samsung odyssey ativ stopped sending or receiving picture messages?

My Samsung odyssey ativ windows 8 phone has stopped being able to send or receive picture messages.  Any one have suggestions to fix this problem?

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11 Replies
Customer Service Rep

We're on the case, Cdtrob! I want to ensure you're able to freely text friends and family. When did this issue begin? Are other services such as SMS and data working? Do you receive any type of error code?

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I have the same phone. I don't like it much. I am getting ready to make a decision about whether or not I stick with Verizon. The phone looks nice. (I am not a big touchphone guy) I could log a list of things phone SHOULD do and doesn't. Should means that things that it says it can do. My phone does not shoot usable video, neither could the "replacement" phone they sent me after I complained about that. Is it possible that I got 2 dud phones that eff up the video the exact same way on both??? Also, into the LSD-trip like Microsoft's latest major league dropped ball. .....8......  This is a windows phone and the only thing it does as far as linking up the phone to the computer is asks you if you want to download the pictures off of the phone. It does take a decent photo, and it has a flash.  It doesn't hookup the one note app, which I have on both the computer and the phone. If I had dictation in there, I wouldn't be able to get it out.  

The most recent problem is that VZNavigator doesn't work...period. I hit the button, it tries to start, then flips back the the start screen. My Verizon also does that. I can use Maps and it works. I used it in place of Navigator yesterday. We are talking about the Samsung Odyssey ativ, Windows 8, and Windows phone.

Does Verizon/Samsung/Microsoft intend on doing something about this? My current setup has cost me money and time. I am sitting here writing this because I don't have the same level of service as I had before, but it's costing me MORE money!

I just want something that works. I paid for all this junk you sold me (software included), and I need it to pay for itself by serving me in some way. It's cute... I expected a Beast from Microsoft, and now Vista's son was just born in Windows 8/ Windows Phone.

Customer Service Rep

BMK9, I regret to see that you aren't enjoying your new phone, and even more sad that you're considering leaving VZW because of it. What exactly is happening when you try to shoot a video? Also, when connecting to your computer, what other information are you trying to transfer? For VZ Navigator & My Verizon, I'm not showing these as known issues. Make sure your GPS settings are turned on in Settings. Also reboot if you haven't already.

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Ok. Well, your info must be incorrect MarquiaF. It has been 5 months now and I have sent this piece of junk phone back twice. Second and Third phone same problem. WILL NOT SHOOT VIDEO!  I'll rephrase that, It will shoot the video, but when I play it back, whether on the computer or the phone, it skips on the video and sound, freezes up etc. Three phones? Also, the VZ navigator doesn't have voice activation on it. (I just spent an hour and 20 minutes on the phone with your technical support and he came to the same conclusion that I did) I had a phone 3 years ago that had voice activation on the navigator. The only solution that I can be happy about would be the replacement of this phone with a comparable phone made by another manufacturer than Samsung. Gosh! I guess you have a spy in your midst deleting all the complaints about the worst phone I have ever owned. Ironically, I am paying more now than I ever have for cellular, and I am getting the crappiest service I have ever gotten. I am finished with spending 1 and 2 hours at a time trying to get a problem fixed that is technically your problem! This has collectively added up to about 10--12 hours of me talking to someone from Verizon who means well, but I walk away with a crappy phone that doesn't do what it says it does. Fraud is the first word that comes to mind. I charge my customers 50.00 an hour for my time when I am working. Is Verizon prepared to give me a new phone to compensate me for my wasted time dealing with this crap? (That's 500.00 of my time spent trying to solve YOUR problem, instead of using this phone to make my life easier.)

Can you get me a new phone or not?

Customer Service Rep

BMK9, we want wireless life to be easy for you. This is why we provide the warranty which replaces your current device for manufacturer defects. If your issues persist, then we will provide you with the same make/model phone that you currently have. However, we can discuss your options if you're wanting to switch to a different make/model at this time.

Dial #UPG to check your eligibility or you can access your account online at My Verizon  to verify your eligibility for the device payment plan or Edge Program

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I’m not screwing around with a 4th

Customer Service Rep

BMK9 We can understand not being skeptical of a 4th replacement if they're all having the same issue. Has all troubleshooting been completed including a hard reset? Did you have a chance to check your upgrade date to see when you can purchase a new phone?

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You sure do have your PR language down to an almost undetectable ignorance of the issue. "Skeptical" is a completely wrong description of what I communicated to you. Oh, and I see you are a different person now also. Let me be frank once again and see if this sinks in. I am not skeptical, I am (removed) and DISAPPOINTED UTTERLY!  I have been through your cookie cutter customer service handlings, upgrades etc. I hope you have read the earlier messages here as you are not the same person who started and continued this earlier conversation. I have not even begun to express, and can't even put on paper the daily FURY I feel when I try to use this phone. First of all, it does not do what it says it does THAT IS CALLED FRAUD! Second, the Windows phone/ Windows 8 software that is supposed to make my life easier has done the complete, absolute opposite. Third, Your company owes me some money as far as I am concerned; that is for my wasted hours on the phone "troubleshooting" to no avail, and the time lost when this phone unexpectedly drops me out in the middle of nowhere during a navigation, the fact that in order to delete all emails from my phone I have to delete them one at a time, that the video camera has not worked at all on all 3 phones in the exact same way. (there's another 10-12 hours of my time wasted), that Windows Phone, at least on this piece of junk, does not even vaguely approach that supposedly long sought after goal of electronic device manufacturers called "user friendly". I say supposedly because your company is OBVIOUSLY not interested in helping me out. I am not going to eat any of this. Verizon made the mistake by even allowing this phone to be sold to anyone, and Verizon is going to eat the cost of the handling. I want a phone made by someone else, not this one. I am not going to "up my contract" because you guys dropped the ball. I am currently looking for a way to leave Verizon and do the most damage to Verizon as I can possibly do. Screw you guys and your corporate nicey nice (removed)! I WANT RESULTS!  I want a person with a brain  to call me on the phone to discuss this, not a sheep with a checklist who is going to run me through the same routine to the same (removed)up result. I am actually a nice person when I don't have a multi-billion dollar (removed) corporation shoving a pipe (removed) and pretending that they are helping me. I want a phone that does what it says it does and is easy to use and THAT IS ALL. It seems that I have to write a short novel to get the point across. This will be the last one though. As I will be filing a complaint with whatever regulatory agency I need to file it with and more if you guys don't get your (removed) together and fix this problem.

There will be no upgrades and no more money or excessive amounts of time donated to Verizon Wireless by me in the process. The only time I will spend is either on the phone with a real person from Verizon who has the authority to TERMINATEDLY handle this, or with the FCC, Facebook,Twitter, Google+ and any other method I can muster to tell the whole world exactly what it feels like trying to pull this pipe (removed).

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Customer Service Rep

BMK9 I can understand your concern with receving devices that do not function properly. This would make anyone upset and we would like the chance to get this matter resolved. Please send us a direct message and we can review additional options. Our team here are the same reps who help on facebook,twitter,google and over the phones. We appreciate you being a customer and want to continue providing you with wireless service. Please follow us to get the process for a direct message started. We look forward to resolving your concerns.

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(removed) I sent you 4 DIRECT MESSAGES AND THIS IS THE 5TH!

You need to read the previous post and that is it.

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