past few years.


Sorry being a windows fan it's kind of obvious... major first world problems if that bothers you. One can say worse than "isheep"

Enthusiast - Level 3

Antonio_VZW: I appreciate your reply and attempt at keeping a customer, but until you can confidently tell me that VZW will have a Windows 10 Phone on your network, with the specs of the Lumia 950 and/or 950XL, there really isn't much to talk about.

I already own the Nokia Icon, which is the best Windows phone on your network, at least in my opinion.

Why should I have to accept a second rate device to remain on "the best USA network"?  That just doesn't make sense. And I'm not convinced that Verizon is still "the best USA network". It may have the largest coverage, but I rarely travel beyond my local calling area, so I'm sure AT&T will provide me with equivalent coverage. PLUS, they can offer me rollover and other choices that make the move more attractive.


scolab wrote:

AT&T will provide me with equivalent coverage. PLUS, they can offer me rollover and other choices that make the move more attractive.

Of course, I am all for going with the network which offers the best value for your usage patterns, but I would be interested if you are aware of how AT&T treats roll over data.

Take the following for example:

July - 10 GB data allowance, 8 GB data usage

August - 10 GB data allowance, 8 GB data usage

September - 10 GB data allowance, 8 GB data usage

October - 10 GB data allowance, 10 GB data usage

Question: How much data rollover will an AT&T customer have for the month of November???? Answer: They will have NO data rollover for the month of November. Reason: AT&T data rolls over for 1 month only and before you can use any rolled over data, you must FIRST use ALL of your CURRENT data allowance.

Regardless all of that, if AT&T is the right provider for you, you should definitely go with them. I just wanted to make sure you were aware of how AT&T data roll over works.Smiley Happy