when i click on the browser in my convoy sch-u660 it says "not supported"... what do? i need email access and would like to see the weather
Enthusiast - Level 2

my browser will not work... samsung convoy sch-u660.... it says "not supported when i go to browser.  /i need email

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1 Solution
Enthusiast - Level 2

Problem solved!! When previous responder wrote about downloading a browser

a light bulb went off. I had forgotten that my previous prepaid phone had

Opera mini on it, I simply downloaded opera mini and it works fine. I

hadn't even tried logging into the email client on this phone in a long

time, but i also figured out that the reason why it didn't work when tried

before is because google picked up the phone's email client as suspicious

activity and I resolved that.. So i now have browser and email on my basic

phone! hope this helps someone else

On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 7:21 AM, Verizon Wireless Customer Support <

View solution in original post

7 Replies
Community Leader
Community Leader

The Convoy is an old phone, old tech (2G) - do you have a data plan with Verizon?  If you don't have a data plan, you won't be able to use the browser.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Yes I have data. I'm not stuck in the old ages, I even used to have a smart

phone and still have one through my company. I just wanted a cheaper and

more reliable device that the battery didn't go dead in one day so i

downgraded to a prepaid basic phone with verizon. After a year of using

that phone I went to a verizon outlet and bought a post paid plan and two

basic phones. My fiance's phone the internet worked fine and even my old

prepaid phone data worked. I was actually impressed the email was decent

enough to do some work related correspondence on my old prepaid device.

This samsung convoy has given me this "not supported" message ever since

the day i bought it. I will soon no longer have a smart phone supported by

my company so I would be just fine with my basic line if the email would

work.. I'm just not wealthy enough at my young age to make sense of buying

a smart phone and the added cost of usage... The cost didn't bother me when

my parents paid for my blackberry phone several years ago Smiley Happy

Community Leader
Community Leader

OK, so the browser on the Convoy has never worked? What data plan do you have?  The old "pay as you go" per MB data?  Or the "Share Everything"?  I'm bot sure how you would get to a place where you can download a working browser ... if the current browser is giving you the error.  Smiley Sad

Enthusiast - Level 2

Thats correct. The browser has never worked and I have 1GB shared data.

Customer Service Rep


Thank you for all the information provided, it definitely sounds like you're eager to use your browser; I'm happy to help. Since you already have a data plan, we can certainly rule that out. Do you have a data block? You can check on My Verizon and features. If you have one, please remove it, then power cycle phone and try again.

Follow us on Twitter at @VZWSupport 

Enthusiast - Level 2

Problem solved!! When previous responder wrote about downloading a browser

a light bulb went off. I had forgotten that my previous prepaid phone had

Opera mini on it, I simply downloaded opera mini and it works fine. I

hadn't even tried logging into the email client on this phone in a long

time, but i also figured out that the reason why it didn't work when tried

before is because google picked up the phone's email client as suspicious

activity and I resolved that.. So i now have browser and email on my basic

phone! hope this helps someone else

On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 7:21 AM, Verizon Wireless Customer Support <

Community Leader
Community Leader

Glad you got it working!