voicemail not working


I have a HTC 8X and when I call voicemail it automatically calls my home phone number. I can't access my voicemail, help! Smiley Sad

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1 Solution
Community Leader
Community Leader

How are you  calling voicemail?  If it s a shortcut key, or speed dial 1, check the settings for that to see if it si set to *86, to your own cell #, or to your home phone, and edit it if needed.

*86 works to call voicemail from within your home area.  When traveling outside your home area, or even if you are IN your home area, you reach your voicemail by calling your own cell # (all 10 digits).  (Unless you have Google voicemail or You Mail set up, then they will give you the # to call to retrieve your VM's)

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2 Replies
Community Leader
Community Leader

How are you  calling voicemail?  If it s a shortcut key, or speed dial 1, check the settings for that to see if it si set to *86, to your own cell #, or to your home phone, and edit it if needed.

*86 works to call voicemail from within your home area.  When traveling outside your home area, or even if you are IN your home area, you reach your voicemail by calling your own cell # (all 10 digits).  (Unless you have Google voicemail or You Mail set up, then they will give you the # to call to retrieve your VM's)

Customer Service Rep

How strange, Gknight5408. SuzyQ's suggestion to start with the actual contact is a great first step. Please ensure that within your contact list Voicemail is either listed as *86 or as your cell phone number. Please share additional details so we can assist with correcting this.

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