texting problem with new Windows Phone 8 update
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I think the update is called GDR3, but I am unsure. I am currently running OS version 8.0.10327.77. I have a Windows Phone HTC 8x with Verizon as my carrier. I just downloaded and installed this update yesterday (new features listed here: http://www.windowsphone.com/en-US/how-to/wp8/basics/windows-phone-8-update-history). Of course, being part of Verizon, I was excited to finally use group texting and I liked the radio feature and Google account compatibility assurance. Though all of those work well (I am assuming), there are now new problems that were not issues before this update.
First Issue: "Can't send message. Try again."
As seen in this image:
No matter how many times I hit try again, it does nothing. I can copy and paste the text and it will result with nothing. i can try to type a completely new message and nothing. When I get these texting "blocks", it isn't just for one contact but all of them. It has nothing to do with reception or internet as I am in areas with strong reception and access to both. This texting failure would never happen prior to the update and it is quite frustrating that it now does. This error only happens when texting, but if i switch to Facebook it works completely fine. However, I don't communicate via Facebook and neither do my friends. We text and right now about 50% of my day results in failed texts.
2nd Issue: Slower phone
Everything my phone does is now a second or more slower. Open texting, email, an app...whatever- it all takes longer to do and is looses its fluidity it had before.
3rd Issue: data operations don't work as well.
Anything using data when I am away from wifi either fails or takes exponentially longer to use. Internet browsing is agonizing now when I need directions or quick answers. This may in correlation to issue #2, but I am certain all of these are related to the overall new update.
Please fix. I love Windows Phone when it works, but with the bugs and "late in the game" on apps and features that are staples on Android and IOS devices, it sure makes it difficult to be a Windows Phone fan. I want to be able to brag about my Windows Phone with anyone/everyone so they will want to get one too.
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+1 Here.
Immediately after installing the GDR2 upgrade the "Try Again" issues appeared. I'm not sure but it seems like the signal strength for voice is also approaching Sprint levels. My phone has dropped more calls since updating. This is unacceptable.
Work requires that I ACK some automated reports via SMS. What used to take 30 seconds now can take 30 minutes.
If there were an admission with a statement of forthcoming research I could live with that. "The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem".
Hard Reset x 2 - Results = "Try Again"
Running with no store apps for 3 days - Results = "Try Again"
Toggle cellular radio - Results = Intermittent but ultimately "Try Again"
Disabling Facebook Chat for People - Results = "Try Again"
OS - 8.0.10327.77
Firmware - 3030.03201.605
Radio Software -
Radio Hardware - 2.126.3.D4
HTC 8x Verizon Text Problem
HTC 8x Verizon SMS Problem
Verizon SMS Problem
Try Again Verizon Text Message Problem
Try Again HTX 8x Verizon SMS Problem
"Try Again" SMS Problem Verizon
"Try Again" HTC 8x SMS Problem Verizon
"Try Again" Text Problem Verizon
"Try Again" HTC 8x Text Problem Verizon
Verizon Review
Verizon Service Review
Verizon Service Problem
HTC 8x on Verizon
HTC 8x Verizon update
Verizon GDR2
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My wife has found a workaround that works consistently every time. It is a ROYAL PAIN and TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE, but it does work everytime (for her). When the dreaded "Try Again" message appears, reboot the phone, select the failed message and *forward* it to the same contact. Again, not good, but maybe provide some relief until VZW fixes the issue.
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After messing around a little more, I find that this problem generally occurs when I lose service and then regain service.
The current solution that I have found to be the most efficient:
1) Toggle Airplane mode off then back on
2) Then tap and hold the message with the dreadful "Try Again" and copy it.
3) Then paste the message and try to send it.
4) Delete the old message that is stuck with the "Try Again"
For some reason that if you lose service and you try and send a message, it seems as if that particular message gets permanently flagged with "No Service" or the status of having service is not passed along to that particular message and then gets stuck in the "Try Again" loop.
Let me know if this work around works or doesn't work. So far it has worked for me.
Ron H
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Hello, I wanted to chime in and say that this happens to me as well. I also picked up a Nokia 822 but it seems to have the same trouble. (As a minor correction, the update we recently got is GDR2. Rumors point to GDR3 being done soon but pry won't release around till November with carrier testing and all)
Here's kinda what usually happens for me:
Precondition: Properly functioning device, able to send and receive SMS/MMS.
Happens on both normal cell network and under network extender coverage.
1. Send SMS or MMS message to contact from Messaging App
2. Receive error - "Can't send message Try again"
3. Repeatedly tap "Try again"
4a. Message successfully sends.
4b. Continue to receive "Can't send message Try again"
5. Receive incoming phone call and hang up
6. Return to message app and "Try again"
7. Message successfully sends
Also, Rebooting usually doesn't work for me. Calling Verizon and having them monkey around with your local network stuff fixes it for a day or two.
Prior to the GDR2 update this issue happened sporadically with both devices. Post GDR2 sending messages is more reliable in general but this issue is more repeatable. I had similar issues with the HTC Thunderbolt I had prior to this. If this doesn't get fixed soon I'm thinking about either getting an iPhone for iMessaging or jumping to AT&T.
I've been getting stuck unable to download MMS messages too. Anyone have a fix for that?
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I am also having this problem. I have only been able to fix it on one occasion, and it was by deleting the thread that was giving me trouble. Not being able to text on a smart phone is akin to not being able to speak on a land-line. An empty "we're on it" from Verizon would be nice.
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Below is my latest post put on the Microsoft board. Also I tried the solution above running the battery completely dead to where it self shut off, but issue still appears.
It would be really nice and, well frankly expected, that Microsoft and/or Verizon tuck their tails of pride, own up to this, that it is not working and start working on a solution. Resetting your phone, us discussing work arounds that work or don't work is the equivalent of us saying it's okay for car dealerships are okay to sell us cars with holes in the gas tank. We can always put more gas in there, but is it right that it has a hole in it? NO!!! First, admit the problem which is blatantly obvious there is one and let the people know you are working on a fix!
Pride and the fear of admitting mistakes holds back true innovation!
Items that may point your developers in the right direction:
1) Redo your QA process on Verizon based phones
2) Pay close attention to when you loose connection and regain it to try and text right after. Maybe have your staff ride the elevator a couple times with phone in hand. I'm about 95% certain you can reproduce the issue if you do so.
3) See picture below copied from the Verizon thread. Until you: toggle airplane mode, reboot phone, or do some other ridiculously annoying time wasting effort to reset your connection to the closet network/tower, no matter how many times you try to send a text message you will get the ever so wonderful "Can't send message Try again" message.
4) If I have 2 nearly identical environments getting 2 different results, I find where the difference is. Well we know it's Verizon, not T-Mobile, not AT&T, IT'S VERIZON! What do you do differently to establish connection to the LTE network that you do for other carriers? What security layers are different? What calls in your OS have dependencies that aren't met with the Verizon network? etc.
5) Is it ultimately a Verizon or Microsoft issue? I cannot say. But is it a huge pain in the #$% that your customer's who love this phone have to deal with nearly daily? Yes, to the point of if it does not change soon, back to Android/IOS/Other carriers we will go.
6) Last but not least, INFORM YOUR CUSTOMERS. Let us know that you too know it's an issue and not just sick the underpaid and usually undereducated in the subject blogger to write the canned "reset your phone" it the same song and dance that used to be labeled "reboot your device", but then the general public got too smart and they now do that one before calling to here this new line of cover story.
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A "hey we recognize there is a problem here" would go along ways to letting customers know you care.
This issue has added lots of unnecessary "steps" to use a very basic function of a phone (even non-smart phones text)
It's disappointing cause till this issue I've had a good experience with the 8X HTC.
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I and my wife both have these phones and also are experiencing this problem... it is a real pain!
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Here as well...
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5) I gave up on the 8X and switched to a Nokia 928. Only have had the new phone for a couple days but I've had no problems at home or work where the 8X (and 822) were always flaking out. Could be worth looking into if you're as fed up as I was. There are some sad stories in the 928 forum too but the one that I got has been rock solid. I'll update if that ceases to be the case.
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Anybody heard ANYTHING on when this might get fixed?
It's getting old to have to clear message threads, toggle airplane mode and reboot the phone daily.
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I haven't heard anything
Sent from my Windows Phone
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I have a Lumia 920 on AT&T, and am not familiar with your issue, perhaps it is just a Verizon thing. That said, AT&T has their issues too, primarily as they have not rolled out the Amber update with GDR2 yet, nor have they even issued a release date. I finally gave up and flashed the ROM on my phone to unbrand it, which immediately allowed the Amber/GDR2 update to occur. My phone works much better now (no text issues that are discussed in this thread), but my wife and kids were afraid to flash their phones (voids the AT&T warranty, and there is a small risk of bricking the phone), so they're still waiting for their updates; and when they do receive the update, AT&T will have removed the Data Sense app, which is a really valuable part of the update (I have been considering switching to Verizon, do they strip out Data Sense?)
Concerning the Verizon text problem after GDR2, take a look in the Access Point app (under Settings), and see if you have multiple Verizon connection options (I see 3 different AT&T options with mine: 3G, LTE1 and LTE2), so perhaps it would be worth trying a different Access Point to see if that might fix the problem. If not, or if you lose all connectivity, just switch back to the current setting.
Good luck,
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The 928, 8X, and 822 I've had post-Amber all have Data-Sense.
At the risk of losing my credibility, I don't think the Verizon phones have the Access Point app that the AT&T phones have.
If you do switch to Verizon, I give the 928 a thumbs up and the 8X and 822 thumbs down.
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My bad, I don't believe that the Access Point application was a part of the GDR2 update (available thru all carriers?) I installed it this summer before traveling abroad (swapped out SIM cards to use local voice and data rates). It is available on the Store:
Follow up note. AT&T did roll out the Amber/GDR2 update yesterday, and as feared, Data Sense was stripped out. #@%! AT&T.
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Ok so I am not the only one with this problem, I hope someone fixes this soon. what a pain in my butt!
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No. I do too. The Window's phone is a piece of shit. My kids have iPhones and haved no issues.
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Please fix this. Its driving me nuts!
I would confirm the earlier post that the issue arises after the phone goes out of service and then comes back into service area. I ride the subway every day (where there is obviously no service) and every time I exit the subway I must cycle Airplane Mode on and off before being able to send text messages.
This is TOTALLY unacceptable
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Same problem with my 8X and my wifes 8X.
This sucks!
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Good news for the texting problem. Just completed a live chat and was told "
It looks like the texting thing is going to be fixed when a patch is sent to the phone within the next couple weeks." help is on its way!
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I have been experiencing the same issue since the latest software update in August/September. To be able to send a message when this occurs requires me to power cycle the phone.
Other issues I have been experiencing:
Sim card not detected- Began experiencing issue approximately one month after owning on two separate phones. Issue acknowledged by Verizon and HTC. Response has been to perform a hard reset of the phone to integrate software patch/update and they even sent me a new phone. Still have the problem after both attempted solutions.
Phone powering off on its own- Issue started around August/September, around the same time as the recent software update.
I experience at least one of the these problems a day at this time and usually more than once.